Washington State Rolls Out New Police Reform Laws


Lots of confusion and attrition happening with local police departments:




The situation in Seattle is as bleak as I've seen in my 16 years here.  Crazy vagrants camping out on sidewalks, freeway overpasses, under bridges and in parks.  Multiple occurrences of violent psychotic incidents.  Hideous graffiti everywhere.  The incessant noise from cars with too loud exhaust from having their mufflers altered or removed. 

This city is going down the drain fast.  In the rush to show "compassion" to the homeless and mentally ill, the police have stopped enforcing basic civility laws.  How about showing compassion to the law-abiding, tax-paying people of the community who are faced with the decimation of their neighborhoods as a sense of lawlessness pervades?  What are we teaching our children if the current status quo is the new acceptable norm?  We should be working on ways to constructively end homelessness, not enable and perpetuate it.  I don't mean to scapegoat the homeless.  Not all of them are behaving destructively.  They aren't the ones racing in the streets, and they're not the only ones covering everything with graffiti.  The city just doesn't appear to have an effective plan to deal with these incidences, and the situation is snowballing into a hellish nightmare.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming...

It's like a jungle out there, sometimes I wonder how I keep from going under.

Know your rights, these are your rights.

We are caught in the Devil's bargain, and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden.

Are they homeless by choice ? If so, that's pathetic, cux there's jobs up the ying yang everywhere these days. Or are they incapable by disability ? Either way society can find something for em.  I say put em to some useful effort,, round the fuckers up and ship em off to stomp out all them wildfires, for food. Or have em paint the space needle for weed. 

So the reform laws are to ignore resisting vagrancy laws ? That's even more pathetic.

May be time to relocate yourself.

While a little over dramatic, Dave is pretty spot on; Seattle is heading to mid-70's NYC levels of lawlessness (well maybe not that far but you get the point).  Most of the homeless violence stems from entitlement and expectation of handouts and free things from hard working people.  When shop owners, bar, or restaurants refuse, they knife, punch or destroy property.  Jobs you say? Heard a local news interview where a guy said he can't stand being told what to do by a boss or "the man", so he'd rather just be on the streets. He said it's also hard to hold down a job when you want to do drugs all the time. Duh... Unfortunately, this attitude seems pervasive and enabled by the sensitive liberal class.  However, many of the "sensitive liberals" have no contact with the homeless and only show their wokeness by voting for progressive city candidates and displaying the ubiquitous BLM or All Religions Welcome signs in their front yards. Fuck it all, I want to move to the country and be left the fuck alone from the madness. 

As an aside, I have a lot of sympathy for Dave's shop. He's in a precarious cross roads of students, junkies, homeless, and shop keepers.  I know he works hard and honestly feel bad that this is his reality. The city needs to help guys like him out.  

Thanks JR, appreciate you man.

Complete shit show in Los Angeles.  It's totally normal now to see people nodding, hitting the pookie, and shitting anywhere and everywhere.



Homelessness is one thing, homeless violence is another. If the cops won't do anything, get a german shepherd, call the fire dept and firehose the shitheads off the streets back to wherever they came from. All this is enabled by liberals ? Really ?  Libs run Seattle + LA ? I know they can be soft but enabling that behavior sounds like a bit of a stretch. Libs must hate that shit too. Again, get a doberman, or some lysol spray.  Libs must never have read Durocher's book, Nice Guys Finish Last.

Homelessness is big money.

Nimby thread is nimby. 

Yea, the Libs invaded Vietnam to kick start the heroin trade. When that wasn't enough they invaded Iraq and Afghanistan.  Definitely all their fault!

You guys could just move to Idaho 

Cops there definitely don't fuck around with any of this bullshit

and the winters do a good job keeping the weaklings away

LA City Council just passed legislation (also signed by the Mayor) that is supposed to basically clean shit up but it isn't happening quickly enough - almost no visible change. There was already a lotta warring between the sheriff's dept and local politicians and this just ramps it up. Venice Beach riff raff is a good/bad example of what should not happening. It seems like they just keep throwing billions at the issue so they can employ their friends and family to head up depts that do nothing except bilk taxpayers.

We'll see how long I stay here - it's been OK so far - but no way in hell am I moving to Idaho. LOL.

Lots of drug dealers, pimps, and other criminals hide amongst the tents and RV's that line many a hood out here.

 It seems like they just keep throwing billions at the issue so they can employ their friends and family to head up depts that do nothing except bilk taxpayers.


In Corvallis the city council has decided that homeless camps will be periodically cleaned out, and so they are. The residents get a short time to evacuate and then their sites are bulldozed or otherwise destroyed.


And yet the number of homeless doesn't seem to get any smaller.

I wonder why.