what can I do with my ticket stub collection?


found my stash of Dead ticket stubs - about 60 or so - and looking for fun ideas on how I can display them.  why keep them in a box?  would love to put them in a frame or some sort of display/wall art.  any suggestions?  

I keep mine in a coffee table type photo album along with photos and other memorabilia from my touring years in my listening den. 

Some pals put all theirs in an actual Coffee Table - glass over stubs on Wood surface. Looked pretty Kool.

Mine (minus everything up to '90; tossed those during our 12/31/90 party) are in the embrace of "Bass Mon", a metal sculpture my BIL brought back from, I'm pretty sure, Colombia (retired State Dept. lawyer; he got around).  It's like a metal TM Stevens playing a three-string bass.

The sculpture's "hair" is made up of chain links; has a Rasta look to it.  He is all but completely obscured by the stubs, many of which include the "ticket" part of the full-page printouts that pass for tickets these days.  His "legs" stick out at the bottom.  There's a pic of my kid playing guitar at his HS graduation stuffed in there as well.

Id like to see a pic of that, sounds cool.  

Mine are currently scattered amongst drawers, cigar boxes and bags.  One of my kids recently got into vinyl, live music, poached my garbage full of lot shirts/dyes and asked about some tickets she found.  She'll probably scrap book them and I'll possibly give her a run down of what was going on on that particular day and where I was in life at the time. Her twin sister would just toss the stubs in the garbage, this kid will want a blow by blow and write/record any and every detail.  Even in my old burnt state I'm fairly certain that I could bring myself back to each and every one of them --- or at least one of the shows in a run.  


Idea 1 > Find a double-paned glass frame w/clips at a craft supply, add the tickets, then suspend it w/ wire from ceiling so you can see both sides.... which would allow you to double the number of tickets on display in 1 frame. 

Idea 2> There are metal mobiles w/ clips to hang old-school snapshots - I've hung tickets on those in the past.

Idea 3> Scan them, assemble the scans in Photoshop to make 1 huge image, then have that printed on fabric for a wall hanging or quilting project. 

I've got loads of ideas, but my tickets are in a ziplock bag, LOL.

sell them on ebay

Mad props to those who managed to keep some stubs, let alone all of them. Me? They were history within hours of leaving the show.

It's crazy that on eBay some stubs from random shows go for 2x the base price. I got a kick out of the ones that are listed as "mint." How the fuck can they be mint if they are ripped?

I still have my unused tickets for the '89 Meadowlands run.... Our ride dicked out on us and me and another guy were stuck home. Didn't have a license yet and there is no sort of public transport in the sticks of CT.       

Maybe I can get a few hundy for them???!!  

the "ticket" part of the full-page printouts that pass for tickets these days<<<

^ these don't "count", IMO

Found my old furthur fest 2010 Angle's Camp printout in some old camping gear this summer and hung on to it for a little bit, but realized even though there was some sentimental attachment, it's just not the same.


I often wrote the setlist on the back of the stub... does this increase, or decrease the value...opinions?



I can show you what I did with some of mine if someone tells me how to post a picture.  Thanks.

>>>>the "ticket" part of the full-page printouts that pass for tickets these days

I cut them out and put them with the others in a metal ammo box.   But yeah, not the same as a proper ticket stub and not nearly as cool as the old GD mail order tix with the holographic skeletons and stuff.   Phish mail order tix have cool art on them too.

More and more though, the tickets are completely electronic and you just scan your phone at the gate.

I have almost all of mine, a lot of the ones from back in the day have friends I went with and the eve's rug lineup.

Mine Are In Different Places probably a 100 plus or so.

it'd be cool to frame them, or i like stu's glass table idea. also always thought about glassing them into an outdoor wood picnic table. that or the beer labels i used to collect.

the europe ticket stubs are pretty unique and fun to look at. i think i manged to save a good 1/2 of my gd ones.

At the Oregon Country Fair, eons ago, during the midnight show (was the stage monkey for it, good times)

They had a fashion show with clothing made of ticket stubs, overnight passes, posters, and other curiously related items...   (wish I had a pic)

Some of my favorites are the completely mangled ones where I sloppily attempted to write the set list on the reverse... I often look at those with the fondest of memories. What little there may be.

I have a bunch of stubs in a cigar box somewhere around here, including a few unripped ones. Most are in pretty rough shape.

