The Prescription Drug Police Are Out of Control


Had to get an MRI this week. This isn't my first one and never thought I was claustrophobic until I got shoved in one of those for the first time in 2005. The next time the doctor gave me a scrip for valium and all was fine. 

So this time I have to proactively hound my doctor for a valium. I go to pick it up the day before my MRI and my CVS has closed for good without any notice other than a hand handwritten sign on the door. I call the nearest other CVS and explain that my scrip has been sent to a CVS that is now closed, and they said they couldn't transfer it between two CVS pharmacies because it is a controlled substance. Fucking 2, 5mg Valium. 

I'm friends with a Doctor that helps opiate addicts and prescribes suboxone which is the most effective treatment for opiate addiction. We should be handing it out like water. DEA fucking shows up at his office the other day unannounced to look through his records. This guy is a high wealth concierge doctor. This is pure intimidation tactics. 

I'll be fine, but I really feel for the people who have serious chronic pain and have been cut off from opiates. Many have killed themselves. Fuck the DEA and fuck the war on certain drugs. 

Hope you got through the MRI okay. The key to my not losing it in those things is keeping my eyes shut the whole time I'm in the tube. As long as I can do that, I'm just floating in the universe.

Every time I submit a script for a narcotic, I have to enter the DEA database and am given a reference number that the pharmacy needs to fill the script. They won't fill the script without it and you don't get the reference number if there is an outstanding quantity of previously prescribed narcotic pills out there or if another script is active. I had a patient tell me the other day that they changed pharmacies and never got their Oxy. Looking at the DEA/state  site it said she picked it up the day prior so no go... she was very upset with me but everyone seems to get aggressive when they don't get their way anymore or caught in their lies. We also prescribe narcan with every narcotic patient now.


the prescriber needs to cancel the existing order and resubmit to the new pharmacy 

First visit; VA wanted me to piss in a cup for 15x 10mg Vicodins (really don't understand why, but)

I told them I don't piss in anybody's cups anymore. Doc says no pee, no pills.

I have spinal stenosis and 2 ruptured discs. 10mg a day max, a couple days a week is all I need to manage

so i asked him where the homeys hang out, because if he's not going to write it I'll go get it downtown

script filled. one and done. Never went back. Pain extortion is the worst.

They want you to piss to make sure you are taking it and not selling. Yep seriously considering stocking up on Fent while it is plentiful. 

The DEA are shit-eating dogs. Always have been, always will be. 

Isn't there a meth and fentanyl problemo here?

I had 4 hours of shoulder surgery to repair 2 complete and one partial tear from a fall. My bicep was a complete tear and the muscle was puddled around my elbow.

Sent me home the same day with 4  5mg percoset, that's it! Was told to take aleve and they tried to get me on a compunded pill from The Rainbow Pharmacy that was just aleve and prilosec combined. For $10.00 for one pill! Fuckers, lost a lot of respect for the doctor on that one. I was in complete agony and a fucking bear for a week until I went to an actual pain doctor, he hooked me up and I was able to start rehab after that.

What a complete lack of empathy and compassion that was on the surgery doc. Intense unrelenting pain turns you into a raging monster and that I was. UGH! I remain apologetic to those that were around me at the time.

Have you just tried closing your eyes in the MRI machine? Bring a sleeping mask or ask for one?


All Thanks still go to the Sacklers of Shit Family for the current conditions of pain management in Murica.

The Sinaloans, while making Wall Street drool at the profit margins, have recognized our plight and have stepped up to help fulfill the shortfall. 

El Nino, no rush, it's not going away any time soon. Narcan is now available otc. 


We get good pain management results post op for shoulders and joint replacements using a combination of a couple anti inflammatories and a narcotic. Skipping out on adding an nsaid to a narcotic script post op is denying the root cause of much of the post op pain people experience.  Generally we start day 1 with 3 days of Toradol plus a narcotic(oxy or hydro) and switch to Celebrex on day 4 with continued narcotic until incisional pain is gone and the nsaid until the swelling is gone(usually 30 days).  Diclofenac seems pretty effective for back pain

After knee surgery they gave me a box I carried for a week that periodically injected lidocaine into my leg where the nerves are to dull the pain.

plus some oxy

Thanks for all the advice on MRI's. I do close my eyes now and do better in ones that are open at the other end where I can see out. This one wasn't. 

