^. Why. Because you wNt him to be there and he lives in NYC?? Deff could do without Trey. How bout an educated guess instead like the ppl that played on Ace or even HHTF?! Phil, Donna, maybe Billy K. They were on the album.
Come on. Kenny brooks? Claypool ? Mart stuart?
Well that comment about Kenny Gradney led me down a rabbit hole because the Midnights bass player every time I saw them was Alphonso Johnson. Came across this site. If you want to how the Midnights formed and about the Bob Weir Band that I never knew about go here http://hooterollin.blogspot.com/2012/04/bob-weir-bandbobby-and-midnites-...
Never heard this before either
Bob Weir Band #2
First show: Rancho Nicasio, Nicasio, CA October 16, 1978
Last show: Paramount Theater Northwest, Seattle, WA October 28, 1978
Bobby Cochran-lead guitar, vocals
Bob Weir-guitar, vocals
Brent Mydland-organ, keyboards, vocals
Dee Murray-bass
John Mauceri-drums
Although Heaven Help The Fool hadn't become a big hit, Weir hadn't given up. Weir and Cochran organized another brief tour by the Bob Weir Band. Former Elton John Band bassist Dee Murray took over on bass, replacing Rick Carlos. After a few warmup Bay Area gigs, the Bob Weir Band opened three shows for the Jerry Garcia Band in the Pacific Northwest (October 26-28, 1978). As I have discussed elsewhere, these shows were significant because Jerry Garcia got to hear Brent Mydland play and sing, and told Weir "hey, this guy might work." Garcia's reference was to the apparently unspoken concern that Keith and Donna Godchaux's time with the Grateful Dead had run its course. Indeed, a few months later, Mydland got the fateful call from Weir, and by April of 1979 he was a member of the Grateful Dead.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Margo Price there, it isn't far to travel from Nashville. It would be nice to se Billy there but I don't know if his health allows for it or not. I'd bet against Phil being there. Billy Strings is in Tahoe this weekend. Bob knows a helluva a lot of people though!
I'm going to pay to stream the shows, but doing a gold mining demonstration at Lawson Bar on the South Umpqua River on Saturday, so will do a later night viewing... (that's about a 2 hour drive away, but beautiful area). So I won't be starting any show threads for Sat, but will likely start one for Sunday.
I am looking forward to attending both nights. Just got to New York today. When I saw these shows pop up, I couldn't resist. Never been to RCMH.
Margo Price and Wynonna Judd both sat in at the Ryman, so they are possibilities. Donna Jean or Phil would truly be special. Trey does do a decent Playing In The Band. How about Amy Helm or the dude from The National, Aaron Dessner? Steve Earle and Patti Smith are both based in New York these days.
It's pretty interesting that Bob & this band are getting so much positive energy from here. Not a bad thing at all, just interesting.
For me, I haven't seen this group live, but every time I listen to them it seems there are often two or three different things happening at the same time, not really together, and that SOMEthing is missing from every one of the "things".
In other words, this group, especially the larger group, is interesting but doesn't really come together in my ear.
Still, very cool Herbal, if I was in NYC I'd go to one or both of these as well, just because.
This band does nothing for me. Even Barry isn't helping, so far.
I keep trying and it's pretty much, "Yeah; no."
The start of Bobby-led China Cats has been cringe-worthy for a quarter century now. Even when the tune as a whole is fine, those fucking openings are sad.
I saw every version of the midnites and Tim Bogert of Vanilla Fudge fame was this original pass player, then Alphonso Johnson, who I lined the most followed by Gradney of Little Feet. They were a bit predictable but I loved that band, saw them many 25 times or so. Never warmed to Rat Bob except when Johnny Johnson and Matt Kelly were in the band in the early incarnations. The Wolf Boys do nothing for me--just how it is but glad Weir is having fun
"The Wolfpack tonight and tomorrow night streaming live from Radio City Music Hall with special guests including Tyler Childers, Ron Carter and Brittney Spencer! "
>>> not really together, and that SOMEthing is missing from every one of the "things".
They seemed pretty together in nooga but the night after when I was listening remotely it didn't sound as tight. Perhaps what's missing is you at the shoe. ;)
Honestly, I'd rather go see these guys in a small theater than dead co in the sheds.
If Bob's gonna be mainly reciting poetry I think I prefer him in the stripped down Phil and Bob incarnation circa 2018. His "songs taking a slow stroll around the block" works better for me in a sparse setting.
