We Have Been Here Before


When I was in grade school the President was killed and the country mourned pretty intense for a little kid .Then they killed Martin Luther King ,Bobby Kennedy.Then  Shot and  killed students at Kent State and was Smashing heads in Chicago .I was a junior in high school and thought they were going to come after me in two years to go to Vietnam .They had removed the college deferment and it was hard at this time to get sanctuary in Canada . We Will Survive We Will Get Buy .Time To Rise Up 25346d862b36056ff919b833caf9b7e8_2.jpg

What does a hells angel on a motorcycle have to do with your post? i'm confused

Nice to see you Doc.

How are you feeling?

I'm doing good just getting back to work .The doctor said I'm clear of any cancer but still need blood tests every 3 months for a while to keep an eye

Glad to hear you're doing well, Doc.

clear of cancer