This is the water


And this is the well

Got a light?

got a light.jpg







SIX PEOPLE in a large, barren, filthy room. Cheap plastic storm windows flap in the cold wind. In the foreground the Man From Another Place (Mike) and BOB sit at a formica table. Behind them on plastic torn chairs huddle MRS. TREMOND and her GRANDSON. TWO BIG WOODSMEN with full beards sit quietly.

FIRST WOODSMAN (subtitled) We have descended from pure air.

MAN FROM ANOTHER PLACE (subtitled) Going up and down. Intercourse between the two worlds.

BOB (subtitled) Light of new discoveries.

MRS. TREMOND (subtitled) Why not be composed of materials and combinations of atoms?

MRS. TREMOND'S GRANDSON (subtitled) This is no accident.

MAN FROM ANOTHER PLACE (subtitled) This is a formica table. Green is its color.

He touches the table.

FIRST WOODSMAN (subtitled) Our world.

MAN FROM ANOTHER PLACE (subtitled) With chrome. Any everything will proceed cyclically.

SECOND WOODSMAN (subtitled) Boneless.

MIKE (subtitled) Yes, find the middle place.

Bob begins to scream with anger.


TREMOND'S GRANDSON (subtitled) Fell a victim.

The Man From Another Place raises his hand.

MAN FROM ANOTHER PLACE (subtitled) Fire Walk With Me...

Bob claps his hand and a circle of fire appears in the room.

BOB (subtitled) Fire Walk With Me.


Bob crawls into the Red Room and Mike starts to yell and leaps in after him.

SECOND WOODSMAN (subtitled) Thus time moves on.

"The moderator asked if there was any discussion of season 3’s storyline during the making of the show. Engels said there was naturally a discussion at the end of Season 2, but there was never any real plan. He said another writer, Harley Peyton, had the best idea for Season 3. The problems of season 2 would be solved during the first 20 minutes of the first episode. Then, the screen would fade to black and go to commercial break. After the break, the scene would remain black for a moment. Then, the screen would read, “10 Years Later,” and all the people would be in different places in their lives, working at different jobs. Essentially, Engels said, “We would start over.” If they ever do a season 3, I could see a similar opening, with Special Agent Dale Cooper escaping the Red Room 25 years later to a modern day Twin Peaks where everyone has new jobs and new lives. The TV audience would be in Cooper’s shoes as he visited and explored the town, and many of the old characters are re-introduced in interesting ways."

- Robert Engles, 2013



What’s the story behind the creamed corn planet where BOB and Mike want to return? Who came up with that, and why the creamed corn, why Garmonbozia? The Gamonbozia kind of seemed like coffee to those creatures.

(Laughs) Yes, I bet it is. That’s David’s idea, it might be David and Mark, I shouldn’t say just David, but I found out that the planet covered with creamed corn was David. I think in the original, original draft, there was this whole thing from 1954. I’d have to go look it up to be sure, but there was this whole thing that took place, the inauguration night of [President] Eisenhower. There were insects on this kitchen table, and somehow the Garmonbozia was there (chuckles), or the corn was there. If my memory serves me correctly, we got that idea because I think it’s Eisenhower’s inauguration, they actually stop the inauguration ball for a half hour, because it was the same night that on I Love Lucy where she had her baby. That was the episode, so everything stopped, so the world stopped. So maybe that’s what we were thinking (laughs), there’s a journey. But the Gamonbozia, David explained that to me. It did have something to do with, the only way you could get there was going backwards. Because that’s why Mike talks backwards, I thought that, I’m not sure if that’s true or not. I can’t remember if this was for an episode or maybe the movie, but we planned this long tracking shot of Sheriff Truman driving backwards, because that’s how you could get to the planet, or the area, which we never did.


-Robert Engles, 2014

I've Got a Real Indication









i have a massive collection of twin peaks/lynch memes saved up just for such an occasion

alternately, if anyone want to have more serious discussion on the mythos of twin peaks i am game. i have been utterly obsessed with every minute detail of this show for about 10 years now






The discussion will come - episode 8 was pure.





I didn't know what this was from, and was just following along without any context. It was good that way, too


This thread may not break 100, but fire walk with me.

Thank you for joining us in the room above the convenience store, Judit.

I think we have enough garmonbozia for everyone.






















All are good, but some of those memes are really excellent!




I am losing interest in this program, fell asleep during episode 8.

