Welcome back. It's nice to see you. Come visit more often, please.


It's been said by others too, but it's been pretty amazing, and a GREAT tribute to Sarah 4 Winds, to see so many long time / former/ prodigal Zoners return to pay tribute. 

I just wanted to say it's been great to see so many familiar names up on the black screen with this outpouring of love and I, and I'm sure others would join me, invite you to stop in more often.

The election's over, so those tried, argumentative threads will be fewer. Could be a nice time to stop in. 2021's supposed to be about healing and reconciliation and reconnection, right? 

Lives change, people change, priorities change. But if you ever have the time......  Just a thought. Peace to all. 

Agree! Though I don't know all of the original Zoners, I recognized many names today.. that was cool.

Being called back here by Judit and reading through Sarah's Memorial post and looking at all of your names on the screen gave me a joy I have not felt in some time. So so many good people here...still. We Will Survive. But I do gotta say Bobby ripped my ass the fuck off on NYE! That was some booshit...pissed me off so bad I got a tech guy in the chat room to refund my money. Story to come later CHEERS ZONAHS so good to see you all again.


How does this shit work again? 


A death in the family always brings people home. 


>>>But I do gotta say Bobby ripped my ass the fuck off on NYE! That was some booshit<<<

NOW we're zonin'.

'sup okie?