ZOTY 2020


I'm loving Bry for the award this year. He brings it with every post.

Namaste, mother fuckers, namaste.

Terrible nomination. 

His threads do get the action. Think of it like when Nixon or Khomeini got Time Person of the Year.  Bry is a high impact kind of dude.

And he fits in with the profile of past ZOTY winners.

If he doesn't get it, history will show that the scam trickled all the way to the dbmb world.


>  Bry is a high impact kind of dude<


Not enough variety with his posts.

Nobody will check out his links

He pisses into the wind, but the gaslight burns strong


I nominate* Daylight for his thoughtful contributions on a variety of subjects.



*Never nominated anyone for a fictitious award before, I am following correct protocol?

You are doing just exactly perfect, dude. Protocol is loose.

I've never nominated anyone before, either.

I like Daylight's drug posts. The guy is a veritable Dr. Feelgood. His political posts, though, I find to be kind of wind pissing.

Daylight, if you see this, more drugs!


Thanks, six.



I'll take a crack at another. 


I nominate Javs for ZONY foreign correspondent. The pickings are slim here, it's been a quiet year for the expat and foreign zone crew. 



>His(Daylight) political posts, though, I find to be kind of wind pissing<


Compared to gaslighter? I may not agree with Daylight's political commentary, but at least his posts are original and he thoughtfully defends his positions.


Gaslighter just posts ridiculous bullshit, and then tries to claim the moral and the intellectual high ground

> Bry for the award

Pfft. That Russian troll bot already gets way more attention than he deserves.

Has there ever been a female ZOTY?

>>>>>Has there ever been a female ZOTY?



daylight gets my vote, always a fun ride...

honorable mention, lance

retirement has seemed to give him an edge not seen before


post of the year, crabneesh





Timpane gets my vote


i think my being nominated for ZOTY is the clearest and most irrefutable evidence for the zones imminent decline we've seen yet


^Look at that, Ladies and gentlemen, more strong work from daylight. A sort of loose variation on the old Groucho quote. Great job, daylight, but save some for your acceptance speech.  BTW, now that Brayin' has been nominated, I wouldn't expect him to concede. 




Shortest Daylight post ever?

He gets my vote as well. He converses well on a variety of topics and he doesn't only use links to support his opinions, he also makes good, rational arguments.

And his food/restaurant posts are the best. He can food-snob with the best of 'em, but he also supports a good greasy burger.

It's a little early in the year, but I'll go into the Vault and start polishing them off. Some of them are still little sticky from last year's debauchery. I think some hand sanitizer will give them a nice bright sheen.

I seem to remember I gave a few to Jill at the start of the pandemic so she could melt them down and cash them in for TXR payroll. But there's still a few left.


I would nominate BK but his terrible zoning is so self evident here in this failed and premature ZOTY thread which will have to be saved by more experienced zoners.

I'd like to nominate Mr Timpane's broken phone for bringing so much hilarity to the zone this year.

I should like to nominate mike edwards or Manfred for copy and paster of the year. Some real talent copying random shit on the internet and bringing it to the zone.

After giving this some thought, which differs from my usual, impulsive posting style, I'd like to jointly nominate Alan R StoneSculptor and Druba Noodler because of all the entertainment they bring to the zone.

I love it when Timpane opines on "quality Zoning," as if he is so damn good himself.

Is it really "opining" though, BK? It plays much more like bloviating on my end.

Mike - I don't think I'm eligible as I'm already on the clean up committee, making me an official of sorts --  I have an assistant-facility-manager-trainee badge around here somewhere. (And no matter what they say, the women's bathrooms are the messiest after an awards ceremony. They got them posh sofas in there and they still trash the place.)

I'm honored to be considered in the same league as Noodler, as he also likes rocks and amusing pictures, but his weather forecasting puts him in the top tier.

And it is mighty early -- Bryen could still reveal his true identity; Daylight could still publish his neuro-psycho-biochem PHD thesis; hell, Gregulator could even make a surprise appearance. Being an election year, maybe the Pointless Political Argument guys deserve it. 

Stay tuned.

I'm honored to be nominated by Mike.  We're currently forming an exploratory committee and are in need of:  a procurement officer, lighter squad, paraphanailedya engineers, sugar magnolia sufi dancers, a drummer who's on time (if ya know what I mean), and of course, cream cheese cucumber sandwich / cabbage soup technicians should this thing ever hit the road.

Thanks again for you generous consideration in this matter!  




(Please donate to our PAC;  Crayons for the bry guy)


 Daylight could still publish his neuro-psycho-biochem PHD thesis;

im actually not going to do anything but talk shit and post stupid threads nobody reads about strains of politics nobody cares about, and then when another zoner wins by a clear margin im gonna post like 20 threads a day about how the zonies are all a big fraud and the zone democrats stole the election from me because i refused to play ball and support joe biden




>>>>>>> I'd like to jointly nominate Alan R StoneSculptor and Druba Noodler because of all the entertainment they bring to the zone.


Had the same thought but I barely keep track of whose posting so I couldn't remember their handles

>>>>>>> I'd like to jointly nominate Alan R StoneSculptor and Druba Noodler because of all the entertainment they bring to the zone.


Had the same thought but I barely keep track of whose posting so I couldn't remember their handles

BKs jokes are reminiscent of Woody Allen's at the end of his career; stale, decrepit and has eaten one too many hot dogs. He also looks like he smells of body odor. 

whaddya know about woody?




zonies on the line, think


My nomination goes to the Switzerlandishiest zoner on this site. The most underrated member.


Face on Mars


> stale, decrepit and has eaten one too many hot dogs.

Oh, snap. A hot dog burn. That's gonna leave grill marks.

>>>maybe the Pointless Political Argument guys deserve it<<<

I was going to throw out a nomination for Javs on that basis.

I don't read much of that stuff, it's always the same folks endlessly arguing the same argument; they remind me of the Frank Gorshin character on that Star Trek episode, fighting himself endlessly into eternity (yes Timpane, I'm one of those sad old boomers who remembers Star Trek) but it seems that Javs has made some strong posts lately and has stirred that drink pretty well.

And he not only writes well, but he's verbose as well, which is close to my heart.

I nominate Mr. Timpy for this year's Derpy award.

Oh, c'mon, does anyone really read all of Javs' posts? He's like daylight, but less interesting.

<<<<{{{{~~~ Donut Boys for Biden~~~}}}}>>>>>

Don't give it to that useless paste-eater.

Timpane, your Biden and neo-liberal attacks fall flat and just don't have the bite they used to considering you voted for him. 

just came in to say left policy is the most popular in the country. 