> if someone tells me how to post a picture


I think I have all mine, about 120, but they are a bit scattered about the house. Looking to move in 9-15 months so I'm cleaning up years of stuff and stubs are top of list.

If I have a stub from a show I attended AND a recording, the stub is likely visible through the cassette/CD case.  I might need to shake it a bit to see the setlist.

I have my 89 Hamptons and a random Landover show - that's it. It would be nice to have them, but never acquired the collecting stuff gene. 

I recently went through mine and organized sports, concerts and misc.

I belief I have a little over 600 concerts, Couple NBA finals, couple world series and one super bowl ticket.

I have them in a couple of cigar boxes.

I lost a few but not many, the one that really bums me out is my 12/31/89, I have zero idea how I lost it. I was always a lil freaky with keeping my stubs, and yes the mangled ones were good shows.

I'm an acid eater and not a drinker, I can recall 98% of all the shows I went to. My wife looks at me and asks how the fuck can you remember that?

I still have about 98% of mine somewhere in the attic.  I just cant seem to find them.  Haven't seen them in about 12 years.  They will show up one of these days.

These are great holders. I'd imagine you can find something similar with quick web search. They hold about 200 and fit on the bookshelf, easy to pull out and show to normal people who you want to freak out. 

I have a relatively iron clad memory for Grateful Dead shows. They are burned into a part of my cortex that won't go away. Probably why I can't find my phone and keys several times a day. There just ain't enough room.

I have almost an entire shoe box of tickets stubs from other shows. Those are the fascinating ones. Bands I somewhat recall seeing, festivals that are a blur and shows that I would deny that I attended, if it wasn't for the stubs. 




^That's a pretty cool binder. I somehow lost every ticket stub I ever had 

Tried to upload photo using directions from another post.  But when I select upload after choosing the photo it says no file selected.  Not sure what I’m doing wrong.  At any rate I made a large framed collage of some of the ticket stubs that I collected over the years. Hung it on my basement wall.  The rest of the stubs are in a couple of wooden cigar boxes.  Made a similar thing with all of the stickers that I have collected over the years and one of beer coasters surrounded by caps.  

I have stubs going back to 1986 (when I started going to concerts). Neil Young and Moody Blues have survived, along with my first GD shows in 1988. I also have my Paul McCartney stub from 1989 along with a free program given at the gate, as well as a local newspaper review I cut out. The stubs are in a photo album, similar to the one above, along with many bracelets. True, the print out ones aren't as cool (and the digital ones even less so), but it's all history (or MYstory) now.

When I first started going to shows in '77 I began sticking the stubs onto a large bulletin board I had in my room. After a couple of years it became covered with stubs to some of my most seminal shows.

Over the years I came & went and that board ended up in a closet, and when I looked at it a few years ago I saw that the ink on most of them had almost completely faded off and it was impossible to read them.

A pity, but fortunately, while I tend to save lots of stuff I don't really care that much about stuff. I remember the shows, and that's the best bit.

Still, it's fun to look at old stuff. I went through an old shoebox that I started throwing random show & game stuff into, and it was fun to see stubs from 49ers playoff games from the '80s, and my Giants '89 World Series stubs.

I guess I should have tossed those oldest stubs in a box too.

Crazy Fingers, if you'd like, send pics to me at judit @ vivalazone.org (no spaces) and I can post them for you.

Crazy fingers, scan your pics. Look in your computer files. Maybe your file is too large for uploading , so resize the pic. Then choose file and then upload and then  presto!003_3.jpg



Wife made this one and many others back then.

I somehow still have every Dead and JGB stub to every show I went to from '82-'95. Hundreds.  Just kept putting them in a box and that box

never got lost or stolen during all those years (as some other stuff did); a minor miracle. 

They are fun to look at sometimes and to think, fuck, how did I pull all this off??

Get tired just thinking about it!


What I do with my old tickets is compare them to the tickets my partner has, to see which shows we had been at before we met.  

then I put them back in their boxes, for another time to review again.....

can't believe people actually buy the stubs on ebay.....that's crazy.

I have a drawer full of tickets, stubs, stickers and set lists. Fun to look through.

i am like Jonas

mine are scattered everywhere, and it's fun to come across them every once in awhile. my first shows all had their stubs taped into my early deadhead tour diaries which i'm guessing have a couple dozen or so in them?

my girly finally saw the dead light last year and I gave her pick of all my tees and hippie clothes.

seeing her in my Jerry face dye is pretty rad (:

i commend anyone organized enough to deal with making a display or whatnot