Wounded Knee Massacre-12/29/1890


Today marks the 131st anniversary of the last "battle" of the Indian Wars, the Wounded Knee Massacre.  I visited there in the Summer of 1989, and had a powerful and eye opening experience that day on the Pine Ridge Reservation. 


My heart is with the Lakota Nation, who have never accepted the U.S. government money that the Supreme Court awarded them in 1980 for the breaking of the treaty that promised them the Black Hills forever.  They feel that to take the money (in escrow in a B.I.A. account that is now worth over 1 Billion Dollars) would signal that they accept the forfeiture of the Black Hills, something they will not do.   When will our country acknowledge the grievous mistreatment of these people and return their sacred lands to them?  At a time when so much reckoning of the stain of the slave trade is leading to the removal of statues and other symbols that glorify it, will we acknowledge that having a monument like Mount Rushmore in the middle of the Black Hills is a huge fuck you to these people who so much was taken from?   

Possibly our country's worst act, hard to pinpoint just one,  there've been so many.

The whites wanted the natives gone and the 7th Cavalry wanted revenge for Custer, bad,,, but still, they needed a reason for the slaughter - 

Stop Doing That Dance !!!

The Lakota Ghost Dance and the Massacre at Wounded Knee | American Experience | Official Site | PBS

I went to a very progressive elementary school and they read the book about it to us in our reading time. Kind of fucked up, but then again this school also called an emergency meeting after one of the moon landings (not the first one) and brought us all into assembly to tell us that the astronauts discovered that the hub caps of the previous lunar rover had been stolen since the last time they had been on the moon. After about a half hour discussion of what this could mean and us as kids freaking out they told us that they had lied about the hub caps and the lesson was just because someone in authority tells you something you don't have to believe them. Have to say that lesson stuck better than most. 

We need more schools like that.