Woodward Book - WITH recordings



"I wanted to- I wanted to always play it down. I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic."


See for yourself....



the tapes are there

Murderer plain and simple 

Cares nothing for the truth or Dead Americans.   Hey, it is what it is.  dt has been urinating on this country and its inhabitants (except the wealthy and big corps) since the day he won. And he'll continue to do so till we pull the plug in Nov.

Be proud republicans, only YOU could have ever been so head up your ass ignorant to ever elect such pure evil filth.


>only YOU could have ever been so head up your ass ignorant to ever elect such pure evil filth<


As demonstrated by Trump supporters here, it's who they are...Ignorant and evil

The same day Trump told Bob Woodward that the coronavirus was far more deadly than the flu, he shipped our PPE and other vital medical supplies to China.


"we all do stupid things at age 17" - shitgibbon jr about Kenosha murderer

*"we all do stupid things at age 17" - shitgibbon jr about Kenosha murderer*

my stupid things at 17 was petty theft and getting caught smoking weed at work in the walk in...not running down a street with an AR looking for trouble in a town where i didnt belong



there is a real chance that donald jr. and eric trump will be indicted in 2021 after their father loses the election.  they know that's on the table and must be shitting their pants.  

Pray for our country

including those that sacrifice so much of their souls  by falling for, and supporting such filth and evil


From Twitter

Trump openly admitting to Bob Woodward that he purposely concealed how dangerous coronavirus was is like if a drug dealer went to the DEA like “can you keep a secret?”

This is atrocious and not at all surprising. Also, it won't budge Trump's base an inch.

Perhaps it'll nudge and influence the on the fence voters how vial this man(?) is.

Mattis quietly went to Washington National Cathedral to pray about his concern for the nation’s fate under Trump’s command and, according to Woodward, told Coats, “There may come a time when we have to take collective action” since Trump is “dangerous. He’s unfit.”

In a separate conversation recounted by Woodward, Mattis told Coats, “The president has no moral compass,” to which the director of national intelligence replied: “True. To him, a lie is not a lie. It’s just what he thinks. He doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie.”


The question Jaz is How can anyone be on the fence ?

Woodward: NSA and CIA have classified evidence Russia placed malware in election registration systems of two Florida counties, St. Lucie and Washington. It could erase voters in specific districts. The systems vendor used by Florida was also used in states across the country.



^^ Guy above is Professor of Law at Duke

this guy is Professor of Law at NYU:


let this sink in, deep.

Former Secretary of Defense James Mattis:

President Trump took foreign policy actions that showed adversaries "how to destroy America."

- as quoted in Bob Woodward's book, Rage

Do you think moderates will charge him?

"But he's a good businessman and speaks his mind!"

It's true... it says so right next to the tattooed head of... Donald Trump in a Washington wig? Kid Rock? Her high school boyfriend?

(Not that I'm squeamish, but I wouldn't want to see that ink eye to eye.)





why did woodward sit on this information for so long? 

specifically the corona shit? 

That's a dumb question heat. He's trying to sell a book of course. Why do you charge so much for a pizza? 

At the end of the day we're all capitalists.

Plus, if I'm not mistaken Woodward is a liberal and this is a good time to hit The Don with The Facts.

Captain, all are dead, but you knew your ship was taking water and would sink in ten hours. Why didn't you sound the alarm and get the people to the life boats?

I didn't want to start a panic.


Yes but that’s the counterpoint narrative the Foxys rolled out to their masses so don’t blame him, he’s just repeating what he heard/read someone else say/write.

interesringly, I think taking that approach lends gravity to the story, they are acknowledging it’s a big deal.

lol fishcane -- all you have i am trumper? sorry man, you're a sorry ass fool. 

woodward sat on the info that corona was spread via airborne since february? when the rest of us didn't know? 

seems strange, and very 2020 -- gotta make that money, any way possible -- just like trump. 


and lance, i charge that b/c real food costs real money in this country, unfortunately. i make very little money and do it this way b/c i enjoy sharing real ingredients. 

but to liken what i do to what woodward just did, and to justify his disgusting display of greed, was kinda funny. 


>>>>>woodward sat on the info that corona was spread via airborne since february? when the rest of us didn't know? 

