Why ban thought?


Isn't that the purpose of a discussion?

a little bump,  just to get it above my fuckups

Hey Fish. Remember when I encouraged you to start your own threads in order to contribute more to the community?

Let's go ahead and scratch that idea. It's just not working out for you the way I hoped.

what brand of overpriced socks are you wearing, Mark?

I want to apologize to fish for calling him Dory yesterday.  It was an insensitive comment that i take back.

I buy my socks from a company called Suit Supply, Fish. Wool blend, breathable, classic, and very affordable. Let me know if I can steer you in the right direction.

Anywho; you're clearly kind of a mess with this whole staring a thread on an internet message board thing, Fish. What, exactly, happened here?


I believe there was another aborted thread attempt as well? Not well-executed, man. Not well-executed at all.


you didn't call me dory.  you asked me if you could, but didn't, and I was reassured by that. 


now could you recall the memory of the zit on the girl's ass for the group, please?

I just checked the admin inbox, and it looks like we've received several somewhat desperate-sounding requests to remove the 'Why ban r' threads from the site.

We're pretty backlogged moving all the political threads over to the politics folder, and also aggressively suppressing free speech with the brutal authority of a totalitarian dictatorship; but I want to assure you that your request will be considered, time permitting. Thanks, Fish. 

just did some thinking as i rode thru the muslim sections of paterson and clifton..........

What's this thread about?


Is there a ban on thought somewhere?  If so, where and howis this happening?

Thought has in fact been banned, JohnnyD. Enforcement is being administered through a debilitating electrical shock delivered to the thinker through their keyboard every time thought is detected by the Viva AI.

'This Day In Grateful Dead History' threads have also been permanently banned. Sad day. 

Viva admin actively and arbitrarily deletes and bans posts and posters they seem to not agree with, Johnny

I think it's wrong





Dont think about it too much, but i think thought is kinda important

Why ban r?

Ok smark, no more typos for you either, right?


and by the way, are you really fat? Why did you need so many seats at the shows you showed tickets for?

Is trying to start a thread and failing miserably considered a typo, Fish?

If so, I've never made a typo. 

This ain't ThePhilzone.net.



>>>and by the way, are you really fat? Why did you need so many seats at the shows you showed tickets for?


Yes, Fish. I am an enormous man. That's why I stick with a size medium at J. Crew. 

How about if we just ban original thought? I mean, im sitting here trying not to think (id hate to be banned for thinking thoughts) , but, its really hard not to think.




I just keep thinking..."well, im thinking something cause i can hear this voice in my head....thinking about going to get something to eat, maybe ill watch the news first...wtf is this hockey game? How can the NHL all star GAME be two games? Why is golf on tv at all? Fuck, i dont really wanna watch the 6 oclock blues anyway...wheres my lighter? I should probobly check in on pz, its been like three minutes, ...damn, am i thinking? I hope ADMIN doesnt know. "


So, lets just ban original thought, shouldnt be too hard for most of us...


Any thoughts?



>>where's my lighter?



so... youze no can hazzes?

The only thought banned on this thread was the idea that anybody would actually care about Fish's whining. 

What a dud.

>>any thoughts?


I didnt think so....

jamby..... your over thinking it......


simplify mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn..

Lol, j...just pointing out silliness...but, yes, its a slow day in jb world...lol


I should prob do a lil gong meditation and chill...


Thanks for reminder


Fish, you can edit thread titles on Viva.


Just an FYI.


Thanks hoover. What changes should I make?

jamby... ill send you a remote gong bath..... heck, ill gong the whole zone.

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 fish on Sunday, January 29, 2017 – 09:36 pm 

Thanks hoover. What changes should I make?


Man, where to start.  It's great that you're acknowledging your need for change.  Take some time to reflect and why don't you tell me what you think you need to change, and what you'd like to change and we'll move forward from there. 

  pretty much all I do here is ask questions

is that such a bad thing? 

should I ask different questions?




