Your Favorite Subreddit


Big fan of r/badtattoos

What's your favorite subreddit?

Always like r/trippinthroughtime

Very nice call on both

So many good ones

shits and giggles r/InCels
depressive sometimes hilarious shits ang giggles r/Shitredditsays
subreddit inter-moderator drama or whatever for shits and giggles
the one about being out of the loop (r/outoftheloop good for so many on both sides)
spontaneous writing prompts (r/writingprompts) for really impressive shits and giggles
regular old futurism
r/youdontsurf (because you dont fucking surf you've never fucking surfed)

Have never checked out reddit.





Nice list ateix!

Thanks ender, sometimes you gotta pause for the cause and reddit can be a great one-stop for some good soup.

I think I made a few of those subs up so if you wanna go in with me I'm sure we could trade in a well-populated subreddit for like a fraction of a bitcoin?

Or at least if not at all, I'm slowly and quietly populating the r/philzone with some tasty noodly gems, as Daylight's done, too, over some time. Cheers --

I need to get over and check out r/philzone

Good recs in here so far.


whats a sub reddit - whats a reddit?

Reddit is an interwebs, MikePA. 

>> whats a sub reddit

a forum dedicated to a specific topic on the website Reddit.

>> whats a reddit?

Uh so I checked out r/incels, the first one alex recommended, and it seems like a bizarre place where virgins are angry with women about not fucking them?

Do I have that right? 

And now I’m reading that r/incels has actually been banned? Maybe you haven’t stopped by for a while? 

The one I ran across is incels without hate, which is nice: 

r/IncelsWithoutHate 1,796 subscribers, a community for 10 months

A subreddit for people who have struggled to obtain sex and intimacy. Unlike r/incels we strictly forbid hate to promote a more positive and helpful community


but yeah, sounds like a great place? did you post on incels? 

r/incels was a widely celebrated subreddit full of glimmering gold. Sad to see it gone.

I don't know why reddit censors subreddits. If it's not a default subreddit, you have to manually go there. You didn't just accidentally stumble on offensive content, you went to it. If you don't like the content on a subreddit, there's a solution - DON'T GO THERE.

I went to /r/spacedicks once and same someone sawing a live dog's head off. Did I complain? No, I just never went back.

 >>>If you don't like the content on a subreddit, there's a solution - DON'T GO THERE.


That's a powerful concept that I think many, many people on the internet would benefit from.

That banning situation really split the community we don't like to talk about it too much Bucky

One of my favorite things about reddit is that there's an r/gratefuldead and an r/grateful_dead because there was a major schism a few years back

Wow! Great thread as it has made me aware of reddit . Thanks everyone! 

>> Great thread as it has made me aware of reddit . 

Even if you never post, it's worth getting a (free) account as you can subscribe to just the subreddits you are interested in. You get a custom front page made just of those and don't have to see the rest of the crap.

And RES is the greatest plugin even. Too many features too even summarize, but my favorites are never ending reddit, management of multiple logins, night filter and filtering out posts I already clicked on.









I have only had the app for a month but it is running head to head with the old philzone in killing my work productivity

Did Jackie Greene really father the family band?

I dig r/AskReddit/ . Read it daily. for a few minutes.












Incels was a gold mine. they have migrated to fwiw. you can still find selections on the incelsinaction sub.

r/videos is a good time waster but content quality has been going down.

i love the subs that make fun of SJW/PC type ideas but its close to impossible to have that on reddit without it turning into a racist alt right cesspool. tumblrinaction is the last one going that is till ok, but its probably slipping down into cesspool territory, so enjoy it while it lasts. r/cringanarchy was the last one i used to like that is just all racist or alt right jokes now. :(

r/askreddit has some great threads but its not consistent. generally threads that make it to r/all from askreddit are pretty solid.

i browse r/all quite a bit. for quite awhile i didnt know it existed and thought "the front page of reddit" was the first page on my home page...but r/all brings in content from anywhere on the site that gets enough there is alot to skip over but also some cool stuff you might not have found otherwise.

r/JusticeServed used to be fun, but these days posts are infrequent, many of them are law enforcement related, or have no context, but im sure if you filtered by top posts of all time you would find some fun videos.

