ZOTY 2021 Awards


Well, I hate to remind everyone that this year is almost over (good riddance) and fortunately or not it’s probably time to revisit an outdated custom left over from the days of our online ancestors – the annual ZONY awards.

Yes, I know --- this past year Viva saw such a drastic drop in participation and readership that there might not be any relevant awards to present. Maybe it’s due to Covid, maybe it’s because Phil has not played much, maybe it’s because all the interesting trolls have been banished and heated political debate has been quenched, maybe it’s because the old folks are busy tending their decaying bodies and the young people are busy TikTok-ing… I have no idea.

Therefore, just in the interest of tradition, I am starting the thread anyway. 'Cause one of these would look really good on the shelf next to that fancy glass bong (that you bought thinking it would be a healthier way to smoke but never use because it's too much hassle to clean).


So even though no one is feeling the slightest bit joyous, maybe get off your lurker ass and figure out how to post on the black screen just this one, so this thread (and this website) doesn’t whither away like Terrapin Crossroads. Feel free to provide polite accolades to your fellow Zoner or unleash your pentup snarkiness -- it doesn't''t really matter -- since only a dozen people read this shit, anyway,

I will start off with an easy one:

The “Hey Mon” Award for most jobs in a year. The nominees are:


She seems like a nice person and is single-handedly responsible for Biden’s rocketing employment numbers, but personally I would not co-sign a long term lease with her – just sayin.


On the serious side, we do have some strong contenders for the political agitator-ist Zoner. For the "Freedom Fighter of the Year" award, defending your liberties and mine, I nominate:

Portland Ken - ready to toss a flaming bag of dogshit at any ProudBoy, bless his soul.

SlickRock - willing to carry a sign into the darkest corners of Utah. He's brave and dresses up in cool outfits.

I'd be honored to share a foxhole with either of them. But there's only one award. What do you think?


ZOTY = Noodler -- If not there's widespread voter fraud.

Everybody else gets a star.

For a sub- category I like the  " What The Fuck Are You Talking About " award,, each week could have a new winner.


I hear ya Alan, to some extent the bannings, but what it really boils down to is the basic lack of willingness to understand differences of opinions that has really hurt this place, irreparably I fear. The same ol dozen ass kisser zoners who agree with everything the other 11 say, and dominate this black screen have created a major league suckfest. It keeps new members from joining and assures the lurkers remain lurking. I've been saying it for years.

Till folks are encouraged to offer the unpopular with the majority opinion, swim against the tide, it'll remain that way. 

Noodler wins ZOTY,, everyone else gets a suckfest award star.

Aren't we all ZOTYs for even being here?

We are IT.

ned is the last remaining colorado zoner from the og familia.

once a mighty tribe....

Agree 100% noodler for ZOTY

And the banished ones (including the self-banished) earned every single bit of it.

As Turtle is waxing all nostalgic about the Colorado Zoners past, and rightfully so since those mountain stoners did invent the vape AND recently provided Phil the most scenic venue that he's played in in a long while.... I'd like to make a nomination for the "Whatever Happened To..." award.

I think Jay Siobud is an obvious candidate. As I recall he was last year's ZOTY, then had the audacity to split and then renounce us on Joe Rogan's "Let's Play Doctor" call in show. Just cause he didn't want to wash his hands after posting on the Zone. I mean, where can one get better medical advice than from a podcast? Right? Especially if the guy podding (is that even a word?) is a former actor on a reality TV show where contestants literally ate shit. Oh, and he's also a professional comedian. I don't know about you, but that makes him a medical expert about virology to me. 

Who else has been missing in 2021 and is also someone we actually miss?

Maybe the 6 remaining posters can split the title this year.

Because Ras is an enthusiastic Zoner, and sometimes the only one responding in threads, I do want to nominate him for at least one award:

"Least likely to use a photo re-sizer"

Yes his gigantic pictures are the only thing most Zoners can see on their phones, however, the bandwidth they utilize requires that Judit buy another server -- hence instigating another of those "How bout sending me some money boys?" threads, that I feel guilty about ignoring. Then, in order to ease my guilt, I have to smoke more, which gets costly. So then I'm too broke to be charitable. Which increases my guilt and..and an endless downward spiral ensues. It's all his fault.

So Ras, I think you have a lock on this one.


I did get to hang with both Bekim and Nick and BClyde at the Lyons bandshell Phil shoe.

>noodler for ZOTY<

Well, let's not be too hasty and see what the masses say over the next 2 weeks. It's still early.

We do know Noodler definitely deserves the "Smokin Tokin Mike Tyson" award for being a stoner who loves to box. What other Zoner has been in a fistfight since junior high school? Not too many. Maybe Ken with a Proud Boy. Most of us would have a coronary if we had to physically tangle with someone other than our spouse. Noodler survived. And he got to add the gold tooth he knocked out of the other guy's mouth to his precious metal portfolio. So he certainly gets nominated for the Mike Tyson award, at least.


I'll nominate Javsworld for the M.I.A. Zoner award.  He started posting his autobiography, then his country rewrote their Constitution, and he vanished like a puff of Ahayuasca.

^ Dave, now that I think about it, you're right. 'You think he got disappeared for revealing his diplomat dad's spycraft secrets on the Zone? No laughing matter.

I was also hoping to read more installments of his family's life story, as I remember it went from "my-grandmother-was-a-Bolivian-pirate-who-then-became-a-nun-who-secretly-dated-Castro" directly to "I-was-on-tour-and-met-this-waif." Maybe I missed the chapters in between, but I think he forgot to post them. I wish he would return and fill us in, even if he was a little touchy about his true citizenship (Latvian). I honestly hope he's ok.


Speaking of "Whatever Happened To...." and Missing In Action. Whatever happened to Bryen? Did Biden just literally put him to sleep?

Was he even real? Or does his absence prove he was, in fact, a bot all along? Too bad, because this year he would have definitely won an award for being the Roger Stone of the Zone.

Thanks for the generous nominations, it warms my heart.  I'm torn between the battle of good vs evil these days, in which case i'd choose to nominate Judit as the good witch from the north (for a long list of loving / caring contributions), while Byren is the bad troll from the south (shamey fingers free with every post!)...  aside from fighting the homeless, I miss insulting that cult boy.  (I did comment on his last post before he got banished to a deprogramming center for the politically afflicted).  




Give it a couple days, but i predict this thread will die like a bag full of kitties dropped into a river. 

 >a bag full of kitties dropped into a river. <

I tend to agree with JR on a lot of stuff (except for the penny loafers-are-ok-to-wear-in-the-Fall-with-white-socks recommendation). Nothing about 2021 is even mildly amusing.

But I bet if you posted pictures of a bag full of cats dropped into a river, people would check back and maybe keep the thread going. People love the gory stuff.


spoiler alert: they lived


^^ see, you looked again. Is this what we're reduced to JR? Do innocent little felines have to suffer just to amuse bored old Deadheads with no other social media connections? It's a dark day indeed.


Seriously, they all lived.

somebody order nick a sammy

Let’s scroll past the wet ass cats and get back to music-related stuff:

The next nomination involves Woz and Lance. There’s probably some other Zoners in contention, too. (The entire DNB fanbase, but that’s for their forum awards.)

Now I love reading show reviews. Especially of Bay area shows. And I enjoy reading what these two gentlemen write. They seem like fine outstanding folks with educated musical taste. Therefore, it is hard to figure out who best deserves the prestigious “Zoner Who Never Sees A Bad Show” award.  

I mean come on, really?, was every show in 2021 that good? How is that possible? Zoners see a lot of shows. Are you perchance eating serotonin-enhancing drugs at EVERY one of them? 

Those of us that are geographically challenged depend on your honest opinions. So we can say, “I heard…” to our friends and sound like we know what we are talking about.

Just once I’d like to read, “He really sucked tonight, couldn’t hit a note." Or, “Big waste of money.” Or, "...until that dumb bastard spilled a drink on me:" Or, “The carpet smelled like pee and I’ll never go back.”  

Anyway, congratulations if you win and keep up the good work.

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Well, I have a couple of retorts to that last post.

First, I do occasionally see a show that doesn't work for me, but I don't usually feel motivated to write a review of a show I didn't like, or it could be a show that other black-screeners also saw and enjoyed. If there's a positive thread going about a show I didn't like I don't really see the need for raining on people's parades.

But in that light and since you asked, I will say that I didn't think much of the David Nelson Band show at TxR in October. The event overall was damn fun and the music had it's moments (mostly when Peter Rowan was onstage with them) but overall it didn't do much for me. In the thread about that show I did subtly touch on what I thought didn't work, but overall I kept my comments focused on the positives, which is what I try to do with most things in general. Lots of people enjoyed that show and I didn't see a reason to be a debbie downer.

Also, I DID post a negative review of a King Crimson show I saw in August. I didn't care for that show and in the review I listed clearly what I didn't like.

So there.

And just for the record, of the paltry 22 shows I've seen this year, with MAYBE one or two more on my 2021 calendar, I saw a Zakir Hussain show that was disappointing, it was basically an 1:15 minute drum solo, and I was bored with Melvin Seals JGB at TxR when Dave Ellis played with the band.

Other than that I liked all the shows I saw this year. Not surprisingly they were mostly groups I like and know well, but I did see two jazz piano players I hadn't heard of but am now a fan of, John Dryden & Dahveed Behroozi. Both were great and I'd see them again any time.

BTW, I saw one of my all-time faves X last night, and it was damn good but not quite great. Still, John Doe and Exene Cervenka are fucking rock stars and god love that band for still rocking hard with all four original members after 40+ years. They may not quite be able to capture the raw, pure punk rock power they used to, but they still can ramp it up pretty damn good. 

And as a New Years Resolution, so I won't be labeled as a guy who likes EVERYTHING, I'll make a point to post a negative review of the first show I don't like in 2022.

^ Now that's the most erudite rejection of an award nomination I've seen since 1973, when Sacheen Littlefeather declined Marlon Brando’s Oscar for best actor for his performance in 'The Godfather.'

Unless we get some other nominations, I guess Woz wins that one by default.


Don't fret though, with 22 shows under your belt in 2021, you are probably in the running for the "How the hell did I not catch Covid?" trophy.

I'd bet a dollar you had to Google Ms Littlefeather's name.

If not, I nod my head to your amazing memory. 

^ Jaz my wife calls me that all the time. At least on date night.....hey, wait a minute.....

Without googling it, who's the woman between Roger Moore and Sacheen Littlefeather?

Speaking of me, Judit & Friends just informed me that I've finally been nominated for something after 20-some years of loitering around this place. Bout time.

I'm up for "Most Pitiful Zoner Art Project" in 2021. For my handcarved limestone sculpture: "Portrait of an LSD-laced Sugarcube I Found in My Old Jean Jacket"

I donated it to TXR right before it closed, so unfortunately for Bay-area art lovers, it wil probably end up as a wheelchock for a Jeep.

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Mike Edwards, there you are. Word on the street is that you are in the running for "Most Generous Zoner of the Year," in spite of the fact that it's come to light that you, in fact, have an insidious plan to clean out your garage by staging all these online giveaways.  We're on to you bub. Too bad all the proceeds go the lawyers to settle that unfortunate incident with Stanley Mouse. Don't worry, your heart was in the right place. You can use the Zone as a character witness.

By they way, can I have your old lawn mower and that cool drum coffee-table?


Alan, you can have the lawn mower and that cool drum coffee-table, but there's a catch: You have to take a burlap sack full of kittens too. Also, if you can permanently remove that kid from my shoulders, I'll throw in a sack of dog chow.

Oh and Jaz, the Louisiana chapter of PETA called and they said you can't keep dressin up your dog in cute little costumes. Personally I don't mind, but the pooch did decimate the all you can eat shrimp buffet at last year's ZONY awards banquet. Whoz a good lil puppy?


I got to admit, his Halloween costume as "Bob Weir's dog" was a hit with Phil, though.



I nominate 6er for most improved Zoner.

This seems like something we can all agree on.

> I didn't think much of the David Nelson Band show at TxR in October<

well it ain't what it was, then again what is?

david is expectedly not at top form. without molo the 3 headed monster does not get to achieve liftoff, as good as wally may be...

sigh. like the gd, glad i got what magic i could while i could.



Dear Alan, while I'm flattered to be the first Zoner nominated in a new category, if you really kept up with my life you would know that I've only been drafted by 2 different employers in 2021, and 1 was a carryover after 15 years there.  So I would venture that I may not even qualify for that category as you did not post criteria.

Can you blame me for cutting my losses like a heavy sack of wet tiger kittens?

Perhaps if there were a category for diplomatic envoy or Zoner ambassador to the east coast, I'd accept. ;)

Now excuse me while I finish my amazing sunshine-filled post-Emerald Cup-supplied road trip day up the 101 that included a Finnish sauna, a billboard for JGB NYE, forest bathing, as well as cool cloud, star and fog formations over Humboldt lagoon.... because after all these years, I'm using my skills to make the most of my time off!







Melvin must be PSYCHED about that billboard!

But where the hell is Blue Lake???

^^^ right?!  There were 2-3 bill billboards over a few miles!

Blue Lake is a bit east of Arcata in a valley... about a 4 hr drive from Santa Rosa.

Winter Zoner meet-up?  (Oops thread creep, isn't this an award category?)


Hi Lo.

I understand completely. However, it makes no difference to tell me anything (ask my wife), as I am merely a temporary conduit for these messages --- since due to a little "misunderstanding," the local constable sentenced me to perform community service, and since this is currently my only community (I know, lame, right?), I volunteered my time and sign-in information to the Zoner Awards.

In fact, it is my understanding that Judit & Friends were busy with other stuff this Holiday season and subcontracted the nomination process to Artificial Intelligence software. No actual living, breathing people debated your qualifications. However, since the Republican National Committee already bought up all available bots not working for ticket scalpers, a human still needs to be involved in posting the AI's conclusions. 

In a remarkable coincidence, Judit just sent me a selfie of her receiving the next batch of nominations and if you look closely, it appears you are up for another award: "Best Event Planner For a Zoner Event That Probably Won't  Ever Happen."  Congratulations! 


^^^ ha ha 


Yes yes yes all the regulars win the ' blow smoke up each others butt ' award.

Would love to see some of the never post lurkers chime in with their unbiased opinions. I'm sure they'd have some categories with winners that are pure gold. 

C'mon folks join the fray, we don't bite.  ---- that hard.

'< blow smoke up each others butt ' award.>

Ras, I used to think this was a bad thing --- then I got heated seats. (Anything to keep my skinny ass toasty this winter.)

I too, would certainly like to read about some other Phil-heads' opinions and adventures. I know they are out there.  And I really wish somebody would make some nominations. Or else I will have to hit the harddrive for more almost-drowned-kitten photos in order to up the count in this thread. 

But if there are only a couple dozen Zoners left who can still see the keyboard, I completely understand why it's ok to babble whatever, even if it includes a little mutual backslapiping -- it's just a way to assure ourselves their are some like minded souls out there as the world goes to hell.

Not to backslap you too much, cause Slacker still swears you're a Kirley sock and I tend to trust his instincts (well,on second thought, maybe not), but I hear you and Doolittle are both up for the coveted 2021 "Why Does This Guy Post So Much?" Award!  You guys deserve some recognition for keeping the servers warm. (I'm actually currently sittin on one of the servers as I type, and while it's not as warm as smoke, it'll do for now.)



I think all of ya's are a real fun bunch, just wish it wasn't so small a club. There's about a dozen people that post on a regular basis, 20 on a good week. I'd love to know how big the enrollment is,, gotta be up in the hundreds, possibly thousands !!  What can be done to entice the silent to join in ?  The free cd's ain't workin, neither did the free enlightenment (the banned). I thought maybe the zoty voting would do it.

ZOTY = Noodler -- If not there's widespread voter fraud.<<<

IMG_0894(2)_copy_531x905_1.jpgHe isn't an alligator. 

Jaz taught his dog how to take a selfie on his back. There must be some award for that dog...

Is there a Lack Of Political Correctness Award ?  I'd love to be in the running for that one.

Today you can't say shit without some snowflake trying to correct you.

I love Jeff. How's your vagina today fellas ? 

 Jeff Garlin Trashed ‘The Goldbergs’ at Comedy Show Days Before Departing ABC Sitcom

Omg I'm oh so much in love with this thread


I've got a million replies but as far as this thread and all of you mofos in it: all the feels are happening

We may not be PZ numbers strong, but we've got some of the strongest posters going which counts for so much!!!

Category for TravelTips>>ZonerMeetUps is mos def Lo (love that nickname) and love her in 3D !! Badass taurus who knows. What's. UP (:

Category for glad their gone:



Category for most missed Zoner Chicks:

Basically everyone except Caitlin. Serena. MURPHY (&fuckyou)

Category of most missed way too smart for her guy: "PJ"

my own personal Category of zoners I've crushed hard on this year is a long list that frequently changes, and I'm thankful to all you nominees

Category of Live Show Setlist Keepers:

noodler, and who else? Ras?

That's all I got for now

Imma go post an update in the LeshIsLove thread!!



Oh shit I killed the thread

There must be a zoty for that?

Did Jill kill the thread? Does she get a ZONY for that? (though you'd think a fortune teller would already know the answer, right?)

I consulted a real oracle, because we all know astrology is just a series of handpicked coincidences based on optical illusions of planets orbiting the sun from our planet's vantage point  (question: is astrology different in the Southern Hemisphere?) and there are exactly zero tarot card readers that are listed in the yellow pages.

Magic 8 ball says.......


<< kill a thread


Resuscitate - Yes

All you need to know about Astrology >>

The Star of Bethlehem

I've been making my way through this thread and it's a good one. I'm still a big fan of this place. Billy Strings is carrying my music listening interest and I still bounce back and forth between the hundreds and hundreds of songs by Bob Dylan and Neil Young. I still love the Grateful Dead and have actually been listening some again to old shows. The scene that surrounds the bar bands here where I live is sort of like a tsunami wave hitting a flat beach town at this point. I stay pretty high on a hilltop looking. I'm not surprised how it keeps growing. For the bands who have fun pretending, it's fun to see occasionally and gets pretty boring at the same time. It's completely removed from anything I remember about the music I saw following that band all over the country. To top it off Grapefruit Ed is going to play a birthday party for a friend in March at Ashkenaz. I still have what it takes to pretend and have no idea what songs will be played. maybe I should have all of this in the Ventura beach festival thread..The human mind is a terrible thing and it must be stopped in our lifetime.

Unless we get some other nominations, I guess Woz wins that one by default.

LOL! I saw 35 shows in 2022 and by and large enjoyed them all as I am sure i shared here........Carry on.........



> I saw 35 shows in 2022 <

Woz definitely wins "Music Fan Time Traveler of the Year." 

He gets one of these:


Now this is a tough one: "Biggest Zoner Heartthrob, Visually-Impaired Category."

Zoners traveled far and wide to see these two guys in 2021, despite them playing in covid drenched superspreader cesspools. But only one gets the nod. Local boy makes good? Or new kid on the block?

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Another ZOTY nomination for Noodler!

Going back to the OP - "Well, I hate to remind everyone that this year is almost over (good riddance) and fortunately or not it’s probably time to revisit an outdated custom left over from the days of our online ancestors – the annual ZONY awards."

Zoner Of New York award - I qualify for that one :-)

^^^ On Zoom, at 4:20 on Dec. 31??!!! :) 
Let me know if you need any help.

Ok you want lurkers?  Been here since the 90s, miss the real meat. Bucky anyone?  Stay tuned...

My rule #1- I only read the zone on the head. That won't change...

Random thoughts for this thread:

Alan you are the most well spoken and funny "zoner"

Lollo whoever you are you seem generous and fun with an adventurous life

Lance you are a concert going hero and excellent correspondent 

Woz I guess you are a trustafarian who goes to whatever shows you want in the world but seem like a kind soul

Turtle you are a fellow California surfing brother and speak like me

Treeflo we are connected and my bro says hi

i miss idiots like Tulsa Chris, but not Kirley

Judit thank you for keeping this going

I listen to GD highly selectively to maximize impact

GD50 was just a circus, have not seen Dead Co molasses in person, Wolf Bros with horns seems nicer than without, Phil is the Joe Russo of core 4, gave DSO a chance but saw too many Dead shows for that to work  

my vote is for Alan. JG

My rule #1- I only read the zone on the head. That won't change...

Random thoughts for this thread:

Alan you are the most well spoken and funny "zoner"

Lollo whoever you are you seem generous and fun with an adventurous life

Lance you are a concert going hero and excellent correspondent 

Woz I guess you are a trustafarian who goes to whatever shows you want in the world but seem like a kind soul

Turtle you are a fellow California surfing brother and speak like me

Treeflo we are connected and my bro says hi

i miss idiots like Tulsa Chris, but not Kirley

Judit thank you for keeping this going

I listen to GD highly selectively to maximize impact

GD50 was just a circus, have not seen Dead Co molasses in person, Wolf Bros with horns seems nicer than without, Phil is the Joe Russo of core 4, gave DSO a chance but saw too many Dead shows for that to work  

my vote is for Alan. JG

Ok big thumb double post. Happy NY

For the safety of all concerned we are currently trying to consult with both our resident public health officer and our local weather forecaster to determine if the ZOTY awards show can proceed as scheduled. Unfortunately, the Covid expert is stranded somewhere in a storm and we can’t reach her. And our weather guy is sick in bed, not answering his phone.

Plus, the guy with the ballots is still really really high from the pre-show party and “is busy alphabetizing a box of Q-Tips” and says he will get back to us “when he’s damn good and ready.”

So all last minute nominations for anything and anybody at his point are appreciated.


^ lol

One smooth running operation we gots here

Noodler for sure, with Slick holding down the #2 slot. Done deal.

I'm no psychick 

I am simply the best interpreter of the message you reveal to yourself 


Since this is a forum for music fans, we always give a nod to hardware.

The "Wall of Sound" award (i.e., best photos of a stereo system):

It's a tie between Turtle and Bss because both these gentlemen have oldschool stereos with balls -- Phase Linear and MacIntosh electronics can push air -- like god and Owsley intended...not like these teeny weeny airbuds the kids use nowadays to listen to their DeadCo. it's a disservice -- no, an actual disgrace --  to listen to Phil thru something that could fit in any hole in your body.


Oh shit - Breaking News:

Our Super Surprise Special Guest Presenter at the 2021 ZONY awards banquet is bailing. We're received a statement from his press secretary that reads:"Fellow Phil fans, I regret to inform you I cannot attend your little soiree. As you may have heard, I myself contracted Slow-vid some time in the past. I cannot afford to catch Covid this time around. So I'm out of here. See ya in Mexico amigos."



I nominate Alan for Zoner of the Year in the category of ZONER OF THE YEAR threads.

Email in profile Alan.  I'll send you a rubber alligator to throw on your dashboard. 

Well, it's just as we feared. We just received an urgent transmission from the desk of Reddy Kilowatt himself.


"Buckle up kids ---- the 2021 Zonnies have been canceled. Now get the hell out of the Grate Room now -- we stopped paying rent months ago. Get out right now or the landlord will be callin the cops any minute!"


Now I know some of you old Zoners are upset:



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Some of you not so much:




But just remember -- there's always next year. Refunds are available for all ticket holders.

So in the interests of pandemic safety, and since we still haven't heard from the dude with all the official ballots, and my long term memory is shot, we are going to go with the very last nominations that I can remember. From MarkD ntfdaway 

"Noodler for sure, with Slick holding down the #2 slot. Done deal."

I'm out of here, so guys, congratulations and pick up your trophies from whoever has the keys to TxR nowadays. They are stashed behind the bar. Wear a mask.



The Cryptical Envelope Please.....

       And The Winner Is?.......If it's not too late , I'd like to cast my vote for Noodler

I always enjoy his set lists in living color! Happy New Year ya roudy bunch of Zoners

ZOTY is not too difficult to figure out, Noodler's just exactly perfect, it's the Anti-ZOTY that may be a more difficult pick.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a member of the banned.

pyroheater was usually in a combustible state so he gets my vote.