I bet Fish is really missing Jughead right about now.

how tall are you mark?

does your hairline cause you stress?

I'm 6' 3", Fish. No, I'm good with my hairline. Why do you ask?

Is being kinda shitty at the zone a stressful experience for you; or do you just embrace it, the way I do my towering height and male pattern baldness?

the zone is just a thing which is very humorous to watch others get their panties in a bunch over

self important folks like you take it down a notch, but aren't that difficult to blip over

Totally. Zoners who start threads about the suppression of free thought are obviously just in it for the laughs.

you seem to have an obsession with starting threads. what's up with that?

Well you see, Fish; the zone is a message board. A message board functions by users starting threads and generating content.

Did I just blow your mind, dude? I blew your mind, didn't I?

"generating content"


you should give it a whirl sometime

Oh, I've taken a few spins around the old block.

This one is actually shaping up a bit. You're welcome.

thanks. go steal somebody's pics for me, will ya? we'll get this bitch to a thousand

>>>the zone is just a thing which is very humorous to watch others get their panties in a bunch over


Says the guy who gets as melty as anyone out there.



>>>go steal somebody's pics for me, will ya?


We talkin' like yearbook pics here; or are you really casting your lot with Fo6 and subscribing to the idea that the Denver zoner who posted pics of a bunch of ticket stubs from shows in Denver really got them from a zoner in California?

I feel like a level set is important before we move forward. I like to know what I'm working with, derp wise.

Mark has seen Phil more times than me and Fog combined.

I am not sure what banning anyone from an open forum does. I guess it isn't an open forum.

When I don't like what is going on, I move on for a while and come back. 

If  i open a thread I can't deal with, I dont open it again. It seems real odd to me that when our freedom is at stake, deadheads would take even more of that away and play the game


It isn't mine, but if it was, I wouldn't ban anyone and I would let everyone in.



VLZ isn't an open forum. It's a private message board that requires membership to post.

Not saying I'm pro banning per se; just pointing out the facts.

Well there you go. I was misled to believe anyone could sign up. 

My mistake. I didn't know I was that special either. I feel kind of dirty. Weird

This place is run by Deadheads, right?

I always thought being a deadhead also stood for freedom in this country. Maybe it was all the acid. 

>>>When I don't like what is going on, I move on for a while and come back. 


That's not entirely true--although I guess it depends on what 'a while' is. 

You say goodbye to everyone cause you have to go somewhere (like work) while arguing some point and then you come back within 20 minutes to continue in the argument. 

With consistency.  It's kind of like your calling card. 



>>>>>This place is run by Deadheads, right? I always thought being a deadhead also stood for freedom in this country. Maybe it was all the acid.


GD threw interlopers off the stage all the time - happened at my first GD show in 1969. 

Felina, do you think the Zone could exist without your keen insights about everyone half-a-day later?

I do. I'd rather see you do you. We need original content here. Save the re-hash. 

What's new Felina? What else is on your mind?

Gravy, you calling Felina out is kind of the same loop you're calling him out for.  Fuck, now I just did it too.



Believe me, I know...

Yosemite thread was nice. That's a day trip, huh?

Yep.  In at 8, leave the valley around 4.  South Gate Brewery in Madera on the way home.

Sounds great. Showed my kids Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP last summer and planning Yosemite this summer. Tried for a camping reservation in the valley for early June already and failed. Harder to get than a Fare Thee Well floor ticket. 

I think it's important this thread remains a calm, tranquil place while Gravy is posting. 

We're going for a week long trip in April.  They had heated tent cabins for $77 a night last weekend but we left the pup at home this trip so we couldn't stay over night.


Talking about going to Sequoia for the day after the next big snow.

You telling me you aren't wearing your saftey pin, Mark? Cuz I might freak out a little in that case. 

Stay calm, Gravy. Just stay caaaaaaaaalm.

