The World Happiness Report


The World Happiness Report is a landmark survey of the state of global happiness that ranks 156 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be.  

Top 10:

1. Finland

2. Denmark

3. Norway

4. Iceland

5. The Netherlands

6. Switzerland

7. Sweden

8. New Zealand

9. Canada

10. Austria

To be white is to be happy. 

You mean, to be Socialist is to be happy?

The World Happiness Report

Should be a band name.  Maybe a side project for some folks from that cult-y, white-robed outfit that had a hit a few years back.  I forget the tune and the band's name, but I remember a lot of jumping up and down (them; not me).

>>> To be white is to be happy.  <<<

Not exactly, but yes, those cold, mostly northern countries are mostly white. However, in the U.S. being white isn't to be happy, it's to have privilege. Privilege doesn't equal happiness, and there are a lot of white folks in the U.S. who are not happy.

[masturbation gesture intensifies]

>>> [masturbation gesture intensifies] <<<

Meaning here?

He’s a jerk off?

That's my solemn reflection on privilege. I lube up with my tears of white guilt.

Alright Briank, that's the second time you've violated our N.A.P. No more bananas. It's back to picking bugs for you.

Oh no, are you going to spam the Board with stupid lies and then dox me?

As you’d say, sweet life you have there, trolling a bunch of older dudes on a Board dedicated to a band you don’t like.

Is it a Millennial thing?

You’re not a captive chimpanzee. You throw shit simply because you like it.

Do you have a favorite flavor of bamboo, Briank?

You first. Why do you spend so much time trolling?

 ^ You two should dose together and hug it out.