But whatya gonna do? this is now.
Friend up in balcony texted that he's surrounded by talkers.
That's part of the problem to me. Is it a jazz band? an orchestra? a country band? A psychedelic band? A marachi band? Love Bob in all those but not all at once.
unlike the GD that "quilted" diverse music styles over the course of a show, this incarnation of Bob sounds more like a overflowing messy buffet table of different dishes at a the local drop and slop.
Fun Fact Brittney Spencer is a Baltimore native and learned music at a nearby high school
Tonight was plenty of fun overall, and I'm glad I went on many levels. It was the first time my brother Chris and I had been to a show together since the first Phil & Friends show in '94 at the BCT, and his first time seeing anything Dead related post-Jerry. We checked out Katz's Delicatessen before the show (Roarshock's photo of that mouthwatering pastrami sandwich hooked me), but the line was too long, so we opted for a place called Ben's Delicatessen that was a fine substitute and we could get in and out of quickly. The Pastrami on Rye, potato salad, cole slaw, and pickles all hit the spot.
We found street parking two blocks away from RCMH, and got in line, through the vax check, and into our seats about 10 minutes before the lights went down.
The first few songs were impacted by some issues with the house mix, but the crowd remained enthusiastic. After the opening trio of songs, Bob said a few things about celebrating the release of the Ace album, and they proceeded to play it in it's entirety. Greatest Story was the first song I could hear Barry's steel in the mix. Tyler Childers sounded good, but it was weird watching someone else sing a Weir song with him standing right there just playing guitar. I was surprised what a luke-warm reception Walk In The Sunshine got. Most of the crowd seemed unfamiliar with it. The Playin>Looks Like Rain that followed was the musical highpoint of the set. And perhaps the whole night. Brittney Spencer's vocals on LLR were superb.
At intermission I had a chance to check out the lobby and to get some merch. I saw a few family groups of parents with kids, but generally, it was an older more mature crowd than what you would see at a Dead & Co. show, with far less boozehound wastoids and acid casualties. The venue itself was beautiful, and a treat to see in person.
Got back to our seats just as You Win Again started up the 2nd set, with Tyler Childers competently handling the vocals. The Weather Report Suite sounded good with the horns and strings augmentation. The Dark Star with Ron Carter was interesting but not particularly mindblowing. Same for the Eyes>What's Going On>Eyes medley, which seemed a commentary on the situation in Ukraine. The Days Between dragged a little, but the Playin' Reprise set closer and Ripple encore finished the night nicely.
Not the greatest show, but not too bad. I expect the sound will be more dialed in tomorrow night. Expect that we'll see another run through of the Ace album tomorrow, and a Ron Carter sit-in on Milestones.
That has been the only time I've listened to this group where I could really hear the bass/where the bass stood out, and it sounded pretty damn good, especially considering the guy had almost certainly NEVER heard Dark Star before in his life.
Trying to not go all philzony here. I respect Mayer for the fact that he has talent but it's just a weird fit for me that hasn't worked. It's great that others find joy in it and that he values the catalog but I find them more off than coming together..
AND...I think Sless has been put in a weird role here. He gets the tonal nuances so great that he's like the glue that's subtely there mat making it work. I love for him to be given a couple songs where they hand him a guitar and let him loose, even if it's once or twice a night. But this band is very composed, perhaps due to the horn section or all the players coming in and out which leads me to.....
>>>>That's part of the problem to me. Is it a jazz band? an orchestra? a country band? A psychedelic band? A marachi band? Love Bob in all those but not all at once.
See that's what I like about it. You get all of these and it's a little more of a mix then the same medicine. Maybe it's just a new flavor and it will wear on me but I like that it's not all the same. I think I'd get bored if it was. I love the jazz influences and the occaisional big band, the thoughtful solo and the cowboy. It's a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll and that's ok.
If you are looking for the face melting jams, you aren't going to get them. But that's never been Bobby's aisle. So if you accept his strengths and his age, this seems about as good of bobby as one could expect in my opinion.
>>>>Expect that we'll see another run through of the Ace album tomorrow,
That would be unfortunate but you might be right.
I tuned into the end of LLR through eyes where I fell asleep. I thought the LLR, Cassidy, and Let it grow were nice. I had a lot of chatter around me but the DS wasn't too shabby either. Shakedown was a bit slow for my liking.
Glad you had fun Dave. (((Meaty Reviews))) It's nice to have shows to even review...
