
DNC Interim Head: Don’t Let ‘White Boys’ Win



NOVEMBER 23, 2016


Political commentator Symone Sanders says she believes that the Democratic Party does not need white people leading it.

It all began when a discussion on CNN’s show ‘Wolf’ earlier today turned towards the potential DNC Chairmanship of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean.

Symone Sanders, who previously served as Bernie Sanders’ Press Secretary, wasn’t too fond of that idea.

“We don’t need white people leading the Democratic Party,” she insisted. “The Democratic Party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in our leadership.”

Symone followed that up by stating, “I’m here for the millennials and the brown folks.”


That's so topical that you're using a Milo Yiannopoulos link.


So, she's speaking out for millennials and brown folks.  Nice to hear her participate in a conversation about the DNC.



So, she's speaking out for millennial and brown folks.>>


 If she was "speaking out" for white folks it would be racism..



DNC racists










I don't know; I'm a White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant Male and take no offense to her comments.  She seems to be opposing the idea of Howard Dean becoming the DNC chair and feels that someone from another race should head the DNC.  This comes after the disastrous DNC campaign that lost to Donald Trump.


Makes sense that people would be pushing for a strategic change.  I don't see it as a major blow to white people.  There are still plenty in power, as far I can determine.


I suppose that it could be racist if you are offended.

She seems to be opposing the idea of Howard Dean becoming the DNC chair >>


That's not what she said..no mention of Howard Dean

She said "White People" as a group of people she didn't want.

that is pure racism.. excluding an entire group of people due to the color of their skin.

The very suggestion of Howard Dean being DNC chair is like a stake in the heart of the democratic party.  If they elect him it means they learned NOTHING.

“The Democratic Party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in our leadership.”  True statement.



I was taking that from your link from that guy whom those meddling UC Davis students were protesting:


"It all began when a discussion on CNN’s show ‘Wolf’ earlier today turned towards the potential DNC Chairmanship of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean...."

Why are we talking about 2 month old news?

^Well, there's that too.  LOL

"It all began when a discussion on CNN’s show ‘Wolf’ earlier today turned towards the potential DNC Chairmanship of former Vermont Governor Howard Dean....">>


Very true..


but instead of referring to her dismay with Howard Dean and singling him out as a person whom she did not want as chairman..

she instead made a blanket statement excluding all white people.



Would you consider it racist if the RNC said we don't want "Black People" leading the RNC right now?

I thought Bert was white.

Would you consider it racist if the RNC said we don't want "Black People" leading the RNC right now?.



For one thing, the DNC didn't make the statement in the OP.  One person did and it was in context of a discussion about Howard Dean possibly being DNC chair, following a horrific loss during the presidential election.


You provide very little context.  And your question currently proposes some alternate world, where "Black People" hold significant power in the RNC and/or the USA.


BTW: I don't agree with what Ms. Sanders said, but I personally don't feel much offense.  Sorry.

I think if a black person gets close to driving the RNC, Darrell Issa yells " Please step away from the car!".

Would you consider it racist if and person associated with the Republican party said we don't want "Black People" leading the RNC right now?.

What do you think?



Political commentator Edward Brookover says he believes that the Republican Party does not need black people leading it.

It all began when a discussion on CNN’s show ‘Wolf’ earlier today turned towards the potential RNC Chairmanship of former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Colin Powell.

Edward Brookover, who previously served as Ben Carson's Campaign Manager, wasn’t too fond of that idea.

“We don’t need black people leading the Republican Party,” he insisted. “The Republican Party supports the forgotten working people of the Rust Belt, and it should be reflected as so in our leadership.”

Brookover followed that up by stating, “I’m here for the white working class folks.”

Where is the link? ^^



Would you consider it racist if any person associated with the Republican party said we don't want "Black People" leading the RNC right now?.


no answer

Sorry for the confusing post.  You have given me a hypothetical question, which has little contextual information.