I don't get my medical info from Trump. It was pretty obvious in Feb. that it spread by aerosol.

just imagine if woodward broke this story in early Feb. 

shit could have been different  -- maybe not 200k dead. maybe. 

but money. greed. capitalism. celebrity journalism. 

really incredible. 




Never said you were a trumpkin. Cool name calling tho...you were repeating the Fox narrative tho, that is a fact. As further evidenced by the follow up post above ^^

<<<>>>I don't get my medical info from Trump.

right......but woodward knew. too bad he didn't tell the world. 

Brother pyramid you ignorant slut, you make the everyday run of the mill dipshit look like a rhodes scholar.

By February the cat was out of the bag, and anyone with half an ounce of common sense knew what was coming. Woodward sat on this ???? Hahaaaaaa you are one colossal moron. I heard about the virus in January, so did everyone else,, that's when I hit costco to stock up on shit. Try making your horses ass arguments to folks who don't remember how it went down, you fuckin assholes asshole.

i have no idea -- i don't watch or read corporate media like you.

i'm sorry fox asking that question makes you upset. 

haha ras you're funny man. 

what does that even say? try again maybe? 


the country wasn't shut down until march. that's over a month of woodward and trump knowing. 

I’m not upset at all. Calmer n you


i don't think calling sirota a fox new journalist is calm...? 

in fact, that's insane man. wow. 

neoliberals are a mess. 

How good folks like brother pyro become full ra tard


Calmer n you

Where did anyone call sirota a fox journalist? Providing evidence through a follow up post that also follows the fox narrative is not calling him a fox journalist. Silly that even needs explaining, really


only in Trumps America can the president say something and it’s the person listenings’ fault... 

^fish is so calm he's making typos? dude think for yourself, my god. 

fox narrative? i guess it makes sense for the neolibs to know the fox narrative? 

neolibs trying to equate progressives to the alt right is the saddest thing i've seem outta this whole ordeal. 

really shows how out of touch you are. 

guys the thing is the neofascist aren't going away. 

you see this, right? 

so when biden wins, if he does, and changes nothing like he said he would -- for neoliberals /lesser of evil voters, that's a return to "normal", even tho that normal is the oligarch crushing the general public in any way possible, more money for cops, military, oil companies, , shitting all over the poor and disenfranchised, rubbing in our faces how we can't have healthcare, etc etc etc (everything that is still happening now of course) -- just less loud. not so in your face. sweep the systemic racism under the rug again kinda deal. 

when all that shit inevitably happens, and trump 2.0 comes back in 2024 stronger. smarter, more savvy, and you want to run your milquetoast corporate dem shill again, and lose, again, whose fault is this? 



bernie? lol. 

 >>>>>and lose, again

I thought you said "when Biden wins"?


 come on surf, at least try. 

Gun owning conservative here, but thanks for reaching... pointing out grammatical error is a warning sign that you aren’t making your case. You may want to regroup 

haha -- so biden is perfect for you. nice. are you a 2016 trumper that saw the light?? 

and dude, you said you were calm and i wasn't (you made the error twice is a row, aaarrrggg! lol) -- i don't think your panties are jumbled, are they? 

ive made all my points, sorry.  

^woodward didn't do his job. 

it's funny b/c trump is horrible and should be held accountable (he won't be, the dems would never do that -- see W/Obama) -- and i believe trump knows this. 

but to ignore what woodward did, is gross. why can't neolibs see that? 

it's not surprising trump lied, haha wtf. he's evil. 

but woodward's job is to report this shit. 

and he chose to sit on this information to sell more books. 

just say it. 

as sirota says ::: peak 2020 capitalism. 

Lol.... of course he did it to sell books... What public service role has he been appointed to by the people where his obligation is otherwise?

haha awesome. 

he isn't a journalist? 

You elect journalists where you come from?

what does this have to do w/ elections? 

you vote trump in 2016?

now i know why you know what the fox narrative is. haha. 

No like most republicans I was against trump from the beginning. Like some, tho, I didn’t drink the kool aid after nomination and stuck to the value of country over party

It has to do with elections in that one person in that interview was appointed to his position through an election and therefore bears a greater responsibility to the public. The idea that the person conducting the interview is somehow responsible for the loss of life is hilarity of reach at its most ridiculous. 

