The weather outside is frightful......


Shout out from chilly Western Oregon.  We were hit with freezing rain this morning.  The sheet of ice that is covering the roads is now being covered by snow. It is deceptively beautiful and slick as snot.  How is your weather?  What has global warming done for your area?

Good morning! Yes, we're dealing with the same thing, biggest snowflakes ever covering ice, will be followed by ice. So beautiful, so treacherous. Arghhhh!

(see Western Oregon weather thread) - other tales from west of you, and a picture from Eugene.

I am such a rube.  I can't even remember how to post a picture, it been a few years.

blizzard conditions right now on cape cod...beef stew in the crockpot....looking at 12-18 inches

looking at 12-18 inches...that would be snow

It's a new set up; look in Techie Talk folder or in the Formatting folder on the left. There's a colorful little icon in the Message box to use for posting pics - check it out.

We will be doing the beef stew crockpot gig tomorrow.  I just got back from working in Bend, OR. 2 feet of snow, temps in the single digits, and the snow kept falling.  Absolutely beautiful, but it made my bones ache. ❄

Thank you Judit!

Scene from OR SR 20FB_IMG_1483820371202.jpg


FB_IMG_1483820450135.jpgOregon beauty

Sorry to hear there's a blizzard on the Cape. Dear friends are burying the mother of their infant grandchild in P-town today. I hope everyone that needs to can still get there :(


RIP Amanda 

Gorgeous pics, K.

big roads are fine here in charm city ~ but the little ones are just like oregon... inch-ish of snow on top of ice... yay?!? frown

oh gawd dise... :-( {{{{{{{{amanda}}}}}}}

Thank you (((Skadhi))) I'm still in shock, they were posting adorable photos of the baby over xmas and Amanda suddenly passed early New Year's day. She was just 25 and had started building a family with my friend's son. He's understandably crushed. I don't know her personally, but I know the baby's young father and his parents very well and my heart goes out to them. This blizzard is only going to make the day harder for them all :(


It's dumping rain here now, my big plan for the day is to watch a movie and stay warm. 

Stay safe and cozy, everyone.

Sorry about that sad loss, Dise.

Disaster narrowly avoided.

I highly recommend Dark Sky app - provides weather alerts that are surprisingly accurate.


Yesterday morning...14 inches of new snow!

2" yesterday morning, 6" more falling now, need to clear driveway tomorrow as the oil man is due early in the week.  Cat got treed by neighbor's dogs just before yesterday's snowfall, was 60'+ up there meowing away but just got himself down & back in the house now, no worse for wear (4th time he's been treed so he should have it figured out by now).


But the beer is so delightful.

And awesome pic copelaki.

Looks like it's from The Shining.

Cat in the tree:

2017-01-06_12-57-46_629 (2).jpg

Another view from the front of the house, the pine tree in front is something like 25 - 30' tall, for perspective:

2017-01-06_12-59-27_208 (2).jpg

awwwwwwww, Chance...:( Glad he finally figured it out, poor baby !!  

I got this keeping me warm, sprinkled with my homemade Candy Cane dust...yummm !

Stay warm and dry all ~


Nice highway pictures

Progress - the first number on the temp. readout is now a 3!

Haven't seen that for more than a week.

What's up with the weather channel naming storms?  Helena? Iris? Lol  Is this new or have I not been paying attention?

Some mammoth, eastern sierra, mono county webcams

23 some degrees here now, but sunny and breezy.

They say High 24, low 8 today & tonight. Tomorrow it's  High 27  low 15.  The single-digit and teen temps are where you have to be really careful about the pipe-freeze. Also vehicles and small-engine equipment experience many problems. I'm afraid to fire up my log-splitter, as the chill temps are what caused the hydraulic pump to seize back when. 

What a chore to replace that sucker !! 

Twitter is going wild with pictures.  #caflood #castorm

IMG_0476.JPGYosemite twitter feed is good also.  Stay safe folks.


IMG_9967.JPGDriving this morning near Mt Hood oregon



Woke up to 90mph winds at about 4am.

Been howling about 50mph since. 

At least it's melting all the snow. 



The wind is blasting again today!!!

