Los Angeles Chargers

I wonder who Turtle is going to bandwagon?

Fuck the NFL.

sport is in the shitter

stupid commisoner and greedy dirtbag billionaires.

nfl gave them $300 million to stay. spanos' worth $2billion....

he's mad that after nickle and diming and being a shit fuck bumbaclot owner and never giving a real fuck about the team, that the community won't reach deep in their already taxed pockets to help him further enrich himself with luxury boxes and shit???~! FUCK YOU!

fuck him and the nfl.

scummy dick fucker. i knew it would happen. i just feel sorry for the current players.

i'll root for the river/gates duo til they're done but other than that, fuck that noise.


and ender, i've always had a green bay boner. great team/franchise, not to mention a fucking MODEL of nfl ownership...being community based.  and fuck that cheap shot on nelson.


dick fuck nfl shit hole jerk off media suckfest constant pats/giants/cowboys. 

l.a. ain't going to care about the chargers. shit the raiders are the most loved team in so. california.


I can remember sports before they were big business.

I think I'm the only one without a bone to pick without an NFL. Too many commercials, but that's about all I got to complain about.

Turtle, GB is a good pick. Team owned and they hold onto players they draft. There seems to be loyalty there.

quality rant, Turtle


>> shit the raiders are the most loved team in so. california.

...until they move to Vegas.

Sucks for Chargers fans. My Rams fans buddies around here are still pissed.

I'm sick of the NFL also -too much money- players/ owners....all of them...sickening

I still enjoy the game in itself- despite the bullshit rule changes and the horrible PI penalties

But the rest of it - shit


How long before they move to St. Louis?

Yeah, the NFL sucks.

Until games like this weekend are played, especially if you care and you're there.

There is true glory, true sacrifice, true greatness in football, especially at it's highest level. The fucking douchebag billionaires can't ruin that, as hard as they try.

And GOD DAMN they're trying hard!

>>>Too many commercials<<<

There are no commercials when you go to the game.

Go To The Game!!!

There are no commercials when you go to the game<<<<<


no - just endless standing around

I hope Spackler is OK! I know this has got to be killing him. :(

This SHIT sucks. Moving Teams is BULLSHIT! You're a rich A$$ build it yourself.....

I might be dealing with my Raiders moving away from me a 2nd time. :( Lost Wages here I come???? :(