Yeah the old Curry tent cabins seem to have a lot more availability. Wanted to do our own tent but may do those tent cabins instead. The hantavirus outbreak they had is probably under control by now. 

>>>>The hantavirus outbreak they had is probably under control by now. 


They demolished the cabins that we're insulated and had the problem.  They still post warnings about it and the plague though.


We're doing our own tents in April.  We have a good size group going.  Got 5 spots together.

Camping is a very peaceful and relaxing activity. 

Hmmm. Interesting. Well, it isn't "wild" without a little risk! smiley

Now about that safety pin Sr. Marcos....

Have you ever considered wearing a reflector vest while you zone, Gravy?

Like the one you wear riding your fixie?

Nah, mine's reserved for post-earthquake evacs. 

Evacs. I like it.

Do you believe a vengeful spirit is angry at the land in California, Gravy? Is that why earthquakes happen?

No way, Mark.

But that's why right-wingers shoot up Planned Parenthood's in podunk Cololacky towns tho'. 

You're thinking of the bearded sky god, Gravy.

Different thing. Sorta. 

It's all magical thinking to me. 

Good news, everybody. Thought has been reinstated on a conditional basis. 

Let's just be careful about derpin' out on the thread starting. Fish, I'm looking at you, buddy.

Mr. Felina,

 of course you missed my point, and what I actually said. 

I can chose to engage or I can chose to scroll on by or let it go.

when you see me post, I chose to engage. Pretty simple really.

I hope you are well sir

>>>>when you see me post, I chose to engage. Pretty simple really.


Uh, that true for anybody, Creek.  What's your point?


Hoover loves the mix

>>>Believe me, I know...


Insight is a good thing Gravy.

Go with that.



>>>I can chose to engage or I can chose to scroll on by or let it go.


It all begins with you believing that. 

That is not at all a bad place to start. 



Fish has started a real gem here.


Quality group of Zoners in this one..  Well done.

you killed my thread, fog

thanks for that

Fog does that. 

Fog that shit

Besides creek Joe deadfast,  a bunch of good zoners on this thread.

fish is even starting to grow on me.


Yosemite Valley is the Disneyland of the Sierra.

And that's not a bad thing (I like 'em both), but it's pretty funny that Gravy doesn't have a huge problem with this.

i've never understood the beef between graivy and hall but am interested in knowing more about it. 

no beef, just not a big fan of his online shtick.


how ya been, JR? 

It's called defusing my friend. No thanks necessary.. I recall attending a show with Fish or something like that, believe it was St Patricks Day maybe, everyone made it home safe and sound, thats about all i remember. Good times.


Mark, just be patient with me please, right around the third week of march i'll have more time for you.

Good Hall. Hope the same for you.

well, i thought about this thread a whole bunch more..... and i think im with the original post here.....

>>Yosemite Valley is the Disneyland of the Sierra.

Of course I get this. It's for my kids; showing them iconic sites for the connection. Otherwise, I'd avoid the valley floor, especially in the summer.

We hit Magic Mountain, I mean Sequioa NP first. Is that cool? 

And I'll bet they could teach you all about Channel Islands NP, which is our main playground.

>> online shtick.

shtick it.

>>Yosemite Valley is the Disneyland of the Sierra.

Of course I get this. It's for my kids; showing them iconic sites for the connection. Otherwise, I'd avoid the valley floor, especially in the summer.

We hit Magic Mountain, I mean Sequioa NP first. Is that cool? 

And I'll bet they could teach you all about Channel Islands NP, which is our main playground. Ocean, not dirt, is my pref.

>> online shtick.

shtick it.

Double posts happen when people post angry.

>>>shtick it.

creative , as was the original poke about Yosemite and Disney Land

i'd call it a draw and move on


Universal Studios in Orlando is also highly recommended.



>>> well, i thought about this thread a whole bunch more..... and i think im with the original post here.....


I did the same. I made a chart and I came up with: 8

funny. i came up with 9 .


you forgot to carry the zero.

