Shits pretty fucked up Y'all


Tomorrow marks one month of the second Trump Presidency. The country has been thrown into utter chaos in a matter of weeks. The cost of goods and services is only rising. Critical Government Infrastructure is being dismantled at a rate that is unsustainable. Musk Is lying about his findings to the tune of $Billions of Dollars and now The White House Is claiming (to protect him) Elon is not involved with D.O.G.E. They are lying.

Thousands of innocent people (Trump voters and non-Trump voters) are losing their jobs for no reason other than Elon’s D.O.G.E. considers them waste. If the House Republican Budget Resolution (“One Big Beautiful Bill”) passes anywhere near its current form, millions of Americans will lose critical benefits that will seriously affect their way of life.

Trump is ceding Ukraine to Putin and today declared himself a “King.” He’s blowing up our closest alliances that have been built over decades and he is aligning with Vladimir Putin. He’s spent nearly half of his Presidency at Mar-A-Lago on our dime. He lies more times in a day than one can count. The propaganda machine is in full force. The United States is becoming less safe as each day passes.

Project 2025 is being implemented. We are losing this country to an unstable incompetent narcissistic sociopathic wannabe Dictator. Hitler dismantled Democracy in Germany in 53 Days. We told you so. Are you starting to get it yet? Is this the America you want your children and grandchildren to grow up in? Is this the America you want to live in? Not me. I didn’t make it (almost) 54 years to watch my country be overtaken by a bunch of Fucking Turncoats who are either complicit or too ignorant to see what Is happening around them.

I ain't built for this shit.

We're here with you and for you, Okie. I'm thankful that so many of us are together in our thoughts and assessments. (I live in Oregon where our politicians support my ways of thinking)

I swear alot.

And only one month in. This country is toast.

Remember reading in the history books about what went on in Germany in the 30's.  I always thought how did the people allow that to happen?  Now I know.   Utter fucking stupidity.

Mark i regularly wonder what the non hitler German folks were doing to live thru their time. 

i wanted to be wrong so bad, and hoped beyond hope somehow he would lose. 

2025plan was in my head for so long before folks believed/cared/knew of it and it was to the point i was tired of yelling about it. then everyone found out and still seemed to shrug it off. like the first time when folks thought he would magically become presidential or some shit.

steve bannon said in an interview this over bombardment of trolltastic and chaotic terrorism is how they get their real agenda done on the sly.

Okie what drives me the most crazy right now, on top of ALLOFIT is folks who talk about "in 4 years" as if we are still a nation even with the illusion of choice, as George Carlin said so well.

may we all find community here and in 3D to sustain Us





Better say what you wanna say now.

It wont be long before you'll be arrested for voicing opposing views.

They're going to start arresting protesters now.

Unless you're on their side.

The end of freedom is near.

Tourism is almost done too.
They're all starting to hate us abroad.

Im feeling it here in Mexico.

Even the Canadians here are getting unfriendly.

This sucks.