Why no post count on profile on viva? Does one move up from zoner?


Not that i care, 


Though it's nice to come back home after a day gone and see what certain socks I mean zoners have been up to all day.


you know, say For instance Capt trips posts 10 times one day and 60 times the next. Etc


2nd, does " zoner status" change after certain number, why even bother with giving people that category?

Just wondering.

Fine work you did either way. They all showed up.

I had things to do that day , surprised I got 10 in, not to worry I will shut up and watch the evolution 

And thanks for asking how the pup is doing instead of worrying about post counts

i prefer that we're just all zoners

are you actually in ND, theo?

No Jill, I was just showing my support for the tribe!



Therefore, the more hits my profile has on google the more Standing Rock shows up in news feeds:)


Still in the keystone state?


my bad capt, when you made that sick puppy reference I too thought it was because you were the only one responding to your pal zip

Don't get above your raisin', comrade.