Dave and ZZZ, great reviews, from one who was there. I was in 1st row, 3rd Mezz first set and moved down to 2nd mezz 2nd set
My thoughts, Barry Sless seemed to get plenty of air time, especially 1st set. He was all over many of the songs to my ear and seemed to even have a few solos.
The "Horn Mafia/String Section" is outrageous and for my money, worth the price of admission alone. Not sure who any of these guys are but each and every one of them is a stellar musician. They seemed to blend well with many of the songs. The violin player in particular was off the charts-he had a nice solo in one song(can't remember) that was a highlight for me. Sounds like these guys rehearsed a bit or at least were given some playlists to listen to and build on.
Agree with the comments about the Base. Was seems to be low in the mix, barely audible. Ron Carter's sound was no doubt bumped up.
I thought I saw a photo of Tyler Childer's playing guitar, but he only sang last night right? Perhaps he'll pick tonight. I am sure he has a great voice but not sure his addtion added anything out of the oridinary to the band.
Brittany nailed the LLR and What's Goin on. The Walk in the Sunshine was a disappointment to me. Was looking forward to this, but it seemed undercooked.
As for the styly issue, I do kind of agree that its kind of a cornucopia of different styles which does keep it interesting. At the end of the day, I'd go with the Country/Jazz slant for this band. Especially with the horn section.
Thought the Dark Star was going to be a Wharf Rat. And yes the Days Between was a slog somewhat. Nice sing along Ripple.
Sounds promising overall. Picked up a ticket on Stubhub, $40 including fees, 2nd mezzanine. Gonna head uptown and go to lunch with my daughter, who goes to school in NYC. Youngest son heading up later to see a banded called Dragonforce. Gonna take the train back home with him. Gonna be a perfect afternoon/evening.
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^. Why. Because you wNt him
^. Why. Because you wNt him to be there and he lives in NYC?? Deff could do without Trey. How bout an educated guess instead like the ppl that played on Ace or even HHTF?! Phil, Donna, maybe Billy K. They were on the album.
Come on. Kenny brooks? Claypool ? Mart stuart?
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Little Feat's Kenny Gradney
Little Feat's Kenny Gradney played bass for Bobby and the Midnights
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>>>>Kenny Gradney played bass
>>>>Kenny Gradney played bass for Bobby and the Midnights
Here is video proof (but be warned, once seen, this video cannot be unseen):
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Well that comment about Kenny
Well that comment about Kenny Gradney led me down a rabbit hole because the Midnights bass player every time I saw them was Alphonso Johnson. Came across this site. If you want to how the Midnights formed and about the Bob Weir Band that I never knew about go here http://hooterollin.blogspot.com/2012/04/bob-weir-bandbobby-and-midnites-...
Never heard this before either
Bob Weir Band #2
First show: Rancho Nicasio, Nicasio, CA October 16, 1978
Last show: Paramount Theater Northwest, Seattle, WA October 28, 1978
Bobby Cochran-lead guitar, vocals
Bob Weir-guitar, vocals
Brent Mydland-organ, keyboards, vocals
Dee Murray-bass
John Mauceri-drums
Although Heaven Help The Fool hadn't become a big hit, Weir hadn't given up. Weir and Cochran organized another brief tour by the Bob Weir Band. Former Elton John Band bassist Dee Murray took over on bass, replacing Rick Carlos. After a few warmup Bay Area gigs, the Bob Weir Band opened three shows for the Jerry Garcia Band in the Pacific Northwest (October 26-28, 1978). As I have discussed elsewhere, these shows were significant because Jerry Garcia got to hear Brent Mydland play and sing, and told Weir "hey, this guy might work." Garcia's reference was to the apparently unspoken concern that Keith and Donna Godchaux's time with the Grateful Dead had run its course. Indeed, a few months later, Mydland got the fateful call from Weir, and by April of 1979 he was a member of the Grateful Dead.
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I wouldn't be surprised to
I wouldn't be surprised to see Margo Price there, it isn't far to travel from Nashville. It would be nice to se Billy there but I don't know if his health allows for it or not. I'd bet against Phil being there. Billy Strings is in Tahoe this weekend. Bob knows a helluva a lot of people though!
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$38 for both night for the
$34.99 + 3.95 fee for both nights fat RCMH (webcast). May have to check it out......
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I think it could be some
I think it could be some bigger industry names that aren't necessarily connected to Weir and wouldn't be easy to guess, suggested/picked by Don Was.