Lynch is not for everyone.

For sure, 6, Twin peaks is the only Lynch project that I like.  Still holding out hope for the return, but it's fading.

as a huge lynch fan who has seen every work he has even put on film and released to the public in any way...i would recommend anyone who does not like lynch films like lost highway or mullholland drive to just give up now. its not going to get any more linear, and the classic twin peaks characters and feel will continue to act as a backdrop for a much more far reaching and experimental project.

i did not expect it to be like this, and im honestly amazed something like this is actually on TV.

also, if you have not seen twin peaks fire walk with me, and the deleted scenes aka "the missing pieces" ALOT of stuff in the return will seem like incomprehensible lynch weirdness, but so far nothing has happened that is truly pure random weirdness, everything fits into the story if you have seen the full original run, fwwm and the missing pieces, and are very attentive and open minded in the way things can fit together. 







The owls are not what they seem.

^Good one.


Long time RRG. Helllllooooo back atcha'










>>>i would recommend anyone who does not like lynch films like lost highway or mullholland drive to just give up now. its not going to get any more linear<<<


Nonlinear story telling doesn't bother me, I just don't find Lynch that interesting. I am fairly sure I've seen most of his work, he was popular when I was in film school. 

I've seen fire walk with me, the deleted scenes, and I've even read Laura Palmer's diary, but this new installment has not hooked me.

It's one hell of a ride



Hi Folks  !!!



Ben & Jerry Horne should make some "I think I'm high!" Ice cream.

Hello, RRG. I hope you and MM are well.

It's a world of truck drivers 6.

Wishing you and Mrs. 6  all our best.


My Log has something to tell you....




ok i am on season 2.


i try to stay 20 yrs behind popular culture.

Just fyi for folks that are really into the show that link above is bill hastings blog that was mentioned in s3 e9.

You cant access most of his personal posts, but there are secret links to experiemental twin peaks themed videos sprinkled throughout, as well as many links to articles such as On Electricity by Nikola Tesla, The Science of Parallel Universes, Why Frequencies are the Key to Understanding Parallel Universes and Time Travel, as well as one called Parallel Universes and Density Shifting, which leads you to a site called which is abosultely filled with crazy articles like this. The main page of the site has text which reads; "Advanced Astrophysics and Interstellar Off-World Technology - Have the awareness that in your pursuit of life’s dreams in what is perceived as freedom of choices, to make sure that you are not steered or enslaved by its demands."'s Wayback Machine has no info for, so it would seem the site went public only very recently, but it does have snapshots for dating back to 2001, so this does not appear to be a TP tie in site like Hasting's blog, but it and all the other sites linked appears to be some of the info that Mark Frost has used to influence his building of the world, physics and mythos of TP. To most big Lynch/TP fans, it is fairly obvious that the dense mythos of TP is mostly due to the influence of Mark Frost, who draws heavily upon historical events and real world fringe science to inform how he crafts the mythos and physics of the TP world.

I would expect that within the links provided on the blog, will be information that Frost has used to determine parts of TP's physics and mythos that will never actually be revealed in the show and just serve as a sort of guidebook for Lynch and Frost's writing. I would bet there is tons of juicy info on the physics of the Black Lodge and the TP world that will never leave the writer's room, and I would not be surprised if some of these links are the source material for some of that.

This could be a much bigger addition to the TP world than it seems at first glance, but to be fair it is also advertising their two soundtrack CD's thru Rhino, so maybe not. 

I would also keep my eyes open for of the most interesting possibilities here are reading what Hastings writes about "the zone". There is a link to his "older posts" that you would think would take you there, but it only leads to a video of crackling static and the TP theme. This may be updates with some of his posts as the show progresses, so as to avoid spoilers.


somebody on reddit claims to have visited the coordinates given on the blog in south daktoa and claims to have found a CD full of audio and pictures that he will be sharing tomorrow.

people are weird.

And this is the beer,

drink full, and descend.



Drink 15 and you'll descend alright...









possible spoiler alert - episode 11 will be screened early at comic-con...which means it could be a big one. prob going to be the jack rabbits palace sequence and we get the old coop back, count on it

Water dissolving..water removing.

There is water at the bottom of the ocean.


Let's Rock!

Is it about the bunny?

It's not about the bunny.

This week's episode was one Lynchgasm after another.  I have not enjoyed watching an episode of a show like I did this week in a long time .

