When you unexpectedly encounter part of a pit in a date, prune, etc ...


... do you discard the entire piece of fruit or extract what you can?

I knew that this was a 19.5 topic before clicking.

Why would a seed be unexpected in those types of dried Fruit ??

Bob Weir said that the main difference between being poor and being rich was that when you became well-off you could then discard the pistachios that wouldn't open right away instead of having to smash them open with a hammer.

Why would a seed be unexpected in those types of dried Fruit ??<<<

I suppose I've learned through the years to expect the unexpected with pitted prunes or dates

Did Bobby really say that about pistachios?

Maybe I am better off than I thought, since I've adopted a "zero tolerance" policy ... and now spit the whole thing out.  I know it can be done carefully, but it's just not worth a cracked tooth from that little tiny part my mouth was unable to detect.

I think of that Bobby quote almost every time I eat pistachios. 

I never eat pitted dates so I’m accustomed to finding and removing the pit. No problem. 

FOM, do you have any issues with cherries or watermelons?

Nope, nor do I have issues with peaches, nectarines, or plums.

I just spit out the seed (or remove the seed with my fingers if it hasn't entered my mouth yet) and eat the rest of the fruit.


Is there any reason not to?  I suppose if a pit/seed is broken in the fruit, there may be a bad taste or mild toxin inside?


BTW: I was just talking with a colleague yesterday about dental health as we age and being careful not to bite pitted olives and cherries too hard, just in case a tooth-breaking pit made it through the assembly (disassembly?) line...

Personally, never found one in a prune.  There is a warning on the package.

Pistachios are easy: slip the pointed end of an already opened half-shell into the slit of a difficult closed shell and it pops right open. Easy-peasy.

They don't always have slits.

Squeeze a bit.


>>>>>When you unexpectedly encounter part of a pit in a date


We talkin' arm pit or some "other" kinda pit?

Pitted Prunes are the Shappy of dried fruits.

Ha ha ha. She who smelt it..

Is FOM married?

Two Summers ago I ate a Radish right off the vine,  and a dental filling disengaged from the tooth.