I decided to copy the heart of the article that you linked in the OP, but made a quick flip of race to approximate the RNC version of what you originally posted.  White campaign staffer for a black person who ran for president.  Black RNC chair candidate for White DNC Chair.  (Not necessarily perfect, but perhaps similar to the DNC situation.  PS: This didn't really happen).


So, you state that Ms. Sanders exhibited "pure racism."


Would you argue that the above scenario that I described is racist?

PS:  This is the definition of "Racism" from the Merriam Webster Dictionary:


Definition of racism

1 :  a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2a :  a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles

b :  a political or social system founded on racism

3 :  racial prejudice or discrimination


play \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective





“We don’t need black people leading the Republican Party,” he insisted. “The Republican Party supports the forgotten working people of the Rust Belt, and it should be reflected as so in our leadership.”>>


Of course its racist..

are you kidding?

and if your post was real and not fake the left would be screaming racism..



Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-La.) testified Wednesday against Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions’ nomination to be attorney general for President-elect Donald Trump.

During his testimony, the House member made clear his disapproval with how the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee scheduled his speaking slot.

“To have a senator, a house member and a living civil rights legend [John Lewis] testify at the end of all of this, is equivalent of being made to go to the back of the bus,” Richmond said of the “petty strategy.” 


This Democrat thinks its racist to testify last.^^





You DO know that I'm not an official spokesperson for the left or the DNC, right?


I would argue that the OP is more of a situation of Racial Bias or Prejudice.  Not stating that white people are inferior to other races, but that that something else should be tried.  That statement appears to reflect that Ms. Sanders feels that a DNC chair of a color other than white may be more effective, based on the perceived diversity of the DNC.


I attended a training, which pretty much convinced me that subconscious racial bias is essentially hardwired in humans, as an adaptive advantage.  We make generalizations to keep us safe and tuck them down deep, so that it doesn't distract us from performing the more immediate tasks at any given time.   Not really in the mood to explain this further, but I believe that most people naturally has racial (and other) prejudice, which isn't necessarily bad or good.  An effective way to alter this bias/prejudice tendency is to get to know other people, listen to them, and change your experiences and/or what you have been taught.

If you are a white American, (I am), you must understand that the notion of "white privilege" is very real and embedded in you (us). That, in and of itself, does not make you a bad person. It's what you do with or about it that defines you. 

I was sent to public schools (my older brother was sent to parochial school) because my mother wanted me to have a better education and the diversity that went along with it. I did not grow up in a household where my parents spoke ill of minorities of any type. However, I hung with primarily white kids and over my years, I was "scared of the black kids" because they looked different and spoke differently. Over time, I also got to see what obstacles they had in front of them that I never had to even consider worrying about. Even then, I could not understand why they didn't simply rise up. I had and still have the embedded racial bias Johnny D speaks about. As I've grown and matured it has become very small and I work hard to not let it grow or manifest itself. It's always challenging when I'm out in a group and there are "comments" thrown around by those who are less secure and immature on such matters.

As I said, I never heard my parents ever speak ill. However, as an interesting point of reference here, my father, who is now 86 and was also never politically inclined one way or another, over the last 24 months has become a Fox News watcher. He literally sits in a chair and watches it for at least 90% of his TV viewing. The results: became convinced Hillary was the devil incarnate, knows nothing about the ACA - but thinks it's evil incarnate, actually thinks Trump is a complete douchebag - but voted for him, believes life was better before any LBGT folks decided to "get too flamboyant" AND I now hear him talking about how the "black people commit voter fraud, are better off under Trump, are leaches on society", etc. Rather than focus on the entire Fox poison effect, it and Trumps dog whistle approach during the campaign and beyond clearly triggered his embedded racial bias. Now, imagine all of those folks who had a deeper well of racism embedded and what Trump et al's rise has engendered. 

You DO know that I'm not an official spokesperson for the left or the DNC, right?>>


now I know


The point is the double standard and the hypocrisy of the left not what constitutes real racism. 


^I know that's what your intention is.


You just appear to paint a wide black-and-white brush, which comes across as stereotyping prejudice, IMHO.


