VLZ poll 3/15: will Coronavirus problem get worse in USA?


I believe it will. I think soon we will have lots of sick people and our hospitals will be overloaded. I believe we should socially distance ourselves from others ASAP. 

What do you think? 


Yes, it will be a trip and a real challenge for health care workers. Our gov. is looking for retired health care workers to come back to work with a quick recertification. My bride the retired rn is not interested. The local schools are closed and they let the kids come in today and pick up tablets and laptops. Spectrum is going to set up free internet for low income families of out of school kids. 

I expect California to be largely shut down by the end of the week.

The numbers world wide are nowhere near influenza numbers.

This is SARS 2.0 and I think the govt is worried because OG SARS had a 10% mortality rate.

So far this strain of SARS is not as deadly.

people should be aware but to shut down entire economies is ridiculous.

stop the fear mongering.

Supermarkets, banks, and pharmacies haven’t closed in even the hardest hit areas.

bring on summer.

This is the first time my wife and I have been to the local supermarket in a week or two.

Blows my mind.


Original Louisiana Hot Sauce  is gone too.  It makes the stuff that doesn't taste  good taste better.

You guys are clueless, this is a very serious pathogen.

The respiratory danger is very debilitating, permanent functional damage in most patients that require ventalation.

In some patients who recover from the pneumonia, a serious Cardio Myopathy follows, very difficult to clinically support, most die.

Isolate yourselves until the inept testing rollout has time to get a real sense of the spread.

The numbers are going to track parrallel to italy. But we have 250 million more people to infect.

Unfortunately , Merica is full of idiots who will not comply with the right practices and compromise everyone.

and the (literally) unwashed masses roar back (more or less) in unison: "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!"

stop the fear mongering<<<

Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

~ John Adams

depends on what you mean by worse

 It looks like the current medical system and supplies can't support the predicted need. If there aren't enough ventilators, beds, etc, we are truly screwed.

I am an elder with chronic conditions that put me at more risk than young whippersnappers... I am home for the foreseeable future - we need to level the curve.

Don't take this too lightly, the fewer people with the virus the more will get care if needed and survive. I want to survive.

I hope trump gets ill


i know that he is sick

go vlz trump a teers keep rooting

blindness is more forgivable than being amoral. immoralities  


There are plenty of drive through Daiquiri shops open here.




So who licensed you to take a "Poll" ?  Who pays you and Agency for all that ?

Are we supposed to give you data without any compensation ??  Seems a bit heavy-handed. 

Send my compensation to one of the local Humane Society places in your area;  thanks.

Do you have any opinion on the subject Stu? 

stu is hoarding peanut butter .

he shares with H.I.M

Heck of a job, Trump 




First, before we get into our recommendations for what to do now with regard to this iceberg mishap, like all of the officers and crew of the Titanic, I want to thank Captain Smith for his terrific leadership in this situation. It's been stupendous. I don't think any captain in the history of the White Star Line has done such an incredible job, and all of us agree that nobody could match the amazing work that he has done in commanding this ship. The man is a genius at navigation.

In a minute we're going to get into the procedures Captain Smith has worked out for making the Titanic great again, but first I want to urge you not to listen to the Fake News reports that we are in a crisis.

Some of these frankly stupid reports claim that we hit an iceberg. Look around you—do you see any icebergs? Here we are on the placid freezing waters of the North Atlantic, not an iceberg in sight. We may have grazed an iceberg a little, forty or fifty minutes ago, but Captain Smith is on top of the situation. He guarantees you that we aren't going to hit any more icebergs.

The people making these negative reports are losers. They are weak sisters, enemies of the Titanic and the White Star Line. They don't deserve to be aboard such a classy ship. They'll never mention that as of 11:40 this evening, the Titanic was on its way to setting a record for the fastest-ever crossing of the Atlantic. It's a fact. Captain Smith's predecessor, on the Olympic, never crossed the Atlantic so fast. The lying critics won't tell you how terrible things were on the Olympic. But we remember, don’t we? Captain Smith has turned that around, and we've had an unbroken record of success after success under his amazing leadership.