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^ yup agreed. Margo price as
^ yup agreed. Margo price as well is deff A possibility which would be cool for sure. Cant wait for the shows, gonna ne a
long Saturday
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The question I have is will
The question I have is will he finally bust out Walk In The Sunshine?
I always dug this tune. I feel like i'm in the minority big time with this view. :-)
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Strong rumors that he is
There are strong rumors that he is flying out the Mormon Tabernacle Choir for back-up on the surprise, non-ACE breakout star, Salt Lake City!
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I'm going to pay to stream
I'm going to pay to stream the shows, but doing a gold mining demonstration at Lawson Bar on the South Umpqua River on Saturday, so will do a later night viewing... (that's about a 2 hour drive away, but beautiful area). So I won't be starting any show threads for Sat, but will likely start one for Sunday.
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I am looking forward to
I am looking forward to attending both nights. Just got to New York today. When I saw these shows pop up, I couldn't resist. Never been to RCMH.
Margo Price and Wynonna Judd both sat in at the Ryman, so they are possibilities. Donna Jean or Phil would truly be special. Trey does do a decent Playing In The Band. How about Amy Helm or the dude from The National, Aaron Dessner? Steve Earle and Patti Smith are both based in New York these days.
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It's pretty interesting that
It's pretty interesting that Bob & this band are getting so much positive energy from here. Not a bad thing at all, just interesting.
For me, I haven't seen this group live, but every time I listen to them it seems there are often two or three different things happening at the same time, not really together, and that SOMEthing is missing from every one of the "things".
In other words, this group, especially the larger group, is interesting but doesn't really come together in my ear.
Still, very cool Herbal, if I was in NYC I'd go to one or both of these as well, just because.
I hope all who care enjoy the shows.
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This band does nothing for me
This band does nothing for me. Even Barry isn't helping, so far.
I keep trying and it's pretty much, "Yeah; no."
The start of Bobby-led China Cats has been cringe-worthy for a quarter century now. Even when the tune as a whole is fine, those fucking openings are sad.
Enjoy the cruise if it floats your boat.
I'll bet Warren was a planned guest.
Maybe Jimmy Fallon is available.
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Tyler Childers
Tyler Childers
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I saw every version of the
I saw every version of the midnites and Tim Bogert of Vanilla Fudge fame was this original pass player, then Alphonso Johnson, who I lined the most followed by Gradney of Little Feet. They were a bit predictable but I loved that band, saw them many 25 times or so. Never warmed to Rat Bob except when Johnny Johnson and Matt Kelly were in the band in the early incarnations. The Wolf Boys do nothing for me--just how it is but glad Weir is having fun
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Damn, this could be special
Damn, this could be special folks... (and when I saw Bobby & the Midnights it was with Kenny Grady)
(Jimmy Fallon may not be available, but Ron Carter is)
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From a Weir update:
From a Weir update:
"The Wolfpack tonight and tomorrow night streaming live from Radio City Music Hall with special guests including Tyler Childers, Ron Carter and Brittney Spencer! "
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I always dug Walk in the
I always dug Walk in the Sunshine. Yup-- I did.
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I always dug Walk in the
I always dug Walk in the Sunshine. Yup-- I did.
What's not to like? Long been a favorite of mine
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>>> not really together, and
>>> not really together, and that SOMEthing is missing from every one of the "things".
They seemed pretty together in nooga but the night after when I was listening remotely it didn't sound as tight. Perhaps what's missing is you at the shoe. ;)
Honestly, I'd rather go see these guys in a small theater than dead co in the sheds.
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.....Walk in the Sunshine....
.....Walk in the Sunshine.....
He has played it, I'm sure it will be included, which will be pretty cool.
They are working on a re-issue of Ace with a bunch of outtakes; a different
version of Walk in the Sunshine may be on there.
Enjoy the shows Dave!
Great that you are there.
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Digging this show from RCMH,
Digging this show from RCMH, great band!
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>>>Perhaps what's missing is
>>>Perhaps what's missing is you at the shoe<<<
I'm always the first to concede that point. You can never KNOW unless you go to the show.
I imagine I'll cough up the dough and go to the Frost show, and then I'll have a more informed opinion.
>>>I'd rather go see these guys in a small theater than dead co in the sheds<<<
I'm not huge on D$C, but they have a real lead guitar player, a real full-on bass player and they (at times) play real rock 'n roll.
