Wolf Brothers shoe at Blue Note Lottery & Stream


Hope I get Tix

Anybody else enter?

I think it’s Nugs.tv that’s has the stream although I haven’t seen it yet


hope I get em

That's gonna be a great time. Such a small room. I've been there a few times. And only $25?? Niiiiice!

Good luck man.


Free Stream tonight from Nugs confirmed. yes

So I got shut out

will be streaming 2nd show

1st show 8:00

2nd show 10:30


Heard that Phil is in the house.

wow.  This Fever is pretty terrible.  You could see people getting up and leaving.

thanks for the link Trailhead

Theses shows are two hours of meh in search of an interesting 15 minutes.

Maybe it's different if one is in the room.

Pleasant tunes to stream at home and half pay attention to, but can't imagine paying money for this

The sax does add a lot though

Who's the cat on the saxamaphone?

Theses. smiley

Kenny Brooks

3/5 of Ratdog!  Try to contain your enthusiasm.

>>>Who's the cat on the saxamaphone?

Kenny Brooks


>>>Heard that Phil is in the house.




Phil was in the house


I'd be curious to know if it was understood that he wouldn't be asked to play?

Maybe he was asked and he declined.


bob is too confused to figure out wether he should play or not.  

It’s Phil’s birthday week and he’s just chilling in NY. He’s cool like that..  

I’m sure he wants a few nights out on the town, not just a Capital Theatre run.