It's hard to dislike this guy


I know it's de rigueur to hate all things Warriors these days, but this guy is OK with me.

He didn't have to admit this, and he probably WILL get into some trouble.

Good for him.

Golf clap for coach Kerr

>>>I know it's de rigueur to hate all things Warriors these days


lol at the bay area butt hurt.

Anyway, good for Steve Kerr, he basically says it didn't work but has way less side effects than prescribed painkillers.

That statement comes across as butt hurt? As I tell my students all the time, perception is reality.

If anything your response just supports my point.

Personally I couldn't care less if people hate the Warriors, but I do find it interesting. Fans "hating" teams or players, especially if the hate comes solely from the fact that they're good and not from some traditional rivalry, is one of the fascinating things about sports, and is one of the things that makes sports so revealing about the human condition.

IMO there's nothing to hate about the Warriors except the fact that they're damn good and the way Draymond comes across from the outside. Otherwise from top to bottom they're about as clean a bunch as there is in sports.

BTW, I hated Barry Bonds more than anyone hates anything in sports (I was almost beaten down in the left field bleachers during the 2002 World Series for bagging on the lazy selfish bastard) and I hated Deon Sanders when he played for & helped the 49ers win a Super Bowl (probably the main reason why that is my least favorite 49ers SB winning team) so IMO I'm not a blind local team homer.

Anyway, I think Kerr is a class act, and as a head coach in a major league his supporting statements about evil marijuana are definitely not following the party line, and either quietly or obviously the league is going to ding him for it, and I imagine those comments are going to follow him around now.

But  as a head coach his speaking up is going to make a difference that players speaking up won't, and will probably help move things forward in a time when it seems that many things are moving backward.

Atta' babe Steve. 

I thought this was a Tiger thread.

Talk about perception vs. reality.

I don't hate anyone who plays on the warriors, dude. Nor their coach or front office. I just think their fans are pretty lame, and I believe your response supports my point.

Nice bunker mentality, though.