Hey now. I put up an auction draft on RTFS(Real Time Fantasy Sports). 5X5 Roto Mixed leagues, 20.00 buy in 10 teams. 100.00 to winner, 50.00 to second. It is scheduled for tonight(Friday) 8:30 EST/ 5:30 Pacific. If it does not fill by 2 hrs late, we will reschedule for the next night, then Sunday if need be.
But here is the thing about this. It is auction day only. You pay your 20.00, experience the thrill of a fantasy baseball auction, and then do nothing the rest of the season except watch from the sidelines. No daily or weekly roster moves. No free agents, no trades. The team you leave the auction with is the team you have at the end of the season. And all players are active everyday.
If you have not experienced the thrill of a live auction type draft, you don't know what you are missing. I do about 3 a yr. won 50.00 back last yr, so I paid 10 for the fun of three drafts and following the standings all yr. Yr before I took down 2 second places. It really is a lot of fun and you don't need to spend time on it during the season.
I do regular fantasy baseball also, but dealing with a lot of teams day after day can get tedious. I keep that to 1 or 2 leagues.
If you are interested, here is a link to check it out.
Hope to be playing against some of you. We can keep track during the season. Maybe even have a side wager.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Friday, March 1, 2019 – 03:33 am
Leagues designated "Auction" will use a live bidding auction style draft to establish initial team rosters. Each team will have an auction budget of $260.
After the required 10th team has joined the league, the league will be locked in and the auction nomination order will be randomly generated. At this time all teams will be notified via email the league is locked and the auction nomination order has been randomly generated. If your league does not have the required 10 teams, the league will be disbanded prior to the scheduled auction date and time. If your league is disbanded you will be able to join another league or create a new league. RealTime Fantasy Sports reserves the right to move the scheduled auction time back up to 1 hour to give the league sufficient time to fill with the required 10 teams.
When the auction begins each team, in nomination order, will have 20 seconds to nominate the next player for bidding. Once a player has been nominated all team owners will have 20 seconds to submit bids for the nominated player. All bids will be shown to all teams. Team owners may submit unlimited bids on any player as long as each bid is at least $1 more than the current highest bid. If a new highest bid is received in the last 8 seconds of the auction, the auction clock for the player will be reset to 12 seconds to allow all teams a chance to submit a higher bid. Once the auction clock for the player expires, the player will be awarded to the team with the highest bid.
Bids will be honored if received by the system before the expiration of the auction countdown clock. It takes time for a team owner's computer to transmit bids from their location to the system computers, if a bid is submitted at the last second, it may not be received before the auction countdown clock expires. Bids received after the auction clock expires will not be honored.
During the auction if system suspects a team owner is not present, the system will automatically submit bids in an attempt to build a roster for the absent team owner.
Team owners may familiarize themselves with the auction room via RealTime Fantasy Sports' free mock drafting. Team owners are encouraged to mock auction before their draft.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Friday, March 1, 2019 – 03:39 am
All the rules.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: MarkD ntfdaway
on Friday, March 1, 2019 – 06:30 pm
Tonights auction has filled.
Tonights auction has filled. I will post the next one if any are interested.
Top of Page Bottom of Page PermalinkFull Name: skyjunk fabes
on Thursday, March 14, 2019 – 06:07 am
I bid a buck ninety eight on
I bid a buck ninety eight on the black guy with the big Afro in left field