^^you mean like most, not some. 

i respect that, though. 

i bet you're glad to have a real republican like biden running for prez.

nobody is arguing that trump shouldn't have told anybody lol. what? 

of course he wasn't, he said he was trying to downplay corona. 

even more reason why woodward had the responsibility to say something. 

greed. plain and simple. 

and people trying to justify it is equally as gross. 

Woodwards business is business, Trumps currently  is service. He took an oath 

funny stuff man. 

again, trump lying is disgusting and criminal. 

woodward didn't do his job, b/c money (and he's already very wealthy). 

sad times. 

your justification is just as gross. 

Moderate retired military, Mike. 

To be specific, in my local.

Yeah, the guy is selling a book so that makes it ok to hold back the information, right? Lol. He benefited financially from the pandemic hitting the country hard. Id say he's just a much a pos as trump

That girl in the boat would be a real cock blocker, holy shit. For the rest of your life you have that on your body, makes you wonder what the boyfriend/husband is into.......

Lotsa people making money on the pandemic. I collected a lot of overtime intubating patients during this pandemic.... 

^Missing the point. Did you hold back information that could have helped in a time when we were approaching a pandemic to later capitalize on it? 

^^fish you have strange logic. 

that's not the same -- you must know that. jesus. 

fish -- should julian assange be in prison? 

Not sure what's up with that ladies stomach. Looks like could be. Birth defect or something. Guess the only way to hit that is from behind?

Strange logic is thinking that Woodward is the bad guy here. He may be a bad guy but the real point( the hard thought, the warrior thought) is being glossed over by the sympathizers to illustrate that. It’s a diversion tactic 



but we all know trump is bad. 

mother fuckers still have to have standards. he is a journalist.

Maybe he just didn’t want to alarm the public....


yet out of the other side of his mouth,  trumplestiltskin was demanding schools reopen or lose funding...

it's almost like the dems want to lose  



But but judge...it’s the cops fault I didn’t get caught, he should have caught me. Blame him!

Oh look, it's the political blow-hards having a morning wank.

Lol, peoples' inability to recognize Woodward as the slimeball he is is characteristic of the "my-tribe" cognitive bias that many around here fail to recognize in themselves. Eager to polish up or gloss over my side's bullshit but ready and eager to villainize the other side. 

We all know Trump is a sleaze-o. Now we can add Woodward to the list. That's what I like about 2020 - everyone's showing their true colors. 

If you truly believe in democracy and at the same time don't believe that journalists have an ethical obligation to the public, then I suggest your understanding of true democracy is skewed and you need to reassess your thought process on that. But that's just my opinion...

And like the tweet above says, Trump, the all-absorbing great ball of negativity takes this missle and absorbs it, continuing to grow stronger and larger like the weird blob that Tetsuo became in Akira. You can't find corruption with more sleazy corruption - you only make it grow stronger.

Some items are just fundamental to a "TRUE" democracy - high quality education for all, so that they may understand what it is they are voting for; high quality healthcare for all, so that all people, regardless of their socioeconomic background, may be able to stay healthy participants in the democracy; a free and transparent press.

I'm sure I'm missing something (campaign financing), but in my mind, if you don't have those three things, then you don't have a real democracy. A real democracy is composed of individuals who are all playing on the same level playing field. 

And man, how sad to see people here judging the lady in the picture because of tattoos or birth defects, someone even going as far as to say that her husband or man (man-centric statement) can probably only hit that from behind.

You motherfuckers were all sporting half combed dreadlocks and stinky ass feet, while considering patchouli as equivalent to a shower at some point in your lives', and now Deadheads are gonna come out and judge someone based on their looks? Goes to show, you don't ever know. The same people who claimed to be open-minded were actually just accepting of their tribe. Damn tribalisms....

Trumps behavior is so expected now that it has become acceptable because it’s “just trump being trump”

it’s now everyone else’s fault for his behavior 

Not surprising that Timpy and depheater'd are blaming Woodward and not Trump. Woodward wasn't the only person Trump shared the truth, Woodward's the only one that got it on tape.

Woodward exposing the truth: Good

And great job on making Lance chime-in on politics, heater. You must be special.