and last but not least, r/philzone really has potential. there is some great content up there now, but it could use a bit more GD material, a bit more jokes, and a bit more conversation...but most of all more people. it fizzled out a bit before i tried to get some links put up on other related subs...but there is a large existing GD community already there, although many of them are what the zone might refer to as type A bliss ninnies. most of them like deadco. *shudders* in any case the general vibe of reddit has always been somewhat compatible with the classic PZ vibe, and thr up/down vote system is an interesting way to deal with trolls and drama in lieu of bannings and warning and the like...if someone does not like a thread or its contents, they can downvote it, and if enough people in the community decide they dont like it, it will drop down out of sight on the back pages of the subreddit along with the old and inactive posts, and new, more popular threads will replace it on the front page or two. but, those threads will still be open and active for those who wish to participate. the site also offers a good opportunity to archive stuff from and related PZ culture. each subreddit has their own wiki page, and i threw a few things from .com up there for shits and giggles, although i understand there is some work being done on that front by the viva crew and im waiting to see what that is going to entail. additionally the wiki can be set so that anyone can contribute, so if anyone has photos, thread transcripts, etc etc from the old PZ those could be uploaded and preserved as well.     

seems like an amazing waste of time reading opinions of the ignorant - much like here

>> reading opinions of the ignorant

Yeah but over there you can just go "Block [MikePA 2Rippl3]" and then you don't can't their ignorant shit

A little different from over here but then you made the comparison?

You can get drugs there too, I hear 

>> don't/can't *read their ignorant shit

You can also edit posts more than five mins later it would just say "edited at". I guess that's a little advanced for this board.


That's interesting, Bucky

>> seems like an amazing waste of time reading opinions of the ignorant

Different subreddits have different moderation rules. For instance, /r/askscience only accepts peer reviewed information as a source.  They don't trust user moderation to sort out what is wrong and right and delete posts that don't meet their criteria. Ignorant posts are handled quickly there.

Just subscribe to serious subreddits with moderation rules that suit you if you want to avoid garbage. Reddit is a great way to find people/experts who are interested in a esoteric topic.

>> serious subreddits

Oh now you gone done it, I thought we didnt bring those up.. deep state redditism..

>> /r/GifRecipes/

Good stuff hadnt seen that one before

There are plenty of subreddits that will quickly make you realize how ignorant you really are.

Its super handy when you have a questions about something.  Like I am doing some work on a canoe that has a bunch of woodwork.  I'm a total newb.  Got a lot of info by asking questions on the woodworking and wooden boat reddits.  Also identified a weird feature in my house by using subreddit whatisthisthing.

Reddit figured out who the Boston bombers were.

Or maybe they fingered the wrong people. 

I forget. 

>> /r/GifRecipes/

that is one of the most garbage subs on reddit, every one of those stupid gif recipes are full of mistakes, shortcuts and misinformation 

and i think r/trees had been mentioned in this thread...they call themselves "ents", but the GD community has a different name for them...custies.

Oh shi---

>> r/trees 

/r/marijuanaenthusiasts/ is the go-to subreddit for all things dendrologic! 


sorry I meant to link r/gilfrecipes, which is a subreddit with recipes from hot grandmas. I haven’t actually tried any of their food. 

r/cannabisextracts is the only weed sub ive found so far with good info, posters from the cannabis industry, and no "haha look guys i got some weed" kinda posts. which is most of what r/trees consists of; young kids who are super stoked on their schwag ass eighth they just bought from their local dealer or think they rolled an extra nice joint. i would imagine most zoners have moved past the "omg dude weed bro" phase. 


from now on I’ll only post subreddits that I’ve personally visited. I’ll try not to custy up the place.

I just like to watch the gifs of making the food, so don't care about the details of the recipe.  However, I am curious, is daylight saying that the gifs don't match the recipe that's usually the first comment?  Or does he just not like the recipes?  

This is even more fun:

i dont like the recipes, i am constantly seeing things that are simply not the right way to do things.

for instance this one, for a breakfast burger - first of all its not even an actual recipe, its just a long and complex way of saying "put bacon and eggs on a burger", and then on top of that they break the fucking egg yolk so there is no runny yolk!!! that is a travesty of egg cookery.

some gifs, like a brisket one posted recently, have the basics ok but do not contain enough info to be actually usable in a complex dish like brisket.

im sure many of them are great, and just because you are not using an ingredient how it should be used does not mean food wont taste good - its just that i notice almost every one that makes it to the front page that i come across has shortcuts or misinformation.

and bucky post whatever subs you want to - i was just relaying my personal experience there.

