DNB Fever


So Phil's playing 100 miles from my house March 15, 16, & 17 

DNB 4444 miles away on March 16, 17, 18


Aleyeska here I come! Woo hoo baby.

Not that I have the money... yet. Regardless, I need to do it much less expensively than last year,

which was also a homecoming ritual for me & we stayed for weeks after the shows, so that shouldn't be too hard.


So anybody want to split a rental car with me? Maybe even a room.

(I swear, I won't have as much stuff with me this time, and I don't think the boy even wants to come, which I don't blame him with the 21+ policy, but that's another story.)






I thought Hoover had fallen out again.  What a relief.  Have fun Bright Day.  

It would be the opposite for me. DNB plays up here most years and I'm pretty DNB saturated after this summer/fall. I so wish I could see Phil within 100 miles.

The grass is always greener!

(Nice I like the subtle variations on the color choices....)


(I also have an attachment to Alaska where I was born, but then dragged to NY by my parents as a small child and then prevented by the turns of life from going back to AK until last year)

No Hawaii this year?

Maybe to let Nelson heal.   Yet to go to Alaska...maybe it's time.

where are you seeing those dates?

These dates are on the venue's calendar.  I think they have been there for some time (since before David's injury).


Nelson was unable to travel locally in November.  There are no announced Hawaii dates (usually late January or early February).  I would not make any non-refundable travel plans for Alaska in March unless the DNB site indicates these shows are going to happen.

thanks Zooey

The Alaska shows used to be on Nelson's site. Not there anymore?

The Alaska Dates have NOT been posted to the DNB Tour dates!
I have yet to get confirmation that these shows are a go. The band
still needs to take a wait & see approach on David's shoulder.

Thanks for the info guys -- I didn't see it on the venue schedule until now & thought it was a new announcement; I'll wait. 

I was going to hold off for a little while anyway to get a sense of whether my health will permit, etc. 

Also have to pay the house taxes before I can commit to this, but I can't really look at that as a problem of any kind as it's more of a blessing, if slightly onerous at times.





If not DNB site, then I saw it somewhere before?