Hypocrisy is not limited to one class/political party, either.  It's pretty much everywhere.

Democrats, the party who cried racist

Liberals Are  Obsessed With Racism, Homosexuality and Transsexualism


The left says


Opposing obama was racist

The cops are racist

The judicial system is racist

Building a border wall is racist

Extreme vetting is racist

Black congressman testifying last at hearing is racist

Blaming racism for a lost election

Democrats attacked Gen. Michael Flynn, calling him a racist and an Islamophobe after taking his comments -- which stated that he believes radical Islamic terrorism is an existential threat to America -- out of context

Jeff Sessions' name has been dragged through the mud on the basis of 30-year-old accusations of racism made after his 1986 nomination for a federal district judgeship. 

Van Jones says Trump election is "white lash" and racist

MSNBC host Martin Bashir could say something as crazy as, "Republicans are using [the IRS scandal] as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the White House. ‘IRS’ is the new ‘N****r.’” It's an attempt to shut Republicans up.

Romney delivered a speech before the NAACP National Convention in July 2012 in which he said if people like “free stuff,” they should vote for President Obama’s reelection.

Liberals in the media and Obama allies swiftly painted Romney’s remarks as racist for implying that black Americans were free-loaders on welfare.

Democrats believe they own black Americans. That’s why they hate black Americans who don't buy into that. Clarence Thomas for instance.


Calling you a “racist” is a form of intimidation. Intimidation cannot work unless you allow it. It has no power unless you concede the attitude of the person attacking you. That’s the “psychology 101” for dealing with any bully. Progressives are, by and large, psychological bullies.




<<Democrats attacked Gen. Michael Flynn, calling him a racist and an Islamophobe after taking his comments -- which stated that he believes radical Islamic terrorism is an existential threat to America -- out of context>>

Just so everyone is clear, the video's showing the good general telling an audience at a speech that there were actually localities within the US that have already passed Sharia Law into legislation, you are saying is "out of context"? Can you advise what the "context" of that glaring outright lie might be?

This is a great thread. Johnny, good work.  You've expressed exactly what I feel. Thank you. 

Markd too. Well said. I wish I had more time now to discuss this idea further; I'll be back. 

Dead2, keep asking questions, never give up. Only, when you do see evidence of something against your current understanding, accept it, change your mind. 

Thanks for engaging in this conversation Dead2.


There's a lot up there that we could discuss line-by-line.


But, I still have a problem with sweeping generalizations of Left/Liberals/Democrats.


Surely, you can't believe that every one of the 65,845,063 people who voted for Hilary Clinton (not to mention the people who voted for Stein) have the racial/sexual obsessions that you present above.  I wouldn't be surprised if less than half have those kind of obsessions.


I certainly don't believe that the majority of the 62,980,160 Americans support pussy grabbing, building a wall, having warm relations with Putin, or every other characteristic exhibited by Donald Trump.


I like this statement that you made above:


Intimidation cannot work unless you allow it. It has no power unless you concede the attitude of the person attacking you. That’s the “psychology 101” for dealing with any bully.


Can the "Racist Card" be overused, abused, and/or just plain wrong?  Absolutely, IMHO.


Can the "Racist Card" be used for political gain with or without the appropriate context?  You bet!


But, feeding populist fear against entire groups of people by amplifiying statistically insignificant cases is just plain irresponsible.  What percentage of illegal Latino immigrants have committed violent sex crimes?  What percentage of Islamic immigrants to the US have committed terrorist acts on our soil?


I've chosen to see this world as a complex place, with complex people. Which is certainly inconvenient.


I say, call out the individual person who performs the racist behavior, rather than the group that the person came from.


Now, getting back to Ms. Sanders in the first post: I personally believe that she was out of line with her comment that the DNC does not need white people leading the Democratic Party.  Her follow up phrase put the first statement in better context, but that first statement appears to be closed-minded to the idea that there may, in fact, be a person with white skin who could actually pull a diverse group of people together for a common goal.


OK, that's it for now.

Jaz, the video following was so topical (Dean was born just a little bit too early):