And don't worry about the lifeboats. Some of these morons claim there are not enough lifeboats for everyone on board. But Captain Smith has forgotten more about lifeboats than these losers will ever know. He's an expert on lifeboats. His uncle designed lifeboats. When and if the time comes to get into the lifeboats, there will be plenty of lifeboats.

So the heart of Captain Smith's plan—the best plan—to deal with our situation centers around these actions:

1) To maximize lifeboat space, the Captain has ordered that we close off the gangplanks. As of this minute, no additional passengers will be allowed to board the Titanic.

2) For security purposes, we are requiring that you all be prepared to show your tickets. We will board lifeboats by class—first class passengers, who have paid the most, will get seats in the comfort section, then second class in economy, and finally, if need be, those of you in steerage may cling to the gunnels. No one without a ticket will be given access to a lifeboat.

3) Captain Smith has arranged for our orchestra—the finest musicians in the White Star universe—to play a free concert here on deck, a medley of popular and inspirational tunes, including their hit, "Nearer My God to Thee."

4) The crew and staff of the Titanic will get to work immediately rearranging the deck chairs for maximum comfort and usability.

We of the crew of the Titanic want to thank Captain Smith again for his terrific leadership. We have never served under a man who has done more to get the people under his charge to their final destination, and I think we can all agree that no maiden voyage of any ship in the history of steamships has been as memorable as this one. And it's all due to Captain Smith and his stable genius, which I do not hesitate to say will never be forgotten.

368 dead from coronavirus in 24 hrs in Italy. No fear monger if or politics to be played there, it's just a fact. Be responsible and respectful  of those who are most at risk. 

368 dead from coronavirus in 24 hrs in Italy. No fear monger if or politics to be played there, it's just a fact. Be responsible and respectful  of those who are most at risk. 

It’s also a fact that Italy has the second oldest population in the world.

^Do you have a point? The elderly are at risk. 100 people also died in Iran the last 24 hrs. Are they all old there too Racket? 

Unfortunately most likely.

more percentage 30, 40 yr olds on vents in Italy than anywhere else apparently.

genetics?  Smokers especially seem to be having more adverse outcomes too.


Got a link?

You know who smoke a lot too? The Chinese 

Good thing I only smoke weed i imagine when you say "smokers" you mean nicotine and meth smokers. 

No links yet, I am not an official spokesperson either.

We have colleagues in Europe feeding info.  My company is a global medical device provider.

We are trying to keep working, providing support for these procedures / chronic management, and keep our people safe during this unprecedented insult.

I'm getting regular updates from Italy, each more disappointing.

Please isolate yourselves, this may be a large burden in the US.

I got an ounce of Golden Goat. 

Stop living to stay alive.

Racket, we are just suggesting to take this issue seriously. You could be a carrier for someone who is at risk. My wife has had previous bronchial issues and also dealt with blood clots which lowered her immunity so um taking it as seriously as I can. I understand for those of us who can work from home and have bills to pay this is a difficult time. Try to distance yourself from people and wear gloves if you can. There are hundreds of links available to you on google for you to check out.

All experts say itll get worse before it gets better....


Social Distancing works...read up on what helped in 1918....again, use commen sense, wash your hands etc etc...and get out and get some fresh air!


Take advantage of the "self quarantines" ( for those that must, or choose to) , and do some projects youve been trying to get done, but didnt have the time....





Be kind.

Of course, I don't know, but I think it'll get darker before it gets lighter. ~

The Wizard of Oz | Video clips by quotes, clip | 0cd92ff4-de7b-4054-bb93-0fa325156582 | 紗

The poll is still open. Please, if you have an opinion on how you think things will unfold over the next few weeks, feel free to put it down here. 


Nunes says we are good to go out so I’ll be at the bar

It will unfold like this:

There was once a king in India who was a big chess enthusiast and had the habit of challenging wise visitors to a game of chess. One day a traveling sage was challenged by the king. The sage having played this game all his life all the time with people all over the world gladly accepted the Kings challenge. To motivate his opponent the king offered any reward that the sage could name. The sage modestly asked just for a few grains of rice in the following manner: the king was to put a single grain of rice on the first chess square and double it on every consequent one. The king accepted the sage’s request. 

