Woody Guthrie on Fascism - 81 years ago


Searching for ideas and inspiration, I’ve been reading a book of Woody Guthrie’s writings called “Pastures of Plenty.”

Here’s something Woody wrote about fascism.

With all the stupidity going on in American politics right now, it really struck me, and then I realized - it was written 81 years ago this month. Could’ve been last week.

Hope you enjoy reading it. 


When Woody and his second wife Marjorie were expecting their first child together, Woody took to writing letters to the anticipated offspring they called “Railroad Pete.”

Later, they found “Railroad Pete” was actually Cathy Ann when she arrived. But Woody wrote a series of letters to “Railroad Pete” and this is one of them.

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thanks for posting this.  Fascism and freedom are the only two side battling. Quite insightful really.

him and zappa were a couple of the best voices we've to speak out for us proles