^So popular that the state of California voted to exempt companies like lyft and uber from labor laws.

And they also voted to maintain the ban on affirmative action with regards to admissions in higher education. 



> Don't give it to that useless paste-eater.

Which useless paste-eater?

Biden Jokes>>

They are still funnier than Bks humor. 

>>just came in to say left policy is the most popular in the country.

A couple of policies absolutely are the most popular. Most of the others have varying levels of popularity or unpopularity.

>>They are still funnier than Bks humor.

Your little crush on me is creepy. 

Racism can't end with affirmative action policies.  
"exempt companies from labor laws". More like, allowing workers to stay independent contractors and not cave to unions.

<<<>>>>A couple of policies absolutely are the most popular.

yeah, staying alive and healthy are the most popular. 


Racket, other companies which employee a comparable number of people aren't subject to labor laws and regulations, to which lyft and uber are exempt?


Also, affirmative action enjoys more support from folks on the left, no?

Cave to Unions? Damn those unions for making constitutions which give bargaining rights for workers to have careers, living wages, health benefits, retirement annuities and pensions. 

There's a union that Puerto Rico is about to cave to made up of fifty states: Damn Puerto Rican's caving to unions and shit

Lumber are you drunk?

What are you saying?

you think your witty timpane?  Keep trying.

I'm pointing out that you have no clue about the importance of unions and probably don't even realize you live in a state that's part of one.

Is being a driver for Lyft, Uber or Doordash really a "career"?

^ If they unionize then yes it could be a career. Right now it is just a job.

If you don't like the terms of employment, it's your choice to not continue working there.  Seems the majority agreed.

California fucked up just like they have done over and over again. Giving companies exemption from labor laws is a big loss for every union and non union workers all across the country. 

It is exemption by choice.  Choice is a great thing.  Should realtors be employees?  How about free lance photographers and writers?  Barbers?  Hairstylists?  Some people choose to be in business for themselves.  If you don't like it go punch a clock at the coal mine.



Racket, uber and lyft are exempt from California laws  to which other large employers must adhere.  This is because they classify their employees as subcontractors. I know a small business owner in Connecticut who got wacked for taxes and penalties for doing the same. The original affirmative action comment was in response to pyramid's statement regarding the popularity of left wing policies. So I ask you, would you say that affirmative action, which was rejected by California voters, is more of a left wing policy or right wing policy? 



Racket, the difference between the local barber, or freelance photographer and uber, lyft. Etc is the size of the company.  Many small businesses are exempt from laws which apply to larger companies. 



They have less choices working for those companies now and will ultimately see less money in their pockets for their time working while the companies reep all the benefits of not paying full salaries/health benefits/ retirement and matching SS and Medicare for their drivers.  Anyways, the workers will realize that soon enough when they get hit with SE tax next year and will have literally zero terms to bargain with. 



Mike, the paste-eater to whom I was referring is "Bryen".

Sorry for the poor zoning.

Others actually contribute, he just sprays verbal diarrhea all over the place.



Giving companies exemption from labor laws is a big loss for every union and non union workers all across the country.

it would be nice if we could get some extra rights and protections for independent contractors without the full amount that is given to employees...for instance, we have seasonal trimming positions on our cannabis farm which do not fall under independent contractor status...the position is, by definition, seasonal, and the culture has always been jobs in the fall that end around xmas...but now that we are doing things above the board, if we employed a trimmer for to long, they would be eligible for unemployment, and their claiming unemployment will raise our unemployment insurance...so they would be able to get a paycheck at our expense and at taxpayer expense that IMO they have absolutely no right to and should have no expectation of getting...trimming is a seasonal job, typically done by traveling kids, wooks, and anyone else who needs to make good money in a short period of time and then move on, no expectation of permanent work is implicit in the most basic job description.

so now for our "on the books" trimmers, they have a limit for how long they can be employed with us. they are not getting any unemployment, they just have a time limit on how long they can work for us that they otherwise would not have had if we had less onerous labor regulations or the ability to class them as independent contractors...so while in theory its nice that seasonal farm workers have the benefit of collecting UI, in practice they are potentially losing out on weeks of additional work and paychecks that  would qualify them to receive UI.

AFAIK uber and lyft drivers very very clearly qualify as independent contractors...mainly because they can work where and when they want and dont have a supervisor. it would be great if longtime lyft drivers could qualify for UI, and of course i would like everyone to get a living wage, but it seems like there would be a very strange murky area with regards to benefits like health insurance or retirement benefits...some lyft and uber drivers only drive every once in awhile for supplemental income, some drivers could drive full time for awhile, and then due to the company's structure, they could start driving only a few times a week without any oversight from a supervisor. what would the cutoff be for health or retirement benefits? surely someone who just does a few rides on the weekend for extra spending money should not qualify for bennies. if someone who is driving full time gets benefits, and then out of nowhere decides to start driving only once or twice a week, how would the company keep track of this, and extend/revoke benefits accordingly?

lyft and uber drivers surely deserve more protections and benefits, but the simple classifications of full/part time employee and independent contractor were conceived in a time before the internet, when the "gig economy" could not even be imagined yet...maybe we need a new classification of employee for these app based gig economy jobs rather than trying to stuff them into one of two boxes that clearly are not a good fit, and dont speak to an employment model that would have been impossible to imagine 20 or 30 years ago?

Uber and lyft reap the benefits?  They both have been operating at losses,  and I suspect won't be around more than a decade more.

Like I said, if you don't like the terms of your employment go elsewhere.  It's simple. 

Lumber it's getting late, put the booze away, maaaan.

LLOLLO gets my vote for her efforts to organize the WCZJ.  In the middle of a pandemic, her dedication to and perserverance in putting together tie event was an outstanding example of maintaining a sense of community in the face of dire circumstances.  Real action in surreal times.

I like timpane's "joke of the day" feature here on Viva, don't you? He's very amusing.

Uber and Lyft operating on such a loss that were able to spend 200 million dollars to push this proposition. That is by far the most money invested into a proposition in the state of California. They didn't do it so they could make less money. 



Uber did not operate at a loss in 2019. They actually grew 30% and their public stock option went up over 75 billion. Where are you getting your info from, Racket?



Sorry about your poor reading comprehension, Racket. Or perhaps you are projecting with your comment regarding alcohol?  


But allow me to explain...


My original comments regarding the California props was in response to pyramid's statement. 


My comments to you were in response to the way you tried to spin the stated facts.


The facts are that California voters did vote to exempt companies, like uber, from California labor laws. Laws which apply to other companies of similar size.