Having lost the game and being a man of his word the king ordered a bag of rice to be brought to the chessboard. Then he started placing rice grains according to the arrangement: 1 grain on the first square, 2 on the second, 4 on the third, 8 on the fourth and so on.

Following the exponential growth of the rice payment, the king quickly realized that he was unable to fulfill his promise because on the twentieth square the king would have had to put 1,000,000 grains of rice. On the fortieth square, the king would have had to put 1,000,000,000 grains of rice. And, finally, on the sixty-fourth square, the king would have had to put more than 18,000,000,000,000,000,000 grains of rice which is equal to about 210 billion tons and is allegedly sufficient to cover the whole territory of India with a meter thick layer of rice. 

It was at that point that the sage told the king that he doesn’t have to pay the debt immediately but can do so over time. And so the sage became the wealthiest person in the world.

Of course it will get worse. Worst case, if everyone is exposed - 50 to 100 million fatalities worldwide.

Worst problem at the moment here - went to supermarket at 6 AM today - store was closed midnight to 5 for restocking - usually open 24/7. They didn't have much. Cashier said they no longer know when stuff would be coming in.

Shit could get real in a hurry if supply chains break down due to virus.

We have heard from most of the major Medical Centers in US, All elective procedures are canceled.

Day zero on these charts (bottom line) is when each country had 100 cases. The top right shows how Italy did since they had 100 cases. The other charts show by country how they are doing compared to Italy based on the same number of days out from 100 cases. 


Huh no Thom or Bryen yet? I hope they're ok.  

frump saying the administration has acted properly and has a firm grip on things just bolsters my belief that they're helpless, still figuring it out by the minute, and just hoping it doesn't spread. 

Thank god for college's and independent labs that are currently making and distributing their own test kits. As well as doing the lab testing for the results.  By the time this admin got around to helping the population,  we're ash's ash's all fall down. 

Washington state Governor Inslee just shut all the bars and restaurants (restaurants are allowed to serve carry-out orders and do deliveries).

My business is allowed to remain open as long as we keep everyone 6 feet or more apart.  

You know it's gonna get stranger, so let's get on with the show.



< they're helpless

And have not the backbone or integrity to admit they may have mishandled the virus from the start and now have acted too little too late. That of course would mean they'd have to admit to the truth, and we all know that shit ain't happenin'. 

>>>>>So far this strain of SARS is not as deadly


Except for it having 10x the mortality rate of the flu

Ooops wait a minute, that was yesterday we had a grip on it. Less than 24 hrs later,,,, today 3/16/2020 at 4pm est our president finally admits what's been obvious for months, this thing is not under control - with a whole new list of do's and don'ts. Crowd size over 10, think again. I feel so much safer now.  Smoke em if ya got em 

Smoking is bad for Coronavirus patients FYI 

I'm on a City of Portland conference call right now... taking all my computer stuff home to work from home for at least the next 2 weeks, but likely for much longer. 

We are coordinating citywide external communications so that all bureaus communicate unified messages so as not to confuse the public. For the duration, I'll be the gatekeeper for our bureau to approve web content, social media and the like.... as the citywide Joint Information Center has to ultimately approve everything I pass on to them -- what a cluster F! 

>>>>So far this strain of SARS is not as deadly


Except for it having 10x the mortality rate of the flu<<


he's prolly qualified to be the surgeon general of this administration...



Bay Area shelter in place ordered for midnight tonight.

I guess I'm going to learn how to cook.

(Does boiling water for pasta & heating bottled sauce in a microwave count as cooking?)

Whatever, I could lose a few pounds anyway. Honestly, I'm more worried about enough dog food for my little guy than I am about myself.

I'm going out now to find more of what he likes.

Stay safe folks.

