Modern Leftists Are Fascists


Why Modern Leftists Are Fascists


After peeling back some layers and layers of Orwellian leftist language and indoctrination that fascism is of the evil American Right, closer examination reveals startling comparisons to the modern American leftist.

Fascism could not be any further from the American conservative (Classical Liberalism at it’s heart).  Very few realize that fascism by its very nature was an extremely leftist populist movement taking root in Mussolini’s Italy and spreading like wild fire throughout Europe.


Fascism, a party of the left

Fascism stressed huge state governments. This huge fascist government included expanding health services, enforcing anti-elitism, wealth-confiscation, and secularism (Goldberg 46) all in the name of the state and the common good.  Fascism offered “anti-bourgeois, anti-capitalistic, and anti-individualist nationalism” (Sternhell 214-220).

The state was always before the individual under fascism; taking from some and redistributing to the many.  This is the core of modern American leftist ideology.  Many parallels of fascism are closely similar to Obamacare (expanding health services), higher taxes among the elite and wealthy (wealth confiscation), and the most recent; the fascist power grab, by the FCC “Net Neutrality” rules (anti-capitalist).

To illustrate this comparison further, let’s look at just a few of the Nazi Party’s key points (Goldberg  411):

We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts).

We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries.

The first obligation of every citizen must be to work both spiritually and physically.  The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality, but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all.

I can’t tell the difference when the Nazi points end and the American leftist points begin.  Not to mention, affirmative action (prized among the left) is just race privilege enforced by government intervention.  Affirmative action is similar to the notorious government enforced Aryan privilege in Nazi Germany regardless of skill.


>>> Why Modern Leftists Are Fascists

You forgot #alternativefacts

Give me two of whatever you are on, bert.

I aint no fascist ...nationalism is counter revolutionary ...