It seems like a book with this much explosive content would take time to be vetted thoroughly and printed.  If the LPOS was willing to go on tape with WOODWARD, what did he expect? The publishers must have freaked when they heard those tapes. And why would cheato care if the truth comes out?   So now we see spin. Base will believe.  So scary. Same same.

I wont vote for evil.

> Oh look, it's the political blow-hards having a morning wank.

To be followed by a mid-morning wank, a noonish wank, an afternoon wank, and an evening wank, I'm guessing.

Pass the dutchie, Mike....

Although I'm pretty sure Woodward coulda released the covid part of the tapes w/o jeopardizing his book sales. Prob. would have increased them.

> Pass the dutchie, Mike....

On the left hand side, ned, because you don't want to know what my right hand has been doing.

Remember Trump and those "Liberate" tweets back in April?



Sad that the 2 "Bernie is dead to me" guys are now regurgitating Fox News propaganda, but not surprising. 

> Sad that the 2 "Bernie is dead to me" guys Putin's bitch boyz

Fixed that for you.

Lol, yeah, some of the people on here are political blow-hard wankers. The rest of you are Serious Political Commentators....on the Zone.....lol

Judge not the wankery in your brethren's hand before you have removed the vaseline from your own hand...

And I do notice that the only people on here who have lobbed insults on here are the Centrist Boys....or as I like to call 'em, the Status Quo'ers...

Yep. Once we get on back to that ol' status quo, everything's going to be alright. And I won't even have to do nuttin' 'cept vote for Uncle Joe and Mamala.

Good luck with that.

Wait a minute....preserving the status quo? Synonym for 'preserving' = 'conserving'. Huh? So, really, the centrists are all conservatives. Shocking.

still can't have nice things i see...

JR and Ned are trump supporters 

passed by the orange co. repub hq's yesterday...

trumpers are so pumped up down here.

make america white again...

President Woodward has failed us. So sad.

why do you monsters think we think trump isn't to blame? 

haha wtf. 

just pointing out how horrible woodward is, in addition. 


> why do you monsters think we think trump isn't to blame?

It could have something to do with your parroting Trump's talking points, ogkb, like pointing out how horrible Woodward is. Removal of Trump from office is the only thing that matters for many of us right now.

Caught the end of Deadline White House with Nicolle Wallace today. Great tv to listen to while i work and post on the zone. 

everyone hates gavin newsome here.

haha turtle.  middle aged goateed white guys hate liberal govenors. 

it's the 20-somethings also.

gavin won't let them go to sharkeez or surf.


So, we know these things:

Trump had knowledge (oxymoron?) and knowingly made decisions that have had disastrous results for the U.S. and worldwide, large scale murderous results.

He told Bob Woodward in a series of interviews. Many other people also knew, they had access to the same info.

Bob Woodward wrote what will be a blockbuster book, Rage, that will expose what the pres knew and when he knew it, but Woodward didn't reveal the info until a news agency revealed it when the book was near publishing date.

Some people are pissed at Woodward for not publicizing the pres' words and deeds. Ok. Others are satisfied that it's out there.

That's it, right? 


Vote like your life depends on, because it does.









Trump lied, people died.






>>>   A real democracy is composed of individuals who are all playing on the same level playing field. 


We're not a democracy.

We are a republic.

And white men from Wyoming matter a hell of a lot more than black women in Texas.


Now we are a Banana Republic, thanks to the Banana Republicans.

That's the world we live in, and whining on the zone will never change that.


But those who claim both parties are the same?

In my opinion, they are partially to blame.


Poor 'heater and timpy are the politically homeless.

wait...we can't make fun of shitty tattoos now???

and who you callin a hypocritical, stinky dreadlocked hippy...  I was not one of those

maybe your momma had a big ass messy tattoo of Che Guevara below her belly button so it's normal to you

Alan, I'll bet you were the stinkiest of the pack, fess up. Probably had a gallon jug of patchouli stashed in the back of your beat ass 66 VW bus. Don't lie ;)

I sense Alan wore a tweed blazer (patch optional) to GD shows.

Why is it almost too easy to imagine a meerschaum pipe accompanying the blazer?

Ha.. I like hot water too much.... I was a standard issue jeans and cool shirt guy


That Botox treatment worked out well for you, Alan.

So the meerschaum (sp?) pipe thing is right. I used to love them. Maybe cause they are little sculptures.