Yes the Sacklers should all be in jail, and we are living with their legacy. My wife is actually an addiction specialist and she hates benzos with a passion. She thinks they are the most difficult to kick once you get addicted, and yes today's environment is better than the pool of benzos my parents had thrown at them at every turn. As a teenager there was an endless supply in the house that I took full advantage of, but I am blessed with a non-addictive gene. 

And there is the rub. 15% of people who try opiates get addicted to opiates about the same rate as alcohol and way lower than tobacco. No amount of government intervention will change that only gene therapies will change that. In the meantime the rest of us shouldn't have to live in pain or be treated like criminals when we are sick. 

10/18/72 Light into Ashes....

oh yea baby that's the spot....

> I have spinal stenosis and 2 ruptured discs.

I also have spinal stenosis and one bulging disc, and the resulting nerve pain has been managed really well with gabapentin for almost three years now. Like miraculously well.

The downside is gapapentin doesn't do a thing for my head, but I'm physically addicted to it, and I know this because I decided to stop taking it at one point a couple of years ago and went through Trainspotting-style withdrawals for about 24 hours before I figured out what was going on and arrested the withdrawals with another dose.

I'm currently trying to taper off of the stuff under the direction of a neurologist, who thinks it might be responsible for the sleepwalking I've been plagued with the last few months, and it's slow, imperfect process. I was up most of the night before last going through some mild withdrawals, which ended shortly after I took my next dose at dawn.

Obviously I hit the wrong thread with that last post lol

For any long term smokers out there. Seems like a good thing to try, along with all the other aspects it could help with overall health. I smoked for 23 years and could only quit with Chantix. Didn't have the willpower to do it on my own.

For managing back pain, I've had some success with flexeril (muscle relaxant) - non narcotic, and prescription lidocaine patches. 

>>>Obviously I hit the wrong thread with that last post lol<<<


no way dude

test pressings are some of the best medicine


Good point ^^^

And oh yea baby that's the spot definitely seemed to reinforce the idea of healing and pain relief.

> gapapentin<

they perscibed it for my restless leg thing at night. i don't like taking pharmies so stopped. your story makes me wary mike

Turtle, I was lit up with nerve pain from my neck down to the fingertips of my left hand for about a month, and nothing else was helping, but within 90 minutes of my first dose of gabapentin, the pain was erased, so it was truly miraculous at first. But my pain doc at the time never mentioned how addictive it was, and the time I tried to kick it unassisted I got about as dope sick as you can get. I'm down from 900 mg a day to 600 right now, and hoping that in a few more weeks I can get on something new that works and isn't so gnarly in terms of addictiveness and side effects.

>>>But my pain doc at the time never mentioned how addictive it was, ....

Did you ask him why he never mentioned this? Seems like a serious, possibly even intentional, error in patient care. 

No, he didn't, joe, and what I was told by an attorney friend of mine, is that 1) it's a he said/he said thing, and 2) I took action without consulting the doc. My bad, in other words. Lesson learned.

I'm a stubborn fuck who doesn't trust Western pill pushers. And as we all witnessed from the late '90s and 00's with many unscrupulous pain docs.....just follow the money. Sorry to read he did that to you, but pain relief is pain relief.  Continuous pain can drive a person mad. I get it.

I was on the gaba hamster wheel for restless legs too, was up to 1200 mg/day, started at 200. What was happening was as I got addicted it would poop out, so they would raise the dose. Poop out  -> raise dose, poop out -> raise dose. I started going thru withdrawals before my next dose was due and that actually made the restless legs worse and worse, so they wanted to keep on upping the dose. Got off of the gaba with some good indica MMJ, no leg issues since, and got off of all scripts completely. Kinda. Still use MMJ, it's effective and fun too. California sober so they say.

^Outstanding!