
I just tuned ON KTVU2 News and who do I see featured on the top story???


Multiple shots, with INTERVIEWS!!!!

Lookin' good you two!


And a South Bay Lurker has also been in the news lately.

Zoners in harms way man.


Best wishes Peak and Jam Juice, looks pretty nasty, be safe.

Glad they're getting out. Looking good on camera, kidz!


>And a South Bay Lurker has also been in the news lately.

You mean the  News story about the  Trump lovin' relator  and her pals  who  vandalized his shop in town with a pro Trump signage? And then the bitch is claiming to be the victim. Reminiscent of  Nazi lovers  running around Germany putting "Jew" on shops and encouraging boycotts because they didn't support Hitler. Yeah, those Red Hats spell HATE. 


Okay, back to the floods..



wow man. glad you guys are getting outta there. 

good thoughts for people's homes.

Ha!  We were still loading stuff to higher ground when the news van came.  Most of the other neighbors had left.  We had the music blaring and drinking wine in the pouring rain....a flood party.  Won't be much of a party when we get back though, mud wrestling instead.

Good luck!

I saw a short clip of Peak carrying a tote up his stairs, but cannot find the interview.  Shame on you Tom for not posting a link.



I DID post a link!

The "Evacuation orders in place" video is the one, but it's not up on their page anymore.

Try to get to their 2/26 news videos.

here's the correct link to the Evacuation Orders video:

Peak and JJ -- lookin' and soundin' good... "it's OK, we can live with it"


best of luck to ya... be safe, be well


>>>"it's OK, we can live with it"<<<

Atta' boy folks. An absolutely awesome attitude.



But not very Zoneresque.

That's how the best of the Zone react.  Sorry Tom. I was mistaken. 

Thanks Gary.  Those guys are just so damn cool.

Sending rain ending, and water receding vibes to you all heart

Damn, sorry to read this. Stay safe.

That was an awesome performance.... I was like "I recognize that house!" ... 

Stay safe, all.  

We invited the news crew to come back and see the aftermath, and they did.  It's a muddy mess.  (Nelson content)   Russian River Cleanup in Guerneville.


Bummer about your wedding album and the other items that got wet but glad you guys are ok.  Sure must be happy you raised the house.  Hope to see you guys again sometime! 

Glad you’re able to get back home and start cleaning up. Do you guys even have flood insurance and if so will it cover any of the cleanup/replacement costs? 




love how you got dressed up for the cameras this time, Pete


(((Nelson republic)))



 nice freakin shirt!


BIG LOVE To you!!!!  


I was wondering about flood insurance also, Peak.  Is it even available there?  Fire ins in Lake county is getting harder to get and much more expensive.

Flood insurance was just over $3,000 an year before the lift. It covered contents and structural damage. After the lift it dropped to about $500. It now severely limits what is covered. I lost some posters because they were temporarily stored in a cardboard box. One was the closing of the Warfield shows. One out of the series of five was destroyed. A bummer because Phil signed all five of mine. Also lost all of my tools. Power tools, band saw, table saw and a variety of stone working power tools. Some might dry out and be perfectly fine. Washer and dryer went under. All of our fencing disappeared along with everyone's else on the block. We also lost a big beautiful Japanese maple tree. It's bent over and uprooted. I will do my best to save it. Other than that it's just a frigging mud fest. One or two more days of cleaning, lots of fans going along with some heaters and dehumidifiers. I think by Wednesday everything will be just fine.

SO GLAD you guys got thru it with far less loss and damage than you would have if you hadn't raised your house up higher a few years ago... it appears that all of that work and investment paid off


your ordeal, summed up in a DNB setlist that I just made up:

Rainmaker > 
Dreadful Wind and Rain > 
Cut & Run > 
Sliding Delta > 
No Souvenirs > 
Kick in the Head > 
Moving Right Along > 
Ragged But Right > 
Fable of a Chosen One

So, none of your losses were covered? 

With all that work, sounds like you have a handle on it. 

Gonna see you next Sunday?

Good job Gary. 


Gary, love it!!  That set list is so right on, now I want to hear it.  Cut and Run, lol.

And might I add a Dirty Business for the sludgy cleanup.  

best wishes guys, glad its not worse.

That sucks about the Wedding album and Pete's tools :( if you need help with clean up I'm free Saturday to lend a hand. Shoot me an IM if you wanna. Much love to you both!