The series is a masterpiece.

Sunday I was at the edge my chair when the hole appeared in the sky, muttering under my breath, "don't take Andy... don't take Andy..." POOF!

mr jones.jpg


There's something happening, but you don't know what it is,

do You....... Mr. Jones....


And this is THE well.....


Drink full, and descend ;)




Awesome show 



Is it future, or is it past ?????

I would like to visit with The Fireman.


I visited with the Fireman last weekend.

Nice guy.

Lucky you!

Also - I got my official Bang Bang Bar t shirt in the mail yesterday!



Have no fear. I know it is THE Roadhouse - but the shirt has that neon sign on it. That's all. It's just a cool t shirt.

Let's Rock!

No. Let's disappear.


Loving the reintroduction of Phillip Jeffries. Not sure if anyone caught this, but there was a new actor, credited as "Voice" who provided a voiceover for the Jeffries scene in FWWM shown in S03 E14. That wasnt Bowie's voice saying "who do you think this is there?"...which seems pretty indicative that there will be some new scenes with Jeffries in which older images of Bowie used alongside the voice actor, or his face will be obscured in some way due to lodge magic or being seen from behind. 

Just some ramblings on the possible timelines of Phillip Jeffries' teleporting from the Palm Deluxe in Buenos Aries, to the room above a convenience store, to the FBI field office in Philadelphia, and back to the Palm Deluxe. These ideas came from a response to a youtube video in which I describe that using only info from FWWM, The Missing Pieces, and The Secret History, it can be confirmed that Jeffries time traveled.

The Secret History of Twin Peaks states that Jeffries disappeared in 1987. So the scene in The Missing Pieces with him at the hotel in Buenos Aries takes place in 1987, since he is checking into a hotel under his real name and receiving recorded correspondences, which would indicate he isn't "missing" at the time he is at the hotel in Buenos Aries.

Then he teleports to Gordon Cole's office in Philadelphia in 1989, and the date is shown on the calendar in The Missing Pieces. He looks exactly the same and was wearing the same clothes as in 1987. Now this could just as easily be that Jeffries was taken to the Black Lodge, and simply emerged 2 years later, and like Cooper who emerged 25 years later, was still wearing the same clothes. But then, after Jeffries describes the meeting above a convenience store, he teleports back to the hotel in 1987. You can tell it is 1987 since it is the same bellhop, wearing the same clothes, and Jeffries' black suitcase from the previous scene is on the ground.

So even if the flow of time for Jeffries was linear when moving from the Palm Deluxe in Buenos Aries, to somewhere else like the Black Lodge for 2 years, and then emerged in Cole's Philadelphia office, he still spontaneously time traveled from Cole's office in 1989 to Buenos Aries in 1987. Which then raises the question, is his disappearance a separate incident from what is shown in FWWM? Since he reappeared in the Palm Deluxe in 1987, it would seem that he was transported to the Lodge/Lodge type worlds in 1987, emerged 2 years later in Philadelphia, was transported back to the Palm Deluxe in 1987, and then perhaps those events caused him to drop off the radar with the FBI and "disappear" in 1987 immediately after his 2 year visit to the Lodge, where that 2 year passage of time was negated by his being taken from 1989 back to where he transported from in 1987.

So for the outside observer, the timeline would be; Jeffries disappears from Buenos Aries and cuts off contact with the FBI in 1987 > 2 years later shows up at the FBI field office in Philadelphia in 1989 > disappears again, never to be seen again as of 2016 per Tammy Preston in The Secret History.

But from Jeffries' point of view, the timeline might be; Jeffries disappears from Buenos Aries in 1987> Spends 2 years in the Black Lodge/non-existance/etc > shows up in Philadelphia in 1989 > reappears in Buenos Aries in 1987 > cuts off communication with the FBI, never to be heard from again as of 2016.

So while it might seem that Jeffries resurfaced from his disappearance in 1989, it was actually those events in 1989 that caused his disappearance in 1987.

Which would raise the question, if Jeffries went to 1989 from 1987 and then back again, what is 1989 Jeffries doing at the time 1987 Jeffries is in Philadelphia?

No idea if this could be important or not if true.

Fear, and Love open the doors....

Where my dancing dwarf?

fly -

micheal j anderson(man from another place, dancing dwarf) is no longer on speaking terms with lynch it would seem. the whole ordeal is on andersons FB page, which is still full of TP and man from another place images.

he first mentioned being "lowballed" by showtime and declining to participate, then he made a public facebook post insinuating that david lynch raped his daughter jennifer and wrote twin peaks with the insparation being his own raping of his daughter. then in the same post accused lynch of having jack nance killed. for those who dont know, jack nance(pete martell) is a frequent lynch collaborator, and died of a subdermal hematoma under mysterious circumstances. a day before his death he told friends about getting into a fight outside a donut shop, where he got a brusie under his eye. he said he "told some kid off" and "probably got what he deserved".

anderson is also a virulent trump supporter. thats right...the dancing dwarf from twin peaks is a pede thru and thru. good thing kek sounds the same forwards or backwards. :-P

jennifer lynch posted a response on her instagram simply expressing regret and hoping that anderson "gets the help he needs".

so he got replaced by a tree...those who never saw fire walk with me might be lost on this one...the man from another place/dwarf in the original series was a manifestation of MIKE's arm that he had cut off, that had the tattoo "fire walk with me". the line the tree had where he said "i am the arm...and i sound like this" is a classic MFAP line in FWWM. the tree is the "evolution of the arm."




You are awake.


but who is the dreamer?


finale tonight!!! 2 hours!!! cooper is ready to roll.

i have been waiting for 10 years to see this incredible story continued, and it has surpassed all of my expectations in every way. i have had my complaints along the way, like to much dougie material, pacing is to slow, and diverting from the original physics, mythos and mechanics of the lodges...but all in all this was one of the greatest TV shows of the modern era, and will change the way TV dramas are made and how they are viewed...just as the original series did over 25 years ago.

its been a pleasure to watch...and ive gotta say, 2017 might be the best year for TV since lost and the wire were on TV together almost 10 years ago...we got a great season of fargo, american gods, the americans, twin peaks, game of thrones, new david simon shoe set to premire this month on hbo, we are finally getting to the good stuff on better call sure there's more i am forgetting.

but twin peaks: the return was the crown jewel of them all, just an incredible ride.

ok, im convinced.I'll give it a go. The Peakness of this thread has inspired me to watch. The original series and FWWM always made me ask myself if this show is crazy or deep. I concluded both.

Very much on board for tonight's hoedown.


What year is this?



YOU Have been warned.

Last night's finale was the only episode(s) I watched in real time - and man oh man was that a ride. A chance out between two worlds. Fire walk with me.

So much to talk about - and we will in time - but let's just speak about a "finale". I think we got two final episodes last night. The first was a real "ending". Dorothy came back from Oz and everyone was there waiting in the sheriff's office. The happy and good ending. Bob was defeated. This ending is epitomized by Janie E and Sonny Jim getting their tulpa Dougie Jones to live out their happily ever after. Episode 17 is the "good" ending.

But you say that's not what you wanted, or expected or know to be "right". You need more. You need to move on. Well then, my friend - drink deep and descend as we move on to episode 18 where we learn about Richard. An FBI agent who dreams he can defeat the mother Judy. He becomes the ultimate good - Dale Cooper - but he becomes him in a dream. And when you wake up from the dream, like you always wake up from a dream and wonder what the fuck you just dreamed - you have no real answers. You only have questions. Questions like..

"What year is this?"

Like I told You, what I said...


Steal Your Face right off your head.

Not too bad.

Lynch still has it.

people on r/twinpeaks are straight up pissed.

i think alot of folks were expecting more answers and less unresolved plot lines...i dont know why they would have expected that.

lynch has spoken alot about the identity of laura's killer being the "goose that lays the golden eggs". he never wanted to reveal it, he did not want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. and for the past 25 years, the reason why twin peaks has maintained popularity all that time, is the loose ends, unanswered questions and the big S2 cliffhanger. those things are now the goose that lays the golden eggs.

why would he kill the goose who lays the golden eggs again and spell it all out for you? and if given the opportunity, wouldnt you make it stronger?

one chants out between two grains, quinoa walk with me

If this season of TP was supposed to make me want to wring Lynch's neck, it succeeded. 

What hundy is this?

“Some people don’t like not knowing things. They like a concrete thing, something that is what it is. Other people love room to dream. They don’t mind getting lost in a mystery. It makes them think and feel, and this is a beautiful thing.”

- David Lynch

RIP Harry Dean Stanton   September 16