This is a PHAN SITE!
I've been re-reading "Rendezvous with Rama" by Arthur Clarke.
This is the end of Chapter 2:
"In a way, it was a pity. An encounter with a dark star would have been quite exciting.
While it lasted."
Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink Full Name: Mice elf Bss on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 – 10:25 pm
nothing lasts.
Top of Page Bottom of Page Permalink Full Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 – 11:33 pm
And I'm grateful for that. Sure, the good times don't get to hang around, but bad times do get better.
Those Rama books are a trip, but I've always loved Clarke. I read them straight through about 15 years ago during summer break from school.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Mice elf Bss
on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 – 10:25 pm
nothing lasts.
nothing lasts.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: Semolina Pilchard mikeedwardsetc
on Tuesday, July 19, 2022 – 11:33 pm
And I'm grateful for that.
And I'm grateful for that. Sure, the good times don't get to hang around, but bad times do get better.
Those Rama books are a trip, but I've always loved Clarke. I read them straight through about 15 years ago during summer break from school.