To see inside the mind of Trump voters

beware if you sub to the donald, the button to unsub is really really tiny and hard to find. i had that sub coming up on my home page for months until i figured it out.

i subscribed, made some post probably graphically fantasizing about a televised assassination of donald trump where his brains are blown onto the face of his youngest son(my favorite trump related thing to discuss), and then was obviously banned, but couldnt figure out how to unsub for the longest time. it really ruins reddit when you have that shit popping up all the time.

>> the button to unsub is really really tiny and hard to find

You can go to and unsubscribe to whatever you want

To see inside the mind of Trump voters

If you want to see into the mind of creepy computer nerd alt right misogynists, go to r/TheRedPill/


002EFB07-945B-4054-8D9F-29718111ADF3.jpegDid you know? Serena Williams is married to one of the nerdy co-founders of Reddit 


Does that co-founder guy post on RedPill about not being able to get laid because men are oppressed?  If not then I don't get your point.

r/Jordanpeterson is a recent subreddit I visited after watching that viral video of him absolutely dismantling a brit journalist on the mythic "pay gap".

Kind of a boring page, but that video is gold.

keeping them to myself... don't want you cretins showing up and running amok.

ive never gone on reddit... looks really confusing..

>>ive never gone on reddit... looks really confusing..

It's basically just an enormous online forum that has "sub reddits" for thousands of niche topics.  Nothing fancy or new, really.









The only think confusing is stuff like flair (still don't get it) or pictures, but posting is pretty normal.  

that might be it, botb ~ all of the "stuff" that makes it so busy looking. i don't know where to begin and that usually makes me just give up and walk away..

thought this would be a good place to share a real gem of a comment i found on reddit - in r/videos in the comments of a video about the fergie national anthem at a sports event i cant recall, the conversation turned to the black eyed peas, and this was posted;

One detail they left out of the Jimmy Iovine documentary "The Defiant Ones" is the origin story for the "Black Eyed Peas". Back in the early 90s, Interscope was working on a childrens entertainment division and got a contract with Pizza Hut to produce and market a "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" themed concert tour called "Coming Out Of Their Shells". The four people you know today as "The Black Eyed Peas" were cast in the lead roles as the 4 turtles. Upon completion of the tour, there was no longer a market for a turtle-themed follow-up album. Since the four "musicians" were still under contract with Interscope, Iovine rebranded them as laser-light spaceman themed children's entertainers. To everyone's surprise (and perhaps a testament to Iovine’s unwavering genius), the simplified toddler lyrics and action figure aesthetic inexplicably became popular with a teenage audience and thus they continued to perform riveting songs like "my humps my humps", and "let's get retarded" as a pop group marketed towards adult Top-20 radio.

In-fact, one need only read the lyrics to "I Gotta Feeling" and imagine Barney the Dinosaur singing them to see how lazy they were in "adultifying" these songs.

"Jump off the sofa. Mazel Tov! Let's go way out spaced out and lose all control! Yay!"

It's kiddie stuff.

Unfortunately, Iovine and Interscope have scrubbed away most records of this embarrassing history in an effort to protect their investments in these characters. Normally you can trace the origin of pop musicians. For example, it's easy to find YouTube videos of guys like Timberlake and Ryan Gosling performing together on the Mickey Mouse club before the Boy Band Factory cast JT as a member of NSYNC. It's easy to find videos of Lady Gaga performing at dive bars mere months before a record company plucked her from obscurity and created a larger-than-life character for her. Likewise, a quick google search will find you videos of Miley Cyrus being marketed as a wholesome country pop star in December 2012 literally weeks before she signed with Britney Spears' former manager, got a new record contract, and they (realizing that her Taylor Swift lite persona wasn't working) re-branded her as the sexed-up, drug-using, naked, teddy-bear humping Madonna 3.0 you saw surface in June 2013's "We Can't Stop" video (literally 6 months later). Despite this, you'll likely never see any behind the scenes stuff of Fergie/Will.I.Am's early days as Ninja Turtle costumed performers. Interscope put a lot of effort into burying that history. Too much money at stake. They don't want you to see how this particular Turtle Pea Soup was made. The music industry has been broken for a long time.

EDIT: There are people below in the comments (who I can only speculate are reps from Interscope) trying to discredit this story with lies and telling me to stop and take this down. I ain't gonna stop until I'm done.

That song is called “let’s get retarded”? I’m surprised they get away with that, I thought “retarded” wasn’t ok any more. It’s hard to keep track.