VLZMA: Tonight in Berkeley


Tonight I'll be playing at a fairly new venue in Berkeley called the Back Room.

It's a classy but intimate room known for it's acoustics and for hosting acoustic acts.

I'll be joining the opening band: Jimbo Trout and the Fish People on Mandolin.

After that I'll be playing double bass with Fog Swamp - doing mostly originals with a few tasty covers.

Come by if you are in Eastbania.

And if you or anyone you know is heading toward Richard Thompson at the Freight and you wind up shut out of it you now have an alternative option!



Have a great gig.

Thanks - always hopeful for that.

Major challenge to get anybody to head out for - let alone pay to see original music.

Especially when played by a bunch of mostly middle aged guys.


>>major challenge to get anybody to head out<<

I need a little more notice.

Would love to come check your gig sometime.



How did it go?