Fuck you Texas


Fucked up 24 hours in the Lone Star state.

There's a great echo in here

Weird.  Guess it needs repeating.

Texas should just secede from the Union. You know they want to.

Is there anything in the constitution that prohibits giving Texas back to Mexico?  

No, but Willie and Beto stays.

Here's a thought.. how about
Fuck You Portland
Fuck You California
Fuck You New York City 
Fuck You Ohio 
Fuck You Kansas
Fuck You Colorado
Fuck You Republicans
Fuck You Democrats
Or just Fuck You!!

I live 15 minutes away from this latest mass shooting in Allen, TX 
If you own a gun, FUCK YOU
If you're afraid of gun violence well Fuck You Too!!
Fuck You and your 2nd amendment "rights"
Fuck The Constitution
Fuck your right to post stupid shit on the VivaLaZone 

See where this is going??
Nowhere, just like our broken shithole country.

But it's my right to say FUCK YOU!! 




mexico doesn't want texas any more than we do

Don't forget the horse you rode in on.

And while you're running.

hedspace does not fuck around

What a tangled ball of fascist fuckery it will be when one of these gun nuts shoots a pregnant woman.

They are passing laws right now to allow poll workers to be armed and to make it easier to bring guns into stores. We will start seeing the exodus of those who can leave any day now. Welcome back to California. 

Awesome post Hedspace !yes

>What a tangled ball of fascist fuckery it will be when one of these gun nuts shoots a pregnant woman.

Is this close enough? Gov Abbott will be clamoring to pardon this fool too.

"A Texas woman was killed by her boyfriend after getting an abortion, police say"


Now that's Pro Life AF.

Before abortion = double murder

After abortion = Gods work

Another Texas hero in the making.