Wow Fox News Taking Down Trump

DJT was also forcefully rebuffed that the election was stolen....

He's bad for business anymore.

Those were still softball questions and he managed to clobber himself. 

He hires only the best, yet didn't have one good word to say about anyone in his administration.

A missed question would  been  'who are these great people you hired?' Name some of them. One of them? Anyone? 

Fox News has gone "woke."

But he apparently wasn't scorned when he said "Joe Biden had me arrested."

Lol, he crushed it!


DONALD TRUMP THOUGHT he crushed his Fox News interview. The rest of the world thinks he bumbled it miserably.

In the hours after his interview with Brett Baier aired on Monday, Trump privately boasted about how well he thought he performed. As he asked others if they had caught the interview and what they thought of it, the former president and 2024 GOP frontrunner said the tension and parrying with Baier made him look tough, creating buzzy, attention-grabbing television, two sources with knowledge of the situation tell Rolling Stone.

During the televised sit-down, Trump arguably confessed to intentionally withholding classified government documents in his post-presidency; this Fox appearance comes the week after his arrest and arraignment in the federal investigation into his hoarding of highly classified material and possible obstruction.

Where Trump saw buzz, people hoping to keep him out of legal jeopardy saw trouble. Several of the ex-president’s current and former legal advisers watched on with exasperated sighs, and in some cases terror, according to three people familiar with the matter.


why can't this Mofo just go away already

Because he's still on the Hitler trajectory with blind GOP fascist supporters