Wish Timothy Leary Could See This



Single dose of LSD provides immediate and lasting relief from anxiety, study says.

Hey Tim!  

The lead from the story:

"A clinical trial’s encouraging results won US Food and Drug Administration breakthrough therapy status for an LSD formulation to treat generalized anxiety disorder, Mind Medicine Inc. announced Thursday. The biopharmaceutical company is developing the drug.

“A breakthrough designation is a recognition that a drug has demonstrated evidence of clinical efficacy in meeting an unmet medical need with morbidity and mortality associated with it,” said Dr. Daniel Karlin, assistant professor of psychiatry at Tufts University School of Medicine in Boston and chief medical officer for MindMed."


New results on efficacy at 12 weeks

A single dose of MM120 (lysergide d-tartrate) led to a 48% rate of remission from generalized anxiety disorder at 12 weeks following the drug’s administration, according to MindMed.

The MM120 drug also significantly improved clinical signs of generalized anxiety disorder for 65% of patients within three months, according to results of the phase 2b trial designed to test dosage levels, the company said.

Anxiety is the most common mental disorder in the United States, affecting over 40 million people age 18 and older each year, according to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America. Generalized anxiety order is characterized by excessive, ongoing thoughts that are difficult to control and interfere with day-to-day activities.

“The clinical improvement for many patients was more than double what we see with today’s standard of care,” Karlin said. “This occurred at all levels of anxiety, from moderate all the way up to severe.”

what if trying new drugs makes me anxious?


my friend's neighbor spent 6mos? with him in an upstate NY jail under cannabis laws. said his letters sent him were dipped and they tripped balls in jail. interesting fellow...

"Is Timothy Leary really dead, really dead? Did he truly do all the things they said, things they said?"

"No, no, no - he's on the outside, looking in".