And they voted against using affirmative action considerations regarding admissions for higher education. 


Sorry if you find these facts confusing. 




It's morning time lumber.  Definitely time to put the bottle away.  I'm not debating your facts.  Lol.


timpy even your link shows they operated at a loss in 2019.  1.1 billion, I think?  Parenthesis are no bueno in regards to EBITDA.



So you're just taking shots at me because you're an asshole? Hell, I knew that you were an asshole before your asinine comment... but thanks for being consistent, I guess.


This statement could be at the heart of your comprehension problem...

> I'm not debating your facts.<

They aren't my facts, they are just facts. 

Again, because you're obviously having difficulty understanding... my original statement was a response to pyramid's post. Perhaps it would be clear if you read pyramid's post? Until then, keep working on your comprehension skills, you just might see some improvement. 


Once again I nominate about town cool fuck Noodler - not that he'd ever accept


although I appreciate daylight's contributions, Noodler is far more entertaining (sorry, daylight)

This indeed is a dilemma. 



""So popular that the state of California voted to exempt companies like lyft and uber from labor laws""

who's spinning what lumber?  

youre a mess dude, seek help.

Racket is the ZOTY. Richest winner ever. 

Don't worry slacker, the government will save you.


uber and lyft do more business and lose more money.  Not a good model.


Yes, Racket, pyramid stated that left policies are the most popular. If this statement is true, why did a liberal state like California vote to exempt a large company, like lyft, from existing labor laws?    Not too liberal.

Also, if left policies are so popular, why did a liberal state like California vote to keep a ban on affirmative action in higher education?


See, Racket, if you take the time to read, and think, even you can meaningfully participate in these conversations.  


Keep trying, little buddy.

Racket, how much is bungalow worth? Could you sell it and buy twice the home somewhere else?


^I can do that, Slack. Jersey is expensive 

When did racket turn into a disgruntled grocery store employee?  They're unionized.



I agree with Mike, Alan deserves a nomination. Alan is consistently funny, without too much snark. Plus he is a pretty nifty artist. 


Although I stand by my nomination, I don't think my vote will be going to daylight, sorry daylight. Not that it's of consequence, but I agree with your take regarding the uber/lyft issue. 

These threads used to be so fun and funny.

I guess they are just really dependent on the host.

I believe there's no way there can be just one zoty. To make this interesting, categories really are a must. How about --- 

Whiney Bitch Of The Year

Most Generally Uninformed

Most Uninformed Voter

Most Genetically Damaged

Most All Around Obnoxious

Most Possibilities

Create Your Own Category

And so on and so forth

Hell I may be one or 2'a them.

Ok who's in charge of the count ?


Most genetically damaged?

Going to need some criteria on that one. Will lab work need to be submitted?

slacker, when is your lease up?

>>I guess they are just really dependent on the host.

Guy doesn't post very much, but when he does it's almost always to say "told you so" or to put someone down.

Don't you have a prophetic post from 3 years ago that you can copy and paste, to show how smart you are?

^^^Jesus Christ, Brian. You didn't have to be that accurate. Especially the last sentence. lol

I just figured out the problem with the ZOTY voting this year. Too many hanging Chads.

Dibs on Most All Around Obnoxious.

Too many hanging Chads. Too many suspended Sierra Leones. Too many hovering Upper Voltas.

Heck! Maybe even an extra floating Gabon or two.

Since Lumber Truck mentioned nifty art and this thread has no pictures yet, this might be an appropriate time to share some pics of a Covid-inspired piece I just completed.

I had a small piece of really "clean" marble hanging around that I got in Rutland, Vermont (marble is from Danby). 

He doesn't have a name yet. Mr Nifty is a possibility.

500 Mask raw.jpg

500 Mask Right2.jpg

500 Mask Front 1.jpg

500 Mask Left 2.jpg

Nice work!

Vermont sure does have some nifty marble.


Nice work, Alan. 


I would be remiss if I didn't mention Noodler's work. Sure he gives good meme, but I really dig his NOAA/NASA related info. Plus he is a Chris Chandler fan!

has 6'r ever been in the running for this award? i'd say doubtful...

 >Noodler's work<

Yeah, he has balls crawlin in to those mines for a chunck of rock.... I'm lazy and wait till it gets to the stoneyard.

Really Cool piece Alan!

That does it, you got my nomination!

Druba for VP!

No Noodler is who you want around in a disaster  Especially if hot lava is involved.  His pics and maps save lives. 

We have another month left unti the festivities. So a lot of time left.


Sailor sara has a good little memory.  Sara, for your files, please include I haven't worked in the Union in about 10 years.  I have no problem with workers organizing and forming unions.    ab5 was written by state representative Lorena Sanchez, former ceo of San Diego chapter of AFL-CIO.  She was greased by the unions to try and organize gig workers.  Fuck her and her shady kickbacks.

I have to wonder if Noodler would be able to serve out a full term. His carnivorous fauna could consume him at anytime.

Flora, Mike.

Whoops. I was thinking flora, BK, but my fingers had other ideas.

I am equally doubtful you have been in the running either, JR. 

100 posts and still no votes for Brian K

Must be election fraud then, trumpane, right?

been tracking my ballot and for some reason it was diverted to somewhere in upstate new york

Six> sloppy mess> Vt white trash

I'm not in the running, nor do I care to be.

You have way more posts in here than me. You're projecting again.


I don't know,  BK, with your constant rational and factual take on things, I might have to nominate you for the Joe Friday ZONY. Either that or the most frequently trolled zoner?

Stop the Count !!! 

I think we have a Dark Horse Nominee...






>>Six> sloppy mess> Vt white trash

Am I supposed to feel bad or be impressed?

>>Either that or the most frequently trolled zoner?

Lol, I don't think I need a nomination for that award.

^^ y'all be some damaged goods -- quite a breakfast club, always fun to start my day laughing

This guy needs some kind of honorable mention, and maybe two of them.


<<<<You have way more posts than me>>>>

Somebody had to make this a good thread. 

Alan if you win i will send you this rock.


I mean stone.


>Somebody had to make this a good thread<


You are not helping that cause 

Most hated and I'm ok with it, lumber fuck


^You thrive on the negativity, eh? 

FWIW, I don't believe that people hate you, Timpane.  I believe you are thought off as an angry fool, who has a specious understanding of the issues discussed

OCLT nails it.

OK OK !!!!


THE moment You all have been waiting for.




And with little to no fanfare whatsoever...


Continued drum roll as the tension builds...


I'd like to nominate....






Congrats Kid !!!



I hope Timpane never gets his phone fixed.