>>Double posts happen when people post angry.

Or, when the site's server hung-up, like last night. I'm not angry.


HALL sounds angry, like he's holding a grudge. Wonder why? 

It ain't shtick. 



Some ppl think too much....some, not enough....


I think, im not sure

Whatever, Hamlet.

>>>>>HALL sounds angry


Do you have a listening device in his house?


I think more accurately would be you're interpreting his post as angry because that's how you'd like to read it.


To me it reads like he's casually responding to a question he was asked.


Which part "sounds" angry to you?


 Googlymoogly on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 – 06:22 pm

no beef, just not a big fan of his online shtick.


how ya been, JR? 


Morning boys. Graivy chill, we still have a long day in front of us. 

Grow up jonny. 

um..... no.


why dont you youth'en up a bit...

no beef,

Graivy chill



Beef gravy.........

Chilled Gravy.

>>Double posts happen when people post angry.

>> Or, when the site's server hung-up, like last night. I'm not angry

Nobody else seems to have had an issue, Gravy. Weird, right?

I got a notice that the site's database was having issues last night. Believe what you will.


What scent are you wearing today, Mark?

Gravy, please let us know in the Techie Talk folder or through a Contact email about the technical issues last night. Thank you.

Post the notice, Gravy.

I'm wearing Pasha by Cartier today. It's a classic, kind of old school barbershop woody aromatic fragrance that I break out on cold days when I'm wearing heavier clothes. Great stuff. 

I'm calling bullshit on the notice, as well.

Gravy just remembered he has boat plans this morning.

Dockers...because docks. 

I got a notice. It was odd; something I'd never seen before. I'll grab a screenshot, if it happens again, for skeptics like Nedb.

It specifically indicated an overloaded server database at this site's end. I thought Kirley had arranged a DDOS hack or something.

Unnecessary over concern over something so trivial, unless it's just a troll.




(the Techie Talk folder)

Kirley is obviously suffering from significant brain damage.

What makes you think he could arrange anything?

Skepticism separates humans from the beasts.

My request was so lava could hear about it to know if there's anything he needs to address.

>I thought Kirley had arranged a DDOS hack or something.


Dude, ive never been one to pile on but I think you need a break from here.  It actually crossed your mind, please tell me that you were joking(even if you weren't), and your first thought after a website error was that Kirley had hacked the board?   Holy fn shit......    

Maybe I'm the one that needs the break..

Judit, that comment was not directed at you.



Z>>.>>Maybe I'm the one that needs the break..


quite a few in here over thinking this whole thing

Post the notice for Gravy, Fog.

Some unconfirmed reports have come in that Kirley met some other disgruntled DBMB people on Reddit. 

Some big plans have been thrown around but no action so far has been taken. I 100% believe Graivy and know he's not losing his mind.

Nedb doesn't believe tower 7 was a detonated explosion so his opinion doesn't carry much weight.

Vivalazone. Org may be under attack. Triple back to back to back posts btw in case someone didn't notice. 

>quite a few in here over thinking this whole thing

We got trolled by Gravy?   Damn...confounded bridge.  

jonas no offense but i don't think your brain can comprehend the depth of all of this. 

I have it on good authority that Kirley is currently incapacitated face down in a takeout container of Kansas City style BBQ sauce.

Might want to double check your Intel, JR.

Three Billy Goats Gruff is a big lie, the Troll ate all of them.

No offense taken Jr.  I realize this is all sensitive and classified info. 


There never was a notice, was there Fog?

Kirley in a food coma is when he's at his most dangerous, never underestimate him.

I recall getting a similar notice, i'll take a screen shot of it if i see it again.

JR....Mark stole your schtick.

He's like a Happy JR.

I wish we had a Happy 4Winds to compliment Happy JR.


Will you be my Happy 4Winds, Ned?

* blushes *

the zone has always brought out the best in me.