when you’ve become bored with basking in the valor of a stolen election







     ...check out this website 



     fair warning...you may spend hundreds of hours on this website chasing the quintessential '57 Austin Healey 



     I genuinely love each and every one of you without condition






Hey stranger 

I love you regardless 

new topic Bryen will be pimping is accusing dems of cancel culture. 

Seditionist with blood on hands

Sometimes I want to ask, "Bry, what the hell is wrong with you?"

And then I remember that I don't care.

Perhaps we can talk about the idea of unconditional love, especially within the context of unknown people on a black screened dbmb.

BryAnon =  Where derk a derk happens

Bryen, still waiting on those John Brennan and James Clapper arrests you've been forecasting for so long.  both of them seem to be living their best lives.  something I'm missing? 

Bryen, why aren't you fighting harder if you believe the election was stolen? 



I'm certain they are still accepting donations 

There's nothing wrong with living in an alternate reality, unless you're also living with the expectation of being taken seriously.

Bryen why don't you go fuck yourself in Macy's window. Then we'll have something real to discuss here. Fucking imbecile. 

iz haz concealed carry?

Not bored; still basking.

"Bryen" is like the Zone's "My Pillow Guy", only not as smart.

The plan is to be bored by this president.

I want to go weeks without thinking about him, just knowing he is doing his job and not dismantling everything that works.


That's why I voted for him in a free and fair election.


But since Bry doesn't believe in the outcome of the election, I'm curious how much money he gave Dontard to "stop the steal" believing in the righteousness  of the cause and sure its not a simple grift.

He probably not only hasn't given any money to the effort but probably didn't  vote either 

Bryen,  Good to see you.  I know you're being silly with that thread post.  The problem we are facing in the country in the 'someone told me syndrome;.'  Just because someone told you something it becomes a fact.  That's using anecdotal evidence to make generalizations.  MTG used this as her excuse for her behavior; I saw it on the internet.

Bryen, when you perpetuate a lie that began from anecdotal evidence you are being destructive to everyone around you and our society in general.

November's election was probably the most secure ever and when you make statements to the contrary you are destructive.

People want to have constructive dialogue.

Long Live The Grateful Dead.


On the bright side, Trump is the best one n done prez since 1992 

"...in the valor of a stolen election..."


Anyway, an election can't have valor - only humans (maybe animals?) can exhibit "valor".

It means "bravery".

Please don't feed the trolls.

My chum bucket is empty.   

So did Corona come from Bat Shit Crazy???

derk a derk.jpg

Bryen, why did Fox Business cancel Lou Dobbs?


I bet "Bry" never saw Jerry.


for our chumley that chooses alternate reality 



Ted Cruz, front, followed by Josh Hawley, walk from the House Chamber following a Senate procession carrying boxes holding Electoral College votes to the House Chamber for a joint session to confirm the Electoral College votes, on Wednesday 6 January 2021, in Washington ((Associated Press))

Amanda Carpenter, a former spokesperson for Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz, has said that former President Donald Trump's most damning tweet ahead of his second impeachment trial was a message saying "These are the things and events that happened when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously and viciously stripped away from great patriots," that was tweeted by Mr Trump around 6 pm on 6 January after the storming of the Capitol.

Mr Trump added in the tweet that the "patriots" had "been badly and unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!"


The former Cruz communications director said the tweet was "celebratory".

"It’s all there. Essentially, yep, this is what happens when you don’t re-elect me. He pushes the big election lie some more and wraps the mob in love. What more do we need to see here," she tweeted.

Mr Trump is charged in the impeachment trial with inciting the insurrection on 6 January but is unlikely to be convicted as there doesn't seem to be 17 votes for it on the Republican side of the aisle that's required for conviction. 45 of the 50 Republican Senators previously voted for a resolution that said that the impeachment trial of a former president was unconstitutional.

New York Magazine reported that “most of Cruzworld is pretty disgusted” with Mr Cruz for choosing to back Mr Trump's baseless claims of widespread voter fraud on the Trump post-presidency

“The biggest conversation I’ve had with fellow Cruz supporters is, ‘Was he always this way or did he change?’" Ms Carpenter told New York Magazine, adding that she “could have never imagined that he could have gone down this road” and that his career could “culminate in a stand to potentially cancel votes in a way that defied any standards of federalism and constitutionalism".

"The old Ted Cruz is the one I worked for and supported," Ms Carpenter told CNN in early January. "The new Ted Cruz, post-Trump, is one I don't recognize. I can surmise that he thinks he is a very smart lawyer who can parse his way out of this and perhaps in his mind, he has some rationale, but that's just not believable. He has to come to terms with the fact that he, through his actions directly played into the hands of the mob... It is so horrifying to watch someone descend into this and not be able to admit what happened when you worked for him and believed in him. It's really hard to watch," Ms Carpenter said.







I wonder what a piece of shit smells like???






Fecal matter?,  yes

The white rabbit would never go down that rabbit hole where  logic and misfortune

Homer says grace lived in PA  too  Went to the fancy girls school two blocks from my house



Feed your head?   No that is the last thing you need.  just get it out if your ass


Unless it's far too big



You wonder what a piece of shit smells like? 

Could be the COVID.  Might want to get that checked out.



Feed your head?   No that is the last thing you need. Proven by the fact that it is already stuck up your ass




" You wonder what a piece of shit smells like?  "  No, I personally do not   

Bryen is oblivious to the stench of fecal matter

I do worry that trump eteers do not have a clue how much they obsess and follow a clueless asshole piece of shit EX PRESIDENT abomination









the temporary upside is that it is destroying the Repuglican Party


I pray for the soul of the republic, America,  and Democracy ( and the human race at this point0    we are   - more racist now under his tutelage than in the 60s


Roses smell like boo boo.



Yes it was stolen. .legally. 


Basically all the dem run swing states loosened their rules for mail in ballots and signature requirements,  valid id, etc in the name of public health because of overblown covid panic

..but done so without going through the legislature. ..but nonetheless legal.

Changing election laws right before the election. 

Plus all brainwashing of legacy media pushing the lie...helping biden

So much bullshit. What void does this fill for you, g-reg?

His head.


Fuken Bryen wannabe putz. How does it feel to support the demise of democracy and America? Moronic imbecile. 

Do you believe in Covid?


Basking  in ignorance?


do you want to die from it!

Do you deserve to?

In other words more people voted for Biden than for Trump. Got it.

Rand Paul said that no Republican should ever want to get rid of the Electoral College. He astutely noted that no Republican would ever  be president again, because they can't win the popular vote.

The loosening of voting laws is a win for democracy. Our system should make it easy as shit for anyone and everyone of legal age to cast a vote. Anyone who disagrees needs to check themselves. Voter suppression has been the norm for far too long, a shit ploy for Republicans to keep power. We should all be striving for universal voting.

If people don't like it, maybe they can move the the Independent Nation of Texas.

So great watching Trumps lawyer switch defense strategy mid-stream to the Bryen "cut and run defense"


should be just as effective