“You Break It, You Own It”


 . Pelosi is attempting to make it appear as if all of the problems associated with Obamacare are now on their shoulders should they repeal the failing government-run Health Care Program.


Under Obamacare Americans are seeing increased health insurance premiums and increased wait times for medical care and treatment. Some people have lost their health insurance entirely as a result.



Lie of the Year:  'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'

20 million people who were uninsured now have health insurance as a result of the ACA.  Interesting that you see that as a failure.


"Drain the Swamp" is the lie of the year



Dead2, no comments on the incoming Chief Strategist/propagandist Steve Bannon and his willingness to provide a platform for white nationalists


Obamacare Architect: Yeah, We Lied to The "Stupid" American People to Get It Passed




Nevertheless, because the morons who put this Frankenstein monster together know next to nothing about human nature (whodathunk people would prefer not to pay $400- $500  a month for a product they will never use?), it wasn't supposed to be like this. Back in the day, the utterly useless and corrupt Congressional Budget Office told us that by now more than 24 million people would be enrolled in ObamaCare.

They were only off by about, oh, 60%.           

Let's not even go into the lies we were told about ObamaCare being deficit neutral.

The fact that ObamaCare enrollment is so low is why it is currently in its death spiral. The people signing up are the ones who are most desperate for health insurance. What this means is that these customers are unprofitable for insurance companies; whatever monies the insurance company is paying out for these particular customers far exceeds what's coming in.


First they lied to the stupid to get it passed

Now the stupid defend this disaster 


So stupid

Read any story from current or ex health insurance execs. Here is just one (http://www.marketwatch.com/story/im-a-former-health-insurance-ceo-and-th...)

GOP, after mind numbingly step on their own dicks right out of the gate with the optics associated with their OCE debacle, are now faced with their self inflicted Obamacare mess. By mess, I mean that it was one of the horses they ran to victory with by playing on the lack of understanding of it all by the majority of Americans and, after 7 years of bashing it, the dumb fucks don't even have a clue as to "what's next".  

They, including Trump, feel boxed in to "do something", but again, have no clue as to what to do.

Meanwhile, Americans believe that it's all bad which is the greatest myth of it all. It's complex to be sure, but if anyone is willing to recall, it's built on "Romneycare" that he built in Massachusetts (psst, that means, it's really a GOP based plan!). Read paragraphs 9 & 10 in the linked article to get a sense of what went wrong with it. 

The bottom line, like all major legislation of it's ilk, it's development got unwieldy in the political process of getting it passed and the proper approach should have been, let's get it out there, see what the bugs are and then work to address them. Simple in most realities, but not in our partisan world.

Here's Why Hillary's '20 Million Got Insurance Under ObamaCare' Claim Is Bogus


First, consider that the 20 million figure came from March 2016 report issued by the Obama administration itself, which has a huge vested interest in making ObamaCare look like a success.

Under normal circumstances, this sort of glaring conflict of interest would prompt reporters to take such a boast with a grain of salt. Instead, they've accepted it as gospel truth.

A look at the report itself shows how flimsy this number really is.

Rather than use existing, long-term government surveys of the uninsured, Obama officials relied on an ongoing Gallup survey. And then it adjusted the survey results downward, supposedly to account for broader economic trends and the like.

Where Gallup's survey found an uninsured rate of 13.1% among those 18-64, the administration's adjustments changed that to 11.5%.

As a result, a good chunk of the 20 million number cited by Obama and the press comes from these mysterious data adjustments.

Other government reports, meanwhile, show a far smaller decline in the number of uninsured since ObamaCare took effect in 2014.

The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services reports that the number dropped by 8.7 million between 2013 and 2014. The Census Bureau says it declined by 12.8 million from 2013-2015. The Congressional Budget Office figures that the uninsured fell by 17 million in 2015.

Most of the gains in coverage, it's worth noting, came from ObamaCare's Medicaid expansion, not from its ban on insurance underwriting or its heavy subsidies. CMS data show that in ObamaCare's first year, Medicaid expansion accounted for 88% of the gains in coverage. Enrollment has climbed by 14 million since ObamaCare took effect.

Democrats might view this vast expansion of Medicaid as a success story, but what it means is that millions more people have been dumped into a health program that is plagued with doctor shortages, cost overruns, fraud and abuse. This is more of a tragedy than a success.




TRUTH: Obamacare will leave over 30 million without health insurance.

Its millions of health plan cancellations aside, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that 10 years into full implementation, Obamacare will leave over 30 million people without health insurance. Certainly, millions of Americans have gained insurance since the law passed. But a closer look reveals that the coverage expansion was almost entirely from the unsustainable, unaffordable expansion of Medicaid, and not from people buying private exchange plans.



Trump - "You can't keep your plan. You can't keep your doctor. You probably won't get any coverage because we have no plan. "

45 - "Nobody knew healthcare was so complicated"

The wildest thing is that isn't even his worst quote in his short Presidency, but it's a doozy.

Healthcare has been a challenging topic for both sides of the aisle and the nation as a whole for several decades (that's 20+ years for those who need a primer). As a country, we spend more on it than any other country by a long shot yet we rank very low in terms of its effectiveness. Again, this is a real fact and one that is not politically inclined, it is what it is. 

I spent 21 years in the device industry and can tell you that innovators and manufacturers from all over the world see the US market as the golden goose. Tons of money is spent throughout the whole chain (docs, administrators, pharma, device companies, 3rd party mfg's, insurance companies, etc.). It's a huge feeding frenzy.

Dem Presidents, GOP Presidents, Congress for decades have tried to figure out what to do with it. 

Remember, Clinton administration took a huge hit trying to come up with a plan way back when. Obama takes a plan that was essentially a Heritage Foundation (a Republican outfit) plan which Mitt Romney had used to develop "Romneycare" in Massachusetts (again Republican) with success and puts it on the table. During the legislative process, the thing becomes a monster which is what happens in DC politics and somehow gets in passed.

GOP spends the next 7 years bashing it and trying to get it repealed. 

What we are now seeing is that during those 7 years, they clearly didn't spend any time coming up with a better plan on their own. 

So, let's recap, for 20-30 years it's been a hot topic. For the last 7, the GOP has made it enemy #1 in a very public manner yet do not have their own, "better" plan ready to plug and play now that they have the power to do it.

Yet, 45 stands up and tells the world that "nobody knew healthcare was so complicated". Wait, I thought after 20+ months of campaigning that he had a great, beautiful plan?

What, why worry when your exalted leader, after 70 years of living, is just figuring out that life is hard outside of Trump Tower?