^ you may wana take that sauce out of the bottle before microwaving it Emeril

My choice of drugs does not bode well with shelter in place.

super markets ravished. people crying.

fuck these fucking hoarder fuckers.

a strong immune response is not for nothing, here's where all the years of puff, puff, pass might just pay off.

god only knows what our bodies were fighting off from decades of shared, slobbery joint tips...



ewwww.....i never accepted the slobbery ones, frankly.

now Portland is really going to feel this: Oregon Gov. Kate Brown has ordered bars, restaurants to close for at least the next 4 weeks. Take out still available. Social gatherings over 25 people are now banned as well.

Just heard there is a 3rd positive 'community transmission' in Toronto.  They are now shutting down all bars and restaurants except delivery..starting midnight. 

>>>>>a strong immune response is not for nothing, here's where all the years of puff, puff, pass might just pay off.


Except no human has any immunity to COVID-19

By that thought nobody would recover.

and regarding the 10x the flu nonsense.  It is not accurate as we do not know how many people have been infected.

turtle will get his wish, the system will crumble.  I hope his landlord forecloses.




>>>>turtle will get his wish, the system will crumble.  I hope his landlord forecloses

congratulations you're an asshole

I had to drive around a bit but I found a couple bags of the food my pooch eats, and I bought them both.


Not fer nuthin but if you waited to stock up on stuff till frump told you there was trouble, you're a colossal fucking moron.

>>>>>By that thought nobody would recover


Nope.  Not how it works. People have a natural immunity to the flu and still die.  You can have no natural immunity to a disease and still recover.



Where all the trumpkins be at these days?

>>>I had to drive around a bit but I found a couple bags of the food my pooch eats

nice Tom. we ordered pet food on line for the first time since we couldn't find the stuff the cats usually like at the store this week. 

just a thought for future reference. Chewy.com and amazon both had our stuff. 

 we're having issues getting packages delivered. the USPS are understaffed and they're getting more business now than xmas, when they hire additional workers.

last postal worker who made a delivery to our neighborhood just dumped all the packages for our neighbors ( about 30 homes) on ONE guy's porch. we have a pretty good email list and everyone got notified to come and get their packages from this neighbor who could barely make it out his front door.


i want the system to crumble?

just a paradigm shift.

hope your home is devalued 50%.


Are they spraying down the mail?

Not the best time to be going door to door.  Imo

Racket as always spreading bullshit and trying to lead down a path which is evidently the path of ruin.

This matter is not about polls or opinion. There's this thing called science and it's pretty advanced these days. The curve of infection for this is well plotted out. The issue is not necessarily the severity of how sick you may or may not get - it's about how many hospital beds there are versus patients. If we all get sick at once, the system will collapse and people will die. If we socially isolate, we can lower the curve and make sure that people who need medical attention at least have the chance to get it.

Timmy is wise (as always, Hey Timmy!) and speaks truth about mortality rates. Also, the bug can be spread very easily so while the majority of people are not in the at-risk groups, we are all possible carriers and transmitters of the bug. Some people at risk: elderly, heart conditions, diabetes. There's some 'tentative' evidence of certain blood-pressure meds creating susceptibility to the bug, as well as ibuprofen. If you take either of those regularly, I recommend talking to your doctor to see what can be done. This information has not gone global yet because it's only 'tentative' evidence. But if you ask your docs they'll let you know.

Stay safe, everyone. Stay healthy.

So now Trump believes in science (pandemic)?

....but, not when considering climate change ("hoax").

....or pollution (EPA standards  "too restrictive" ).

....or _____(fill in blank).

Perhaps this is an orchestrated attempt to destroy the lower classes and redistribute money upward?

Seems like scamming people out if money is his only game.

Well, of course he believes now that it impacts the economy. Let’s face it, if the economic situation was not impacted then it would still be a democratic hoax to try to influence the election. Or my favorite, to overturn the 2016 election results 

Here is today's update we are all on our way to being Italy, and Spain may end up worse.

italy 3.16.jpg

Notice S Korea is not on there?  They reacted quickly, decisively and proactively with increased testing. 

Yep S Korea did it right. Test everyone isolate the ones who are positive. Find the people who the positive people interacted with. Test them. Repeat. That resulted in 84 new cases yesterday. 