On Christmas we had 90 MPH gusts with very high sustained winds. It blew one of my awning off and went out to fix it with the wife. When we come back in - my wife is in back of me and I thought she had the screen door and a very large gust of wind came at the second and blew the screen door out. Took out the screws. Took an hour to repair the screen door so it would close and had to put anchors in the wall to reattach the door. As soon as I finish we hear a loud crack in the back yard. Go to back window and a part of my fence came down. Took out about a third of it from those sustained winds.

We come inside after looking at the damaged fence and the internet and TV go out and lights start flickering. Then lights go out across the street though our lights stay on. A Christmas I will not forget.

Hopefully not a repeat today...power on so far though had some flickering...



stay warm

I saw that an ancient tree that had a tunnel carved through it has fallen. 


Hmm. Was supposed to be in the 40s today with rain.

However, it is 32 and snowing.. Still have several inches of ice and snow left on the ground from last week's storm. Neighborhood google group has rumors of a plow - I'll believe it when I see/hear it. Also reports from folks who tried to drive out but failed.

I was really hoping we could get out again before the next predicted snow on Tues. night.

36˚ here, Surfdead, with occasional rain. It's a melting mess, schools are still closed. I hope you reach warmer temps today. Predicted snow here Tuesday night through Wednesday night...

Now it's 39˚ here - any better at your place, Surfdead?

The only solution to the iced road w/ snow on top is a set of studded snow tires. You can run them in OR from Halloween through April Fools. Of course, they require an extra set of wheels and some storage space in garage or shed, but those and 4-wheel drive got me around safely during Winter conditions. The regular BF Goodrich all-terrain tires had not enough traction, even though they are rated for snow.

Chains help, but who really wants to fool with those ??

Hope you get to town soon, Mr. Surf.

Wow...just read that the Giant Sequoia known as The Tunnel Tree was destroyed in storms? I always wanted to visit that tree (possibly 1,000 years old), and although hpfly ill still make it to the state parks out there someday, the chance to hike up to tunnel tree has sadly ended.

Top of Squaw Valley Ski Resort had 159 mph wind gusts. With snow falling. That cold from  OR finally came our way. 

Good Luck Zoners stay safe and warm. 

It's been 34 for  24 hrs. now, so some melting.. We're going for it this morning, with or without chains. More snow tonight.

Yeah, when it gets like this I wish I bought some studded tires. Then I forget about it, until next year.

Actually, haven't needed them for the last five years - no ice to speak of until this year.

Blizzard warning now in affect.

12 degrees this morning on eastern long island...

So, it's warming up by me (29 degrees in Jackson, NJ), but I just got a text from my buddy. He said the surfing was good in NY yesterday, re-affirming what I suspected all along. Surfers are a special breed of crazy.


Jerseyland is supposed to warm up next few days before another few inches of snow Saturday. I'm not crazy about 'Low 15 -- High 25' days because machinery and plumbing fail like that. I've been afraid to run my log splitter last few days because the too-cold temps are what killed the hydraulic pump back when.

Anyway, Hüsky just loves the Arctic weather. It's the joy of his life to lay around in the Snow.

Sacramento River weir to be opened for the first time in 11 years.

Dumping snow in PDX like I haven't seen in years.   Just saw the flash of a transformer blowing out.  

How is it down the valley?

Quiet and dry at the moment. Rain and snow expected through the night, but maybe not.


Stay safe! Have fun.

Temp. just dropped below freezing, so the rain just turned to freezing rain.

Luckily we got out today; just needed chains to go down driveway. The rest was no problem,.

Tomorrow looks like another stay-home day.

Looks pretty wild in CA flood-wise. Stay safe everyone.

Raining here, but temps above freezing. I think we may get off unscathed.

Snowing heavy in Portland 

Just measured the snow - seven inches and still falling.   But its that light, fluffy snow, not the ice that has bedeviled us for the last month.   Haven't seen this deep snow in town since 2008.

Raining here in Jerseyland, temps above freezing. That's actually quite nice; I can turn off the cellar heat and the pipes wont freeze.

Methinks rain stops tomorrow, so perhaps I can get some work done.

Frozen outdoor projects are now just wet smiley

Outside the house just moments ago - the snow makes a lot of light for 11:00 pm.

Snow Jan 10.JPG

That is a gorgeous photo of the snow-neighborhood, Mr. Ken. The iced-over shrubberies about 7 o' clock look like frozen Sheep, or Goats.

Thank you for sharing.

Holy sheet that's a lot of snow for Portland. I am out of town and missing the fun