John Lewis is a hypocrite, a liar


John Lewis is a hypocrite, a liar, and an illegitimate Congressman


Mason Weaver, a former Black Panther had some harsh words for Rep. John Lewis (D-GA). Weaver accused Lewis of enriching himself while presiding over the "destruction of black America."


LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) -- John Lewis is a former civil rights activist who participated on the front lines of the civil rights movement in the 1950 and 60s. He met with Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and was one of the Big Six civil rights leaders who organized peaceful student activism.

With such a pedigree, his credentials ought to be beyond question, but on a recent episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, Mason Weaver, a former Black Panther called out Lewis for hypocrisy, saying the Georgia politician has gained money and power while his constituents have suffered.

 Lewis has also pledged to boycott the inauguration of Donald Trump, a "sour grapes" move that contributes to the leftist effort to undermine democracy and the peaceful transition of power.

Weaver, appearing on Tucker Carlson Tonight, explained why he thought Lewis was a traitor to all blacks.

Referring to an incident when Lewis was physically beaten, Weaver said "After they beat his behind on that bridge... he got up and joined them. He joined the oppressors and became a stooge for them."

Lewis joined the Democrats at a time when some in their party still oppressed blacks and were associated with the Klu Klux Klan. But the most important question is, what happened to Lewis's constituents? Following his election in 1977, have things improved for his constituents?



"John Lewis said about my inauguration, 'It will be the first one that I've missed," Trump tweeted. "WRONG (or lie)! He boycotted Bush 43 ..."

Lewis' office acknowledged Tuesday that the congressman also skipped Bush's inauguration in 2001.


Liar Liar

poor libs

all they have is race and lies

You DO realize the irony in Trump's Tweets, right?


I don't know much about Mason Weaver, but he seems pretty extreme about his conservative views.  Gives me a "born again" vibe.


No matter how much nit-picking is done to defame John Lewis, it doesn't change many millions of people's minds that Trump is an illegitimate president for a number of reasons.

Trump is an illegitimate president for a number of reasons.>>


main reason is the left has a hard time grasping reality..


as far as the Russians and Wiki leaks..which emails do you think were the most responsible for Hillary Clinton's loss?

he is a loser of the lowest degree.

pimping out his past "relevance" any chance he gets, be it legit or not.

(See: when supposed Tea Partiers called him the "N" word on their little stunt walk a few years ago.) psssst, it NEVER HAPPENED ,and was PROVEN to never have happened.




Looks like we both agree that the electorate can be easily conned to vote for those who should not be in office.

Good point.