When we were juvenile delinquents, someone stole a bunch of them from the guy's house who was having a big party -- and it turned out to be a valuable collection owned by the kid's dentist father. Some of them were really cool looking.

Well, they were distributed all throughout the junior high ( I remember we were in our Zappa phase and they all, the pipes, got crazy names.) and the cops were called and they got most of the pipes back within a couple weeks -- all with weed residue. I still feel bad about that.

>>>>>- all with weed residue. I still feel bad about that.

Really. One should never leave any residue. It's wasteful.

speaking of Botox and the neolibs you guys salivate over... i just saw Jane Fonda on tv... ouch, that tight face must hurt.

bet you will respect her more if you watch Barbarella. 

Surf, you could fit a whole nickle or dime bag in one of those things.

And ya didn't want to scrape it and damage it -- just in case the police came to your house cause some girl ratted ya out

this is a picture like the one I may or may not have


I remember this one, too. When you are in like 9th grade in the early 70s and into the Dead, this was considered cool to smoke pot in. 

This was when a kid could only buy a corn cob pipe from the local drugstore or buy one of those little metal pipes with a screw on bowl (and maybe a resin chamber, too) from the local head shop that you hitchhiked to.

Or carve your own bong from a piece of bamboo. Or make a water pipe with stuff from the science lab.

So this was the shit.


Sorry to keep changing the topic, but you guys just gave me an idea for a career switch...

Why am I schleping around 100 lb pieces of rock when I could be carving naked chicks on a pipe?

I wonder how much one of these pipe sculptures go for?


OK  you can now resume the topic "hippy music fans rant about the sins of liberals, neoliberals, pseudo liberals, and retro liberals, and progressives who don't consider themselves liberals and conservative-centrist liberals, etc etc...."

I'm liking the turn this thread has taken. Don't tell me this zone ain't got no heart.

Cool skull bowl too, Alan. I was in 9th grade in the mid-70s, but that pipe still appeals to me.

Mike it sure was a weird time in the suburbs.. we were the little brothers and sisters of the kids who went off to be real hippies. Too young to get drafted (by a hair) and too old to have to register for the draft.

The mid-70s were a great time to be a teenager.

The war had ended, Watergate was finishing up and everyone was tired of being angry about everything, so we were able to get away with just about anything.

And, the Grateful Dead were still great.

Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!

Old man.

i have a pretty big pipe collection stashed away somewhere  huge Indian peace pipe, Asian pipes, brass pipee, wooden, clay, and prob 25-30 meerschaums, had a few water pipes - the brass  elephant belt buckle pipe that i cast, and you you could smoke out of was my favorite ....Take the cross piece copper tubing out, shove it in the ele's mouth, put he hash in the belly, spark it and enjoy,, many a soul at winterland would freak out when it was whipped it out - too bad my son / son's friends ripped it off, I really was fond of that rig  i

I still have the green leather belt for it with the pot art stamped on it that I made - it's at least 6" too small, shocking, I know  ( including a stoned worm leaning up against a seed with sprout bursting open...)


>> Or make a water pipe with stuff from the science lab. <<

I made one from a Pyrex Borosilicate Flat Bottom Flask. Double holed stopper on top; one with a tube and one for the bowl assembly. My mom took it (that b*tch!). I thought it was ingenious.

I'm happy not to be part of either the gun tokers or fart sniffers club, Ned. Keep your white privi and tiny endowment issues always from me dude

>>>>>Pyrex Borosilicate Flat Bottom Flask. Double holed stopper on top; one with a tube and one for the bowl assembly

Yup. I made one as well.

I like the cut of your jib, Surfy.

So, these conversations were done on private lines, and the White House had no idea what Trump was saying?



That sounds like the case for the most part. At least one of Woodward's interviews took place in the Oval Office, and a number of the calls were initiated by Trump after hours, probably on his personal cell phone.

Trump also said last week that the calls with Woodward were "quick ones, not long ones." In fact, the 18 interviews totaled nearly 10 hours. In more than a half-dozen cases, it was Trump who called Woodward unexpectedly, sometimes late at night from the White House residence.

As CNN reported last week, many of those calls were made without White House aides knowing about them.


As long as it wasn’t a private email...