^Right now I'm trying to find enough saddles so you guys can ride my cock all day long.

^ god you're a putz 


no spot taken


^You literally just claimed the first spot. It comes with Covid for all you older heads out there. 

^ go take a lap kid...

you're bullshit ran its course 



Shut up before I breath on your bitch ass.

The boogie mans real. Covid coming to get ya

bad juju man




I doubt that you have a cock


might partially explain what you project 

It's coming for us all TOD. Maybe we deserve it. 

> Shut up before I breath on your bitch ass.

It's breathe, but that still doesn't make your ramblings any more comprehensible, Timpane. Get a grip, dude.

And what Timmy said.

>>>so you guys can ride my cock all day long<<<

Ah, maybe THAT'S what it is.

I've often wondered about Timpane's issue with older people. At first I figured it was just some soft trolling, and that's probably what most of it is, but the guy definitely has a twitch about people of a certain age, and that comment may explain his fear.

Don't worry Timpane, it doesn't happen to everybody and they have drugs for that if it does, but either way you will for sure be wiser 20 years from now, just as you're wiser now than you were 20 years ago, and IMO that's more valuable than an all-day hard dick.

The never-ending accruing of experience & wisdom is the best part of aging, and it can also be the most frustrating, since most younger people do not want to hear or acknowledge any of that wisdom. Ask anyone who's had to deal with teenagers.

It's fear of the unknown.

Don't be afraid Timpane. You'll be fine.

Unless you don't wear a mask or get vaccinated.

Then it's a crapshoot.

The preceding message was brought to you by Cialis: It's not just for geezers anymore.

the DOTY is easy...


Covid Satan 19 55+ is a little insensitive. Gonna change my handle when I can think of a new one.


Dude I got no beef against cialis. Ol timers gotta rock then they gotta rock. I'll be fucking with that shit one day if needed. No hate

I'm formally withdrawing my nomination of B-ry. He has really come up short since the election.

I'm glad to read that you've come to your senses, BK. Maybe now you can get behind my nomination for Mr Timpane's broken phone.


I don't know, Mike. Timpane's OSHA-30 trainer has brought us all more entertainment than his broken phone. Not as sexy a nomination as the broken phone, but the guy knows more than the CDC and expert virologists, combined. I'm willing to vote for the phone, though, if you wish.

Is that a Kyocera?


Sort of makes me miss the old razr for a sec

another vote for that fucking phone. timp is in the lead. 

If he wins, maybe we can have a pizza party and play "pin the tail on the Bernie."

To be clear, I did not nominate Timpane; I nominated his phone.


^the modern mobile phone is an extension of the individual. 

To be clear, I did not nominate Timpane; I nominated his OSHA guy.


^I'm not an authority on the rules, but I have to question the eligibility of OSHA dude.

OSHA guy is from the government. He's here to help us.


^these events always need seat fillers

He may be the Union OSHA trainer, if that makes a difference.

<<<>>>>If he wins, maybe we can have a pizza party and play

too expensive for you neoliberal fucks. 








im joking. god. i have to put that in there for you neoliberals fucks. 

 Neoliberal fucks order a dozen pies from Domino's (or Zachary's, for those in VT), and dip it in generic ranch.

Fuckin' neoliberal fucks.

lol zachary's. 

It's astounding how many people actually think that shit is good. You're better off with a frozen Tombstone.

BK where is your go-to pizza spot in Burlington?

And please don't tell me the it's frozen food aisle lol

Pizza is my nemesis. It has been 5 years since I've had more than half a slice. It's also been at least 25 years since I've had pizza in Burlington. I may hit ogkb up one of these days.

In my neck of the woods, I think that Jimmz is pretty good. Piecasso, in Stowe, is okay. American Flatbread is good, even their frozen stuff.

they're all sysco restaurants. 

but pizza up here is slim pickin's. 

I honestly never understood how you could screw up pizza and then I moved to Florida for a spell.  It took years to find a decent pie.

If you think that pizza is slim pickings up here, how about Mexican food?

^non existent 


it's difficult to make good dough. 

funny, there's a place in south philly called florida style pizza. they do the panzerotti -- deep fired saucy calzone (a south jersey delicacy).  

never been tho. 

There's a reason it's nonexistent. Decades ago there were a few places in the B-town area, one on Shelburne Rd and the other on Riverside. It didn't matter what you ordered, at either place. It all looked and tasted the same. Shit.

You should make a special pie and call it the Neoliberal Fuck. Deli ham, canned pineapple, uncooked arugula, and a drizzle of ranch mixed with honey mustard.

if i spoke politics at my shop nobody would come lol.

but that pie sounds like a vermonter's dream.  

BK you don't have to hold back. Just say it aloud to your self and you'll feel better. "I nominated Mr. Timpane for Zoner of the Year."


Stop trying to hold it in man. Just be free

Seriously though, if your in VT and haven't been to pyramids place then you're just missing out. Just go and eat some real food. Buy some ranch. Don't be scurred

>>>>>call it the Neoliberal Fuck.

Don't forget the extra cheese!

ogkb, post up a pic of one of your pies and I'll second RRG's nomination.

i nominate all you neoliberals fucks who will hand the gop '22 and '24 and complete the meltdown fully. 

rrg is a troll. 

the oil and gas lobby are lining up spots in the cabinet, as you'd expect...

>>Seriously though, if your in VT and haven't been to pyramids place then you're just missing out

You're really clueless, aren't you?

There is a ton of Vermont in which pyramid's shop could be over two hours away.

NO pizza is worth driving 2 hours for.
I'm not even sure it's worth driving an hour for any pizza.

Surely NOT during a pandemic.

Are you thinking Vermont is like a ten square mile piece of land?

Holy fuck! Just amazingly clueless.

2 hours drive for pizza no problem



2 pies shipped to Florida from Pizza Oven in Canton Oh. $240.00, best Father's Day present ever 


Driven two hrs for pizza many times to NYC for pizza. Was plenty worth it. Pyramid shop is more than worth it.


Nice melt though, Six. The CAPS got you a 3.0

You drive two hours to NY for pizza?

You don't do anything else while you are there?

You just drive 2 hours - eat pizza - drive two hours back home?

You're not going to New York for some worthwhile reason and getting a pizza while you are there. You drive two hours just for pizza.

And according to you - you have done that "many times".

That is the most amusing thing thing I have read here in years. 

You are not common idiot - you are a true champion.


Also I had one three letter word in CAPS - NOT - and one two letter word - NO - and that is a meltdown?

Maybe you could drive two hours for such a massive meltdown. lol



 pyramidheat on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 – 09:21 pm


rrg is a troll. 