You just have to get a good seat at the shed.
But this is a Wolf Bros thread. I just listened to a bit of the free stream from the other thread... wasn't working for me at all.
That being said, I'm leaving to go see Midnight North in about an hour, so I suppose there's no accounting for taste.
(I'm going to that to support my buddy & see some friends... and MAYBE see a dad sit-in with his son. One can always hope)
Enjoy your show folks!
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.....Walk in the Sunshine....
.....Walk in the Sunshine.....
I always liked it
Much scorned on the old Zone. More support for it in this thread than over the life of PZ, I think.
I wonder what that says.
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Killer Weather Report Suite!
Killer Weather Report Suite!
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I'm listening not watching,
I'm listening not watching, and love Bob Weir. But this all sounds a little overdone to me. Background vocals sure are screechy.
Glad I didn't drive up.
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Right now Sless is thinking,
Right now Sless is thinking, "Holy shit! That can't really be THAT Ron Carter, can it?"
Don Was is thinking, "Eh, no biggie. I got these people in my back pocket."
Weir's thinking, "That's not Was on bass now? Uh, whatever. What song are we playing??"
Carter is thinking, "What is that unholy squealing???"
I'm thinking, I may have to wait a few minutes before hitting the road, because Carter sounds fucking GREAT!
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If Bob's gonna be mainly
If Bob's gonna be mainly reciting poetry I think I prefer him in the stripped down Phil and Bob incarnation circa 2018. His "songs taking a slow stroll around the block" works better for me in a sparse setting.
But whatya gonna do? this is now.
Friend up in balcony texted that he's surrounded by talkers.
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it's bordering on elevator
it's (Eyes) bordering on elevator music... I blame all this on gummies.... the whole world is sedated
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I'm thinking this band sounds
I'm thinking this band sounds amazing. Love it. And Ron Carter? From Miles to Dark Star!
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<From Miles to Dark Star!>
<From Miles to Dark Star!>
That's part of the problem to me. Is it a jazz band? an orchestra? a country band? A psychedelic band? A marachi band? Love Bob in all those but not all at once.
unlike the GD that "quilted" diverse music styles over the course of a show, this incarnation of Bob sounds more like a overflowing messy buffet table of different dishes at a the local drop and slop.
Fun Fact Brittney Spencer is a Baltimore native and learned music at a nearby high school
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Tonight was plenty of fun overall, and I'm glad I went on many levels. It was the first time my brother Chris and I had been to a show together since the first Phil & Friends show in '94 at the BCT, and his first time seeing anything Dead related post-Jerry. We checked out Katz's Delicatessen before the show (Roarshock's photo of that mouthwatering pastrami sandwich hooked me), but the line was too long, so we opted for a place called Ben's Delicatessen that was a fine substitute and we could get in and out of quickly. The Pastrami on Rye, potato salad, cole slaw, and pickles all hit the spot.
We found street parking two blocks away from RCMH, and got in line, through the vax check, and into our seats about 10 minutes before the lights went down.
The first few songs were impacted by some issues with the house mix, but the crowd remained enthusiastic. After the opening trio of songs, Bob said a few things about celebrating the release of the Ace album, and they proceeded to play it in it's entirety. Greatest Story was the first song I could hear Barry's steel in the mix. Tyler Childers sounded good, but it was weird watching someone else sing a Weir song with him standing right there just playing guitar. I was surprised what a luke-warm reception Walk In The Sunshine got. Most of the crowd seemed unfamiliar with it. The Playin>Looks Like Rain that followed was the musical highpoint of the set. And perhaps the whole night. Brittney Spencer's vocals on LLR were superb.
At intermission I had a chance to check out the lobby and to get some merch. I saw a few family groups of parents with kids, but generally, it was an older more mature crowd than what you would see at a Dead & Co. show, with far less boozehound wastoids and acid casualties. The venue itself was beautiful, and a treat to see in person.
Got back to our seats just as You Win Again started up the 2nd set, with Tyler Childers competently handling the vocals. The Weather Report Suite sounded good with the horns and strings augmentation. The Dark Star with Ron Carter was interesting but not particularly mindblowing. Same for the Eyes>What's Going On>Eyes medley, which seemed a commentary on the situation in Ukraine. The Days Between dragged a little, but the Playin' Reprise set closer and Ripple encore finished the night nicely.
Not the greatest show, but not too bad. I expect the sound will be more dialed in tomorrow night. Expect that we'll see another run through of the Ace album tomorrow, and a Ron Carter sit-in on Milestones.
