Wilco streaming Thursday night from Palace Theatre


"Live from the Palace Theatre, St Paul MN at 8pm ET"

Hoping they broadcast the opener as well, Jim Elkington, who put out a great album this year.

In lieu of a second underwhelming Phil show tonight, I'll be listening to this for sure. 

Not sure if you listened to it, but Jeff gave a really open and heartfelt interview about his battle with depression and addiction over the years on a podcast of the Hilarious World of Depression. 


EB Fox, I saw that link, thanks for the reminder to check that out!

You're welcome! 

Thanks Mr Ateix, I will definitely tune in, extra bonus is simultaneous Football on TV w/the sound off.

Yes, thanks for the reminder. I had an email about it. Totally spaced it. 

Sounds great, too bad they didn't include the opening act, though.

Agreed, great sound, if a bit low, figure it'll probably raise as the set progresses

This is great!!

My intro to Wilco (besides having the Uncle Tupelo No Depression cd back in the day) was courtesy of old time long time zoner Slobodyle (real name Matt) who bartended @ a locally owned sports bar in a nice old inn near the west end of the Tappan Zee Bridge.  Before many a Phil/etc show in NYC in the early/mid '00's he'd host gatherings of zoners coming down from New England/Hudson Valley/points north & west.  He'd open up the basement bar for us & it was "anything goes" including music for us.  Well he was a huge Wilco fan but most zoners (including me) weren't familiar, so he'd slip in some Wilco now & then (he also liked Drive By Truckers).  Most zoners found it too mellow & there'd be demands to put GD/Mule/Panic/etc on, so no one ever really "got it".  Too bad he didn't just go right to Casino Queen, that's a good singalong one.  I heard Matt finally got a gig as an on air sports personality with YES or somewhere like that, it was a long term goal he was working on.  He definitely had the Gift of Gab . . . 

What a great fu*#ing band.

I'm on it also, it is a nice clear stream :)  I like them, kinda just getting around to checking them out and def on my list to see live.  Bob and i are going to see Nels in a couple of weeks...excited about that !  

I loved that last song, not knowing their music....but def has a nice groove to it <3  I like the undertones and rhythms of the tunes, melodic and pulsating ...swirling around in my head ~

Good on Sloboyle! He was always a solid dude.

So, so good! I'm really bummed that they're taking 2018 off! I just love these guys!

This is one of their more "accessible/sing along" songs

I never get tired of seeing this band live. I lived in Chicago in the 80's and early 90's and go back to the bar days of Uncle Tupelo. Jeff Tweedy has long been a favorite songwriter. He's real.

thanks for the link to listen tonight! It sounds great!

Didn't realize they wouldn't be touring 2018. Interesting. 

That's Jim Elkington joining them for the Guthrie tune. Great guitarist.

This has been a pretty mellow set so far.  The 2nd show from that MOCA fest in Sept, & the last time I saw them @ the Vibes in summer 2015 were chock full of psychedelia.

Nice! Nels and Jim! Sounds stellar! 


Credit: Danny Clinch

This show is fucking excellent, and spacey me just realized I can watch this on my TV. lol!!

Ateix, I totally dug this James fellow up there. Super nice!

Nice photo, dude! Thanks for sharing.

OMFUG & then @ the drop of a dime its all white album-ey crazy!

>> totally dug this James fellow 

Definitely scope out his work. This is his most recent:


but his pedigree includes work with Eleventh Dream Day, Richard Thompson, Michael Chapman, outstanding electric with Steve Gunn, and some really beautiful acoustic albums with Nathan Salsburg. I'm probably missing a ton of stuff but those are the ones that leap to mind. Check out

Way Out Weather by Steve Gunn, and

Ambsace by Elkington / Salsburg

Love the picture, Ateix. Tweedy looks so young. 

Great show! These guys are just so damn good. 

Really beautiful set. I'm glad I got to catch this, particularly since I didn't know about this upcoming hiatus. Great fucking band.

I love that photo, Jen. Credit to the photographer of course, but also to the eminent NYC Taper for including when he wrote his reflection of their set (that he documented) at Mountain Jam last year.

I saw Smashing Pumpkins open for Eleventh Dream Day in like 1988 at the little tiny Smart Bar in Chicago. I got into them for a little while there. I'm guessing he joined much later on? I haven't kept up with the band in years.

This is like the old PZ days listening and watching the stream and just being so excited about killer music going down live. I love it!

Whoa, that's sick. Great band. Yeah definitely much later, he recorded their last album and toured with them, wouldn't call him a core member or anything but he really has a talent for adding great nuance and color particularly with his lap steel work.

Cool- good to know. I'll be looking for his stuff when I go record shopping next week.

Cool man, for sure. Quality product.

Thanks for what you put into this thread. You take out what you put in for sure. Been a pleasure.

Big fan of this tune.

Just noticed Tweedy is still sporting the pigtails, just fantastic.

"Spiders"? Lol are you shitting me right now. Nutso.

You can always count on them for a killer encore! 

Yes, love the braids on Tweedy!!

This is really good, I am intrigued and want to hear more :)  The stream is pristine also.

Right on! Until the next time....cheers and enjoy the rest of your night.

Go Nels Go!


I think they're coming back out!!

oh yeah!

The braids have been set free. ;)

Yes they have!! 

Sweet! Glad they came back on!

... And psyched I got to see that fantastic backdrop once more. Such a crazy stage setup.

Yeah they really stepped it up towards the end - I'm Puddled :)

That was a wonderful backdrop ateix, it looked 3-d ....is there a story behind it ?

I'm 99% certain it's die-cast metal. They've toured with it from late 2016 (maybe early 2017?) and use a mix of lights to arrange the different colors to reflect morning, evening, twilight, and night... their stage and lighting has always been top notch but that one had me stunned every time.

A quick search only pulled this up, but it focuses more on how the crew has been using light to create those create those climates of a particular time of day than the backdrop itself:



And definitely since 2016 (I figured I had seen it last year but wasn't sure):

About halfway through Wilco’s set at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall in Portland on Sunday, Jeff Tweedy quipped that the band’s show would be followed by a performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. This was a reference to Wilco’s stage setup, a bucolic layering of trees enveloping the band backed by an array of clouds and sunset-esque colors.  (Glide Magazine, 2016)


ateix, We are actually on the same page on something (( Literally )) :)   It's amazing, and about time . This was an awesome stream and I am grateful for a long time zoner friend (( lulu)) and Bob for sharing it with me tonight and some info on band as we listened too...<3.

((( Turn on to new music...not out ))).

we used to say that , back in the 70's ~


Now my goal is to get to a live show, when they come back !

Thanks for info and g~nite !

Great stream. Amazing peeps. Goodnight!

The best band out there these days hands down.

Any chance that tonight is being streamed?

Don't think so. Last night was the second of a two night run and they didn't broadcast the first night.

The controlled kaos on the way they deconstuct songs into an explosion noise is truly tastee. Those trees were not only three d, they also moved forward and back and also did a lot of breathing at the show that I seen.