Sorry Heater, You lost call out cred when You were named NEO ZOTY.





I'd drive a couple of hours to NY for a pastrami sandwich and Dr Brown's black cherry at Katz's, and then stops at Russ & Daughters for a dozen bagels and a tub of whitefish salad, and Yonah Shimmel's for a half dozen knishes.

6, you don't drive for good food? 

people drive to me from rutland, waitsfield, irasburg, montreal, portland ME. 

you're the crazy one man. lol. 

driving from jersey to nyc for pizza is common. 

Six still melting because he has no taste. Get out of your cave and experience some culture, guy.

A great pizza is fantastic, but it ain't culture.

When you drive a couple of hours to NYC for a pie, you're not getting cultured. If you catch a play or go to a museum while there you are getting culture. Even a swing through China Town or Little Italy really can't be considered a cultural experience, if all you're doing is walking through and eating at the known places.

I hate to break it to you, but Burlington is far from a cultural center of anything. My favorite place to eat is Istanbul Kebab, but eating there sure as hell isn't educating me in Turkish culture.

>>6, you don't drive for good food? 

Of course I do - but right now your pizza is hearsay. If I tried it and I thought it was good - of course I would come back.

Right now - during the pandemic - I'm not even gong out much here as it is - so going to Chittenden county ain't happening.


>>people drive to me from rutland, waitsfield, irasburg, montreal, portland ME. 

Just to get your pizza as the sole reason? Someone from Portland ME doesn't stop at your place when he is in Burlington but specifically drives from Portland ME just to get your pizza? Sorry - I find that either hard to believe or crazy.


>>Get out of your cave and experience some culture, guy.

You consider Pizza as "culture"? Wow! Okay. That says it all. Enjoy your two hour drives.

^^thats b/c it's fake turkish food, and a sysco restaurant. 

there are pizzerias in the tri state that are literally 100yrs old. 

the culture exists -- you are wrong. 

<<<>>>>Just to get your pizza as the sole reason? Someone from Portland ME doesn't;t stop at your place when he is in Burlington but specifically drives from Portland ME just to get your pizza? Sorry - I find that either hard to believe or crazy.

i don't care what you believe -- it's true. i was shocked as well. 

i feel like 6 gives people anxiety when he hangs out w/ them. 

Hahaha! That's funny.
You give people bullshit anger on the zone every day. 

Whatwevs, bro.

thank you. 

Just because six chose to raise his family in Vermont he lives in a cave and has no culture.  Lol.  I think he has some history in large east coast city.  Not that I need to defend him.  Some of these insults are laughable.

Jesus, ogkb, I've been to both Turkey and the Middle East. I'm well aware of the relationship between food and culture, as well as what "real" food is.

Katz's, Yonah Shimmel's and Russ and Daughters are all over 100 years old. Simply going to those places doesn't make me an expert in the Jewish immigrant experience and culture in the early 20th century. Add in the Tenement Museum, and then we're getting a more rounded picture of the culture. Eating your pizza my be the greatest culinary experience of the last 20 years, but is it really educating me in culture?

If you haven't tried a frozen homerun

with adding your own favorite toppings...

you're missing out.




also driving an hour+ in vermont isn't really a big deal. 

why is tri state trash telling that to a vermonter? 

6, come by -- we wear masks and socially distance -- no, you can't come in and use my bathroom, you filthy animal. 


bk, i know. i'm saying if they were actually representing the culture, maybe. 

it's an american diner w/ turkish "ingredients". classic american style ethnic restaurant. 

i can guarantee if you came to my shop you'd taste authentic italian foods you can't get anywhere else in the states -- very few places. 

plants that are native to campana and shit like that. southern italian culture. 

No worries. We have a bathroom in the cave.

but absolutely understand not wanting to travel. 

wish i could stay in the hills and never go to burlington lol. 

I drove to Burlington every day for 30 years. I don't miss it. 

stoefers french bread pizza was awesome. 

mama celeste. 


Hahahaaaaaaaa you fuckin' yo-yo's.  Ever heard of making your own at home ? It's not hard. Something even an incompetent boob can easily master. White pizza rules my house.

Coat large cookie sheet with course cornmeal, make the dough, or you can buy the pre-made (whole wheat). Roll with a bit of flour, and stretch it out. Light coating of light olive oil, then your toppings. 15 mins at 450 - Bam yer done. My favs garlic, spinich, broccoli (sometimes clams)  and 4 cheese Italian. BAM 

We don't eat frozen pizza in the cave.

do you smoke dmt in the cave? 

No, that was Plato.

I made a vegetarian shepherd's pie the other day.

Vegetarian or meat, a real shepherd's pie does not have corn. Talk about Americanizing shit. The damn dish is one of the handful that the Brits actually did well with, and then we fuck it up with corn!

^ we're about to do that with impossible burger

fuck using corn

2 Packages Impossible™ Burger (12 Oz. Each)

1/2 Cup Diced Bell Pepper

1/2 Cup Diced Celery

1/2 Cup Diced Onion

1/2 Cup Diced Carrot

2 Teaspoons Olive Oil

1/2 Teaspoon Kosher Salt

1/2 Teaspoon Black Pepper

1 Pinch Red Pepper Flakes

2 Tablespoons Tomato Paste

8 Ounces Canned Stewed Tomatoes

1/4 Cup Chicken Or Vegetable Stock

1/2 Teaspoon Garlic Powder

1/2 Teaspoon Ground Fennel

1/2 Teaspoon Onion Powder

1 Teaspoon Vegetable Bouillon

2 Cups Rustic Potatoes, Peeled And Cubed

1/4 Cup Half And Half

1 Pinch Of Salt

1 Pinch Of Pepper

1 Stick Of Butter

12 Ounces White Cheddar

Chopped Parsley To Garnish



Hell Yeah on grow your own, make your own. That shepherds pie sparked me up for tomorrow's dinner.

How about an Honorary ZOTY ?  My vote goes to Al ---

" The only mystery in life is why the kamikaze pilots wore helmets "  --- Al McGuire

I make my vegetarian pie with lentils. In your recipe, I'd suggest doubling the carrots and adding parsnips, also.I've  I'd also omit the stewed tomatoes. Just add more liquid, maybe wine. Then thicken that gravy with Wondra or a roux.

I've taken to doing a 50/50 mix of Yukon Gold and sweet potatoes.

I'm trying to figure out if I'm a neoliberal fuck, but I'm finding competing definitions:

Neoliberal: a liberal who de-emphasizes traditional liberal doctrines in order to seek progress by more pragmatic methods.