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Every day I get in the queue, to get on the bus that takes me to you.
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Intermission in the lobby.
Intermission in the lobby.
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with Ron Carter on bass during Dark Star
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>>>with Ron Carter on bass
>>>with Ron Carter on bass during Dark Star<<<
That has been the only time I've listened to this group where I could really hear the bass/where the bass stood out, and it sounded pretty damn good, especially considering the guy had almost certainly NEVER heard Dark Star before in his life.
I thought that was a pretty cool effort overall.
And nice review Dave.
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>>>>but they have a real lead
>>>>but they have a real lead guitar player,
Trying to not go all philzony here. I respect Mayer for the fact that he has talent but it's just a weird fit for me that hasn't worked. It's great that others find joy in it and that he values the catalog but I find them more off than coming together..
AND...I think Sless has been put in a weird role here. He gets the tonal nuances so great that he's like the glue that's subtely there mat making it work. I love for him to be given a couple songs where they hand him a guitar and let him loose, even if it's once or twice a night. But this band is very composed, perhaps due to the horn section or all the players coming in and out which leads me to.....
>>>>That's part of the problem to me. Is it a jazz band? an orchestra? a country band? A psychedelic band? A marachi band? Love Bob in all those but not all at once.
See that's what I like about it. You get all of these and it's a little more of a mix then the same medicine. Maybe it's just a new flavor and it will wear on me but I like that it's not all the same. I think I'd get bored if it was. I love the jazz influences and the occaisional big band, the thoughtful solo and the cowboy. It's a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll and that's ok.
If you are looking for the face melting jams, you aren't going to get them. But that's never been Bobby's aisle. So if you accept his strengths and his age, this seems about as good of bobby as one could expect in my opinion.
>>>>Expect that we'll see another run through of the Ace album tomorrow,
That would be unfortunate but you might be right.
I tuned into the end of LLR through eyes where I fell asleep. I thought the LLR, Cassidy, and Let it grow were nice. I had a lot of chatter around me but the DS wasn't too shabby either. Shakedown was a bit slow for my liking.
Glad you had fun Dave. (((Meaty Reviews))) It's nice to have shows to even review...
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Dave and ZZZ, great reviews,
Dave and ZZZ, great reviews, from one who was there. I was in 1st row, 3rd Mezz first set and moved down to 2nd mezz 2nd set
My thoughts, Barry Sless seemed to get plenty of air time, especially 1st set. He was all over many of the songs to my ear and seemed to even have a few solos.
The "Horn Mafia/String Section" is outrageous and for my money, worth the price of admission alone. Not sure who any of these guys are but each and every one of them is a stellar musician. They seemed to blend well with many of the songs. The violin player in particular was off the charts-he had a nice solo in one song(can't remember) that was a highlight for me. Sounds like these guys rehearsed a bit or at least were given some playlists to listen to and build on.
Agree with the comments about the Base. Was seems to be low in the mix, barely audible. Ron Carter's sound was no doubt bumped up.
I thought I saw a photo of Tyler Childer's playing guitar, but he only sang last night right? Perhaps he'll pick tonight. I am sure he has a great voice but not sure his addtion added anything out of the oridinary to the band.
Brittany nailed the LLR and What's Goin on. The Walk in the Sunshine was a disappointment to me. Was looking forward to this, but it seemed undercooked.
As for the styly issue, I do kind of agree that its kind of a cornucopia of different styles which does keep it interesting. At the end of the day, I'd go with the Country/Jazz slant for this band. Especially with the horn section.
Thought the Dark Star was going to be a Wharf Rat. And yes the Days Between was a slog somewhat. Nice sing along Ripple.
Overall, a pretty tight show.
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Sounds promising overall.
Sounds promising overall. Picked up a ticket on Stubhub, $40 including fees, 2nd mezzanine. Gonna head uptown and go to lunch with my daughter, who goes to school in NYC. Youngest son heading up later to see a banded called Dragonforce. Gonna take the train back home with him. Gonna be a perfect afternoon/evening.
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tyler childers? so cool.
tyler childers? so cool. hopefully this gig can lead to other avenues for barry.
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I'm hoping Ron Carter is back
I'm hoping Ron Carter is back
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>He was all over many of the
>He was all over many of the songs to my ear and seemed to even have a few solos.
if barry sless just "seems" to have "a few" solos, a grave mistake has been made