>>>>we are all on our way to being Italy

my worst fears are coming true 

Stupid Florida beach goers going to kill us all. Stupid young people gonna bring martial law & certain death to our doorsteps. Thanks for killing us all.

Beaches still open...WTF

Free coronavirus testing and treatment for all Americans, no questions asked

Limit one pack of shit tickets per customer per day please

Checks mailled to every adult

Refreshing to see even the Donald finally recognizing and embracing democratic socialism.

After studying the country comparison charts above, it makes me wonder if the increased rates in Italy and Spain have anything to do w/ the lack of personal space in those cultures and the abundance of touch...

Smokers ^

same in China - and more men smoke - higher death rates 

Smokers and mild & severe asthma people in Italy and China are suffering poor outcomes aka dying experts are saying.

Study saying 2.2 Americans could die was reason Trump was so somber Monday that and his reelection in the toilet. Not to mention his legal troubles if not reelected. 

Florida yesterday


^ 2.2 MILLION Americans could die

1 billion could die!

>>Smokers and mild & severe asthma people in Italy and China are suffering poor outcomes aka dying experts are saying.

That is true but obesity is also a risk factor for this disease so don't see American doing much better. 

Everybody is going to die.









Life is fatal.


Entropy always wins.

Today was garbage day, we usually bring our cans back from the curb before dark and do the same for our neighbors. Our next door neighbors are so fucking paranoid about getting the Coronavirus that they asked us not to touch their cans. Do they really think that the germs will get them next week when they put the cans back to the curb? Don't understand that hand washing is effective?




It’s not far fetched actually. The virus is surviving for days on surfaces after contact. If they are anything like me they are putting bags in the cans just about every day so there is a risk 

Don't put your hands on their cans, Karen!

Just ended a work meeting with the person that runs the Asian region for the company I work for. She lives in Shanghai and they are just starting to loosen shelter in place. Her comment was well at least we know now it really isn't so scary. Nice to hear what coming out the other side sounds like.

El Nino - Can you ask her please not to celebrate with a nice cold bowl of bat stew and assure her that a pangolin sandwich won't help her sex life? Thanks from America.

The MSM (cool kid lingo) is only not to be trusted when it comes to politics?  Keep freaking freaks.

Survey Says:


Oh Fuck.

This pandemic was bound to be bad, but thanks to Trump it's going to be HELL - for a long time to come. 



Let's not forget china is also to blame.  They blindsided the world.  


They knew..first case reported dec 7. They hid the crisis from the world for almost 2 months.


that's some great whataboutism, Greggy!






Nancy is that sarcasm?

March 17 update on western world growth in new cases as compared to Italy



I guess Greg's gonna hold out ordering Chinese food until that craving for beef and broccoli over takes him.  

Our country knew in plenty of time to combat this but instead we chose to ignore it for fear that President Comacho would loose some more points.  


This could be an extension of the pipeline protests/Indigenous rail blockades In Canada. .many of them were removed by law enforcement because it effectively shut dow Canada's economy for a few weeks  ..the Great Spirit was like 'oh yeah im shutting down the world economy mother fuckers...until further notice

plus the fish have returned to the canals of Venice

Canals of Venice running clear again


over under changed yet?

I guess Greg's gonna hold out ordering Chinese food until that craving for beef and broccoli over takes him.

obviously eating chinese food or being around a chinese person is not any risker than any other kind of food or person...but imo alot of this rhetoric accusing those of avoiding chinese restaurants racists was pretty misplaced. i guess in some parts of the country this isnt an issue, but here in the bay we have a huge chinese population, and going out to a chinese restaurant filled almost entirely with chinese people means you likely have a greater chance of coming into contact with someone who has recently been to china, or someone who has been in contact with someone else who has recently been to china.

id say the same thing about any other immigrant population if the virus originated in their country - white, yellow or brown. if it originated in the USA i'd expect those in other countries to avoid places where american expats commonly gather.

basic common sense.

co-worker's son was getting shit in school and choir practice...he's 1/2 tiawaneese.

I guess that's a weird guess jonas but whatever. 

I like pizza

The Kinsa, Inc map:



Wow look at Florida on the atypical illness map