"The White House is running this"



     I figured I'd try to keep you guys up to speed on things...this will be the main focus for the next few days, with time comes perspective, this will begin to come into focus for what it was, the biggest political scandal in the 243 years of the republic.



How about not doing that.  Thanks 

So Obama's FBI instigated an investigation of the now proven attempt by the Russians to fuck with the 2016 election (including computer hacking) and how the Trump campaign was eager to receive the fruits of that interference?    The horror.   Thanks Obama for bringing on the "Biggest political scandal in the 243 years of the republic" 

What about the XYZ Affair, Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial, the 1876 presidential election, the Teapot Dome scandal, FDR's court packing, Vietnam, Watergate, and Iran-Contra?

For some historical context:   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_scandals_in_the_...

Iran-Contra was the worst in my life time.  Shady shit all around.    JFK's assassination was even worse, probably the worst ever, but that was little before my time. 



     April 10, 2019
     Dr. Gorka is joined by John Solomon of The Hill 




     John Solomon: Obama Administration Spying on Trump Began in January 2016








 Try and give yourself a 30 day time out

Seditionist zombie



Most people would think twice before citing anything from the fascist,  Sebastian Gorka, but not Brayin'.


Way to stay true to your convictions,  Brayin'


1)Cites the opinions of a fascist 

2) Defends pedophile priests 

3) Believes that Westward expansion, and the resulting Native Americans Genocide, was guided by Divine Providence 


Stay classy,  Brayin'.

After spending Easter weekend in DC, I'm still surprised by the number of families proudly donning Trump gear. Fat white mama bear moms and their ferocious little sons with homemade buzz cuts, chomping away at meatball sandwiches and large Pepsi's. 


>> Fat white mama bear moms and their ferocious little sons with homemade buzz cuts <<


Ah yes, the new Washington Elites.

Bryen, you really should be embarrassed of yourself. Pitiful.

He should be but can't get a clue. what a stooge.


     Anyone reading this thread may take note that no one is actually disputing the subject matter, essentially that the Obama White House was actively spying on a rival political campaign & that it will be coming into focus publicly in the coming days and weeks...but rather posting whatever offensive material they can copy & paste after a quick google search, then there's always Lumber's go-to distraction, criticizing the Catholic Church.

Rich people fighting with rich people for the hearts and minds of the poor and stupid. It’s patently American.

Also, while Pepsi is clearly the inferior race soft drink, there is absolutely nothing wrong with meatball subs, you goddamn commies.

Nobody is disputing the the FBI and other US Intel services were looking into dubious contacts made between US citizens and Russians regarding stolen/hacked emails. It was coincidental that the trail led to Trump & Co.

I find it highly entertaining that derps like Bryen keep asking "WHY?" they haven't looked into Obama and Clinton and their involvement in the Russian Hoax.

Guess what Bryen: The Mueller investigation wasn't about looking into Trump's involvement, or Clinton's or Obama's, it was looking intot Russian involvement, and that led to Trump & Co, not Obama, not Clinton. Fact.


^I'm not attacking the Catholic church, i am criticizing your defense of pedophile priests. 


Do you agree with Giuliani statement, "“There’s Nothing Wrong With Taking Information From Russians”?


Have you read the Mueller report yet?



Bryen doesn't get it. Thats why he comes across like a russian troll. 

little donnie would be proud


     "It was coincidental that the trail led to Trump & Co."  - laughable, but perhaps we're making progress here, that you actually believe this is valuable insight into the phenomenal success of the efforts to brainwash huge swaths of the electorate.


Bryen, do you deny the truth and/or validity of any of the findings in the Mueller Report? Let's start there.

>>>>Anyone reading this thread may take note that no one is actually disputing the subject matter

the subject is “the White House is running this”

Listen, you phony shit head. I know you love coming here and stirring shit up on a drug band message board because you have no satisfaction in your real life but I’m going to remind you any way that you are a shit stain of a human being. Coming here and constantly spewing your shit just shows what a truly miserable cunt you are. 

I hope you have another miserable, loveless week and I’ll be here periodically to remind you what a douchebag you are. 

washington examiner...

Oh look, it's "Bryen", the guy who thinks it's just fine that the Catholics ass-raped thousands of children.

You are one sick fuck.


     Let me try to put this another way, when it is proven that the Obama White House orchestrated the active surveillance of a rival political campaign under false pretenses, would anyone posting in this thread have a problem with that?  Yes or no?  

    Bold prediction:  not one of you, please correct me if I'm wrong, thank you.

>> the Catholics ass-raped thousands of children.

lol wat? Is that like, all the Catholics? Most, some? Over/under?

Exactly Bucky...no one wants what you're selling bry. If your motivated by a possible position in this administration,  I believe you've posted way more than enough to at least get you the interview.  Then its up to you. But they might consider your continued disingenuous efforts to be 'overkill'. 

We all know how you feel and we're fine not trying to get you to switch sides. So why are you getting off on trying to convince everyone of your perspective?  Force feeding could get you overlooked if you're really in this for a job. 


> when it is proven that the Obama White House orchestrated the active surveillance of a rival political campaign under false pretenses<



Where's the proof?


Do you agree with Giuliani about getting information from Russians?


Have you read the Mueller report?


    "Do you agree with Giuliani about getting information from Russians?"  Like the Hillary employee Christopher Steele?  

Yes Atex, I clearly meant "all" of the Catholics.


>> when it is proven that the Obama White House orchestrated the active surveillance of a rival political campaign under false pretenses <<

Such a loaded statement. And, by loaded I mean loaded with bullshit.

One can only imagine if a Democrat had such nefarious contacts with Russians in order to gain hacked emails, etc. It really is stunning how insane Trump supporters like Bryen have gone. Talk about brainwashing.



Plus the pigs were able to delete plenty of incriminating emails of their own that if available would have proven collusion. Wheres the wikileaks dump of those? Assange?


     Stay tuned people, enjoy the day, attack the messenger, just remember you did in fact "hear it here first".  In the coming days and weeks it will be proven that the Obama White House spied on the Trump campaign and created a false narrative out of whole cloth to justify doing so, the point I'm making, and it's abundantly clear, is that most if not all of you would have absolutely no problem with that ethically, and again, please correct me if I'm wrong.

You're wrong. LOL

A Trump bootlicker talking about ethics?!

That's RICH.

Oh, and when NONE of Bryen's claims get any traction, guess what he will do: blame The Conspiracy and Obama and Clinton and Clapper and the Derp State. LOL.

Bry you know it all little twerp you would bask in an 'I told you so' type of glory you despicable worm

Golf claps for B-ry, who is single-handedly keeping this place on life support.



Storm Front calls the above meme, “Gorillas in the Mist.”


Bry Bry = Troll of the Year !


Keep it in perspective people, it's only a troll.

Among the Fox News set, you’d think the Mueller report was a canonization recommendation from the Congregation for the Causes of Saints—and the only reason it was so long was because Trump had performed so many miracles.

They just don’t care. As long as he keeps sending conservative judges to the Senate, Trump can do anything he wants.