Neoliberal: supporting a large amount of freedom for markets, with little government control or spending, and low taxes.


Neoliberalism: an outgrowth of the liberal political movement that is more moderate than traditional liberalism, especially in its embrace of free-market capitalism.


I can get behind the first definition, but the second two don't work for me at all. A little help here, ogkb?

Yes, eating and experiencing at local food restaurants who are doing a service to provide their best quality of food is culture. BK try not to drag your ass all along the zone today, bud. Getting kinda old. 

Six, what do you do in VT? Just wondering since driving two hrs for anything seems like too much of a trip for you. What would you say it is you do there?

^^^ good call on the tomatoes, might make it too wet

got the y. golds and reds from our garden


It's only 8 oz, so it won't make it too wet. It just doesn't need all those tomatoes. 

You're right, Mike, Timpy's broken phone has to take the cake.


That Sheppards pie sounds gross. 

Culture, bruh. Have you had real shepherd's pie before, or is your culinary expertise from the Hoboken Middle School cafeteria?

Timpane? Are you as broken as your phone?

Where did I say I wouldn't drive two hours for anything?
What I said was I thought it was silly to drive two hours just for pizza.



To answer your question, I'm too young to be fully retired, so instead be I am a semi-retired ski bum.
I separated from the big money rat race two years ago and I am now employed in the ski industry.

It's a much simpler life without a lot of the high-pressure bullshit of the rat race.

I hope that answers your question sufficiently.

^ what's the ski/riding season with covid precautions look like for this season?



tanks in advance



Well, it looks pretty crazy right now and somewhat old school.

Peeps encouraged to boot up at the car and minimal time in the lodge. No bars and no music in the lodges this year. Food will be "to go" and will be minimal. I bet a lot of resorts will have food trucks spread out in the parking lots.

The skiing and riding itself will be no problem social distancing - but the lifts will be limited in loading. 1-2 people per lift depending on type - unless you are a family group and you can ride up together.

Many resorts have instituted daily reservations and limits on how many people will be on the mountain every day. One good thing about being an employee is that we are not subject to the reservation system and ski and/or ride any day we want. Also many resorts will only be open at first to pass holders and it is questionable if there will be a day lift ticket market at all this year.

All lessons, reservation, etc will also be done on-line.

Skiier/Rider to resort staff contact will be at a minimum

At Jay Peak here in Vermont - things will be really strange as they normally get 70-75% of their business from Canada and the border is closed to only essential travel is permitted. Skiing and riding are, of course,  considered non-essential. So Jay Peak could see a HUGE decline in revenue - plus they are being operated by court-appointed receiver as well due to crazy EB5 practices that have the former owners in court.

I think most other ski areas are forecasting to be down 50% or more this year.

thanks man


imagining jay's with nobody there 

all that deep shit



hope it works out for you


I hope covid works out for all us.

It's going to be a roller coaster ride for at least a couple years - mainly because our current President let it get out of control.

And I'm talking across most industries beyond the heavily effected Travel, Hospitality and Food and Entertainment industries. As things get really bad in those industries - they will, in turn - effect just about all industries for a long while. I know the stock market is near record highs - but that's right now - and we all know the stock market is a great barometer for wealthy people, but not for the economy in general.

^ Cool blog.


Vegetarian Shepard's pie lol. Just terrible.

>>Vegetarian Shepard's pie lol. Just terrible.

Well, yeah. It sure as hell isn't lamb (or even beef). However, my daughter is here and she's a vegetarian, so we make concessions. Maybe one day you'll have a kid, so you'll have a clue what that is like.

>>Cool blog

= yes, I am as broken as my phone

Timpane - meditation and lightening-up a bit might work every once and a while.

You don't have to be FULL SPEED AHEAD! every day.

I risked using caps there, but I felt they were appropriate.

Who else is gonna bring you a broken phone-o
Who else is gonna bring you an OSHA guy
There he goes spewing across the black screen
There he goes running the ZOTYs aground

^ Weird stuff there, sport.


Maybe one day you'll have a kid>>>>


Lmao. No spot taken there, champ. Birth control is on point in 2020.

Hoping we can hear some more from the "Saga of Six the Ski Bum" today. Was a truly fascinating read.


Why don't you share a story of your exciting life with us instead.

Another Honorary Zoner --

" May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house " --  George Carlin

Nothing to blog at the moment, bradi. 

Nothing to blog at the moment, bradi. 

Did You kids ever wonder how many shades of industrial Gray there are?


Currently painting a few rooms in the new addition "Paperwhite", which has a touch of gray.

It's not a ZOTY thread unless 6 is arguing with someone for a big portion of the thread.  This one seems to be right on course.  Good work guys.


And congratulations to St Mark for his 10th ZOTY in a row. 


(raises eyebrows and nods)


>congratulations to St Mark for his 10th ZOTY in a row<


St Mark?  Was this awarded for his years of stellar zoning? Sort of a lifetime achievement ZONY? I don't recall any recent posts.

I always miss Streetvan at this time of year HOF'er for sure. 


>>>HOF'er for sure


This begs the question...Is there a Zoner Hall-of-Fame? 

Caton has the yellow jacket, should the zone have the patchouli soaked, tie-dye poncho?



meh. zoner hof'ers deserve something useful. 

like a hand blown glass vial filled w/ gorgeous lsd, comes w/ unlimited free refills. 


^Good thing I will never make the cut, not interested in such a thing. 

that's weird. 


Why is it weird? It's never been my thing. Others are free to indulge, I pass no judgment. 

well what if we made vests then......maybe more appropriate? 

you know what i'm saying. 

funny that guy just disappeared. 


Vests are fine. Hell, I'm sure the majority, or at least a sizable number, would prefer the viable. Know your audience.

Plus, like I stated, I'm in no danger of being nominated, so the hof is out of my reach. 


>>Funny that guy just disappeared <<


The zone is poorer for it


>>meh. zoner hof'ers deserve something useful. 

like a hand blown glass vial filled w/ gorgeous lsd, comes w/ unlimited free refills. <<


He's onto something.  Good suggestion.

hudson valley zoners. hahaha haha haha hahaha hahaaha ha

Did Cryote make it to Viva

can a team nomination win?

Can there be an award for most insult per ( any unit of measure - threads, post, "making sense, per sentence, per incoherent thoughts expressed) ?

Perseveration award ( and most repetitive award )?

Condescending champion?

Asshole if the year?




or psycho babbler 


neo zoner






>>Did Cryote make it to Viva

He's here very rarely - but you're here daily - so you makes up for his absence.

^How's your job at the ski resort today?


you know you can post all the psychobabble in one post, right? 

People seem to be confusing the ZOTY with the DOTY.

dank of the year? 

double dank. 

I hope they don't invite Kanye West to the award ceremonies this year!

DOTY is actually a much more prestigious zoner award than ZOTY

>>^How's your job at the ski resort today?

It's okay

How's your life of being a douche bag today?

Hard to tell if everyone's being too douchy or too touchy.

Or both.


I blame it on the lack of shows.

Need music

i'm a laughing. 

since daylight denounced his nomination with a full throated

it's a joke that anybody would nominate him, downfall of viva blah blah


I cast my vote for Tim (where's my flashbacks)

dudes always upbeat


brings the music

and one strong motherfucker!

I can't think of a better choice for 2020


>>^ How's your job at the ski resort today?

is this supposed to be some sort of insult because I would take that as a compliment?!

don't you paint walls?  how many shades of white are there nowadays?

Right? It's my semi-retirement job because I love to ski and have my whole life - and now thanks to my successful career in sales that I stepped away from, I can afford to work in an industry I love. 

Is there something about that I should be ashamed of?

Not at all.  If you can swing it more power to you!

Shonder, shonder on the mountain.

Lol, no I do a lot more than "paint walls". I might not do as much as Six does as a ski bum or a paper pusher but who knows, maybe one day. 

Neo liberal trolls in denial are out and about today on this thread. Sweet.

Just messing with ya.  Painting is like a chore for me.

Thanks again to Your Wife, for Your Biden Vote timpane....

<<Lol, no I do a lot more than "paint walls".

hopefully you're masking with blue tape on sensitive walls, straining the paint before application and rolling walls for texture after spraying them.  

> Lol, no I do a lot more than "paint walls".

Well, sure. There's the ceilings and trim work too.

>>I do a lot more than "paint walls".

So, you watch it dry too?

Timpane sure is the gift that keeps on giving. lol

>>So, you watch it dry too?


oh, man....

Brian K seems to have declared a winner in Bryen's latest thread. Addressing Bryen, BK said

You lost ZOTY fair and square, to a broken phone nonetheless.

While I'm pleased to see Timpane's phone declared the winner, I think BK's announcement is a bit premature; my understanding is that nominations are still open.

You guys are obsessed with me, lol. 

My phone is still broken, btw. Not up for spending another grand on one at the moment. Maybe, it's time to admit you love me and my phone. 

New thread coming soon for you guys. Hope you had a good holiday zoning while you should have been with your families.


More like Gregulator every day.^

Yeah, you should have all traveled to kill your family.....

Old Guy Loser Train is strong on the zone nowadays. Welcome, Bluesnote!


Keep trolling. You can make a name for yourself on The Old Guy Loser Train

> Hope you had a good holiday zoning while you should have been with your families.

Spends time on the zone waving the shamey finger at zoners for zoning. You can't make this stuff up, or I can't at least.

So, Timpane, when can we expect to see this new masterpiece of a thread you keep talking about? Anytime soon, or you thinking something more along the lines of post-pandemic?

Right now I'm busy rescuing this thread and saving Bryens horrible thread as well. When I'm done with all that I will unleash a Covid Vaccine thread just in time for the cheery holiday season. 

Your welcome, Mike edwards (mike Edwards)

A thread about stale crackers. 

Every thread on the zone is filled with a bunch of stale crackers, Slack. Not much I can do about it, sorry. 

>>>>>Not much I can do about it, sorry. 


Thanks for the dry white toast, chuck.

And what goes better with a bunch of stale crackers than a couple of dips?

Bring the zing, youngbloods, and show the olds what a little bit of T can do.

1: Whatya do for kicks when you were in your thirties?

2: Saw the Dead, saw Jerry, saw Phil, went out to see tons of other concerts in public spaces, dancin hard with with lots of other happy folks. Life was good.

1: Yeah... too bad for the kids today..all they got to do is stay home and listen to Cardi B and and babble with old guys on the Internet. Must be miserable.

2: Yeah it sure is great to be a LOSER -- Laughing Older Sexagenarian Enjoying Retirement

unnamed (1)_9.jpg

I want to buy those old guys blue-striped train hats for Christmas. 

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Even the Zone's own Generation Y.

Mike, don't keep the kids up too late --- they have to go to work tomorrow so they can contribute to my Social Security payment. (Thanks, little dudes!)

how young do you think we are? 

how old do you think we think you fucks are? 

who am i? 

Alan, this is where living on the west coast is a real advantage. I can keep the young'uns up late and still get to bed at a reasonable hour myself.


Alan, your numbering is kinda fucked up man. I love when people post bullets and numbers on the zone like it's a slideshow presentation though. 

Damn, retirement looks like it fucking blows. Enjoy your Covid golden years lol. 

BK, your thread is officially back. Nice job man. Solid stuff

Noodler, I just about shit myself from laughing at that. Or maybe I just farted. Hold on a sec while I check.

< numbering is kinda fucked up man>

Timbo.. it's not numbering..it's like a movie script.. Old Guy 1 asks, Old Guy 2 answers, Old Guy 1 replies, etc. I'm surprised I have to explain this. 

Remember that play you were in in junior high? (It was only a few years back, you should recall it.) Oh, I forgot, the Republican boomer politicians cut all your Arts and Music programs in favor of standardized testing so you were never in a play. And never learned history, social studies, civics, shop, etc. Sorry about that. Never mind...


^ What?

"Saw Jerry" still remains the Mecca of life accomplishments on the zone. Love it

anybody here going to the dead head hotel in costa rica? 

shitty gans and the other dude were talking about it last week; horrible conversation and topic, but i listened anyway. 

gotta be at least 5 people from viva going is my guess. mike Edwards, thom. ned (still a bit young tho), maybe alan -- who else? 

socially distanced indoor dining. vape pens. free wireless for your youtube dead viewing pleasure. 

Sweet offer. No spot taken.

Candy is dandy and liquor is quicker
You can drink all the liquor down in Costa Rica
Ain't nobody's business but my own


Pyramid, I'm glad you said maybe. I'm not really into vape pens. 

I've never gone on any of those delux all-in-one music vacations, though I did go to Hawaii for Zero and DNB in the late 90s, but that was roughing it.

One year (98?) Billy played with Zero. Vid below. One year (99?) KVHW also played. All those shows are worthy of a listen.

One time I'll sit around the fire and tell you stories.


^^^^ and you can tell these stories at WCZJ 2021 campfire next summer! 

I've been to CR a couple of times but never heard of a Deadhead hotel, where is it, pls, and what's going on?

At least you saw Kimock when he was still worth seeing. Not really a zero guy but KVHW definitely a solid band. That's pretty cool, Alan. I missed out on DNB Hawaii a few years back. Was contemplating going, for sure.

Do they have VIP for Deadhead hotel now?

<< shitty gans and the other dude were talkin

Couple of the most boring, think they know something shitheads ever to disgrace a gd broadcast. I've spoken to David many times in person, he's just as zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz  then too.

Big Steve is The Man  

Seems like Gans is kind of a running joke nowadays.  Has anyone told him?

Things I noted while reading yesterday's posts in this thread:


1. "You guys are obsessed with me, lol."

I'm not sure obsessed is the word. Perhaps amused? Clearly "old crackers" at the very least find you interesting as a zoner - so you have that going for you (although there is not much excitement on Viva as of late so just about anything remotely interesting is focused on.).


2. "Spends time on the zone waving the shamey finger at zoners for zoning."

No kidding - and the irony is completely lost on timpane. However mike is right on when he posts :"You can't make this stuff up, or I can't at least." 

3. "I love when people post bullets and numbers on the zone like it's a slideshow presentation though." 

Then timpane is really going to love this post, isn't he? lol. As Alan properly points out - "Old Guy 1 asks, Old Guy 2 answers, Old Guy 1 replies, etc. I'm surprised I have to explain this." Alan, does it REALLY surprise you that you have to explain this or anything (or everything actually) to timpane in the simplest of terms? 

To conclude: Heavens! I used ALL CAPS on one word in that last outline point - clearly I am having a meltdown. I must go check myself in to the asylum. Cheers!

2.7 ^

I choose judit.

Geez. At least Six kinda saw the light towards the end of that unprovoked melt. 

<<<>>>>Pyramid, I'm glad you said maybe. I'm not really into vape pens. 

i knew i liked you. 


Jackson Sneed?


bwahahahah -- nice. 

they still broadcast the big steve hour? at least that shit is entertaining. 

i love when gans gets all frustrated that a burnt out caller is on the line -- cracks me up. 

then he starts plugging his shitty band shows like people actually go to that shit. do they? desperate huh. very funny and cringe-y. 

i think if somebody called in and trashed dead n co for what they are, they would cut you off. 

let's try it. 

# neosadtimesinvermont

>Not really a zero guy<

Politics and virus aside, I recommend that you check out their mostly instrumental catalog 85 - 92 (before Hunter got involved writing lyrics and the gravelly voiced singer Judge Murphy joined the band, taking them in a slightly different direction). 

Lots of good players as the band evolved, including Cipollina, Sears, Vega, etc. 

Like all good music, it takes a couple listens. Great for house projects, paired with a sativa.

<<then he starts plugging his shitty band shows like people actually go to that shit. do they? 

hello no.  


haha i see gregulator

Early Zero was the best Zero, IMO. I first saw them at Sweetwater in the summer of 86 and was completely blown away by the band, and Kimock in particular. That was the summer of JG's first coma, and finding this talented young guy just tearing it up with Cippolina gave me hope for our scene in a time when it was seriously lacking.

Zero @ Ranch Rock 86: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA318qwf8E8&t=4m20s

>>Geez. At least Six kinda saw the light towards the end of that unprovoked melt. 

Geez - maybe there is hope for you to see the light too - some day. Probably not, but I thought I would be nice since it's the holiday season.

The instrumental stuff is cool. Usually have to turn it off when "gravely" singer guy comes on. I don't smoke weed anymore or anything like that but I get why people like them. I like all those guys maybe I'll check out some of their earlier stuff.

>>At least you saw Kimock when he was still worth seeing.<<

Lol yeah too bad Kimock isn't any good anymore huh?

Zero has been gravel-free again for quite a while now

Was watching a video of him with everyone orchestra at Ardmore and I'll just say that I wouldn't pay to see that. 

Timpane, if you like instrumental stuff, I recommend this Steve Kimock Band Show from 2001 at a tiny club in Santa Barbara. I attended this one and the band tore it up all night:


surprised 2dank hasn't shown up yet.



^^sick show. sounds like kimock is playing under water on that baby baby. who is in that band? 

I'm glad we found something we can agree on, ogkb. And yeah, this show was straight up fire.

I know Bobby Vega was in the band, but beyond that, I'm not remembering. I just tried a couple of searches too, but didn't find anything about the line-up.

Sailor Sarah has been pulling all kinds of files lately.....

I've heard a lot of good stuff on archive from Kimock band 00'- 01, for sure. I'll def check it out, thanks 

Found this pic of a poster on a youtube of the show. It doesn't list the line-up, but the faces are pretty clear. Any guesses?

Screenshot 2020-11-30 at 5.58.37 PM.jpg

 ^ the best lineup kimock ever had

mitch stein

bobby vega 

rodney holmes 

steve kimock


look for the charlie miller recordings



T.O.D. to the rescue. Thanks, dude.

Charlie Miller transferred the recording I linked above, but I think this is the only source. It's a good one though.

this ones a monster 


10-25-2001 variety playhouse, atl



Steve Kimock - Guitars

Rodney Holmes - Drums

Mitch Stein - Guitars

Richard Hammond - Bass



I remember David Nelson playing at the Oregon Country fair, was part of the Main Stage Sound Crew back in those days (Steve Parish gave me a blood blister once, lol).




And Zero playing back then;



Who also played the after hours 2nd set with Barry Sless & Mookie Siegal from Dave Nelson Band, along with Ed Ivy on Tuba sitting in.

After the first set, and they'd swept the civilians out, during the "special guests" sound check, Sless and Kimock were trading some very exotic scales, back and forth, both grinning like little kids, was an absolute treat to listen too!  Showing off those chops they may not get to use during a show....


That was from the brown folder, Racket.

ME ! i'm ZOTY

For Going Through HELL Since September 29 th And SURVIVING ! still going on today at Home Huge Recovery Ahead  --- Rob


plus Anyone who Survived COVID ! RIP who did not World Wide

Honestly I Thought I Was Going To Die Twice While In The Hospital !!


WORST Thing Ever  !

This one was quite memorable


agree kimock as a guest sit-in or sideman rarely works out


glad you are still with us plf

NEO Bump for You know Who.

what's up rrg. 


I'd like to nominate Phil Lesh. Since this site in a way was supposedly going to be a continuation of the original Philzone, which I assume most of us originally joined because we were fans of Phil. At least he had the good sense not to post or comment on anything that goes on in this meshuggenah place. Which is more than the rest of us can say. 

That meshuggenah place?  Another story.cheeky