Bradley Manning let go


This is a real head slapper from a guy that has spent the last few months talking about how horrible wiki leaks is. What he did warrants spending the rest of his life in federal prison, let alone 35 years. This attention seeking whore got exactly what he wanted when he released all of these documents, without concern for what they actually were. Fuck Bradley Manning right in his ear. Im sure his life outside of prison will be just peachy. 


Sure, whatever... just a new way to get out of jail. 

i respect your opinion, ned, and would like to highlight that the pentagons own chief investigator concluded that ms. mannings leak did not cause harm onto our armed forces, their allies, or any specific individual, and that in the wake of the leak, our armed forces changed their vetting process for receiving information for bombings, and improved communication protocols with informants on the ground.

Men are scum. 

Lava, thats interesting because the intelligence services tell a different story. Documents that he leaked were found in the bin laden compound that he used to make terror attacks in afghanistan against people that were helping the US. He utilized julian assange as the vessel to leak these files. His actions led to the deaths of US allies and put our armed forces in danger. He didnt release these documents selectively. He didnt know what was in the data dump he copied and sent on its way to Assange. There are far better examples of people within the military that have been imprisoned for violating the espionage act that should have been released before Bradley Manning. How about all of those soldiers and sailors that were dishonorably dicharged or thrown in prison for taking selfies in a restricted area? Kristian Saucier comes to mind. 

Hey Hilliary isn't behind bars, why should this guy/gal/mentally ill moron be?