Schumer's "better deal": Recycling Obama's failed economic policies won't boost Democrats
By Liz PeekPublished July 25, 2017
Schumer: Trump is playing a dangerous game with health care
If you don’t succeed at first, fail and fail again. Democratic congressional leaders who seem to be pursuing that strategy trotted out a series of failed solutions Monday to problems that only worsened under the Obama administration. They mislabeled their absurd plan “A Better Deal.”
If truth-in-labeling laws applied to political slogans, the Democrats would have to rename their new game plan “An Awful Deal.”
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) were joined by other top Democrats at a news conference in tiny Berryville, Va., in a laughable effort to show that big-city Democrats really and truly care about ordinary Americans and not just far-left elites.