"We do that all the time"


At least somebody in the Trump White House is honest.  

461 days until a new POTUS can take over. 

Sept 25th:

“The actual delay in aid was coming from the Pentagon as much as anybody else — because they didn’t know about the [Ukrainian] president and whether he could be trusted,” Graham told reporters Wednesday after reviewing the transcript of a discussion July 25 between the two leaders and referring to Zelensky, who had just won election.

“I’m glad the aid started flowing, so there is no quid pro quo,” he continued. “I feel good about this.”


"Did he also mention to me in passing the corruption related to the DNC server? Absolutely," Mulvaney told reporters during a rare briefing at the White House on Thursday, recalling a conversation he had with the president about corruption in Kiev. 

"That’s it," Mulvaney said. "That’s why we held up the money."


It's going to be interesting where the goal posts end up tomorrow


“Get over it,” he added later. “There’s going to be political influence in foreign policy. ... That is going to happen. Elections have consequences.”


we are now at the point where th WH is blaming the American public for their crimes...


Just pretend like it’s normal and everything will be ok

Thom, you good with this?

Of course you are.

 But, but, Hillary!

What a farce.

Obama framed Trump for Russian collusion.

yeah-yeah-yeah, BAD Obama.


But then criminal mastermind Obama forgot to tell anybody until after the election.







It's not like Obama's FNBI Director held an an unprecedented press conference in July 2016 blaming Clinton for irresponsible email security protection measures.

(oooh, lax email securioty...oooooOOOOOOH)



It's not like Obama's FBI director annouced to the world - in the week before the election - that he was RE-OPENING his email investigation.



No, Obama totally reigged the whole thing

so that he could elect Trump

then fuck over the USA for the next 3 years


so that he could have a coup.



makes sense to Bryen.

I want to know what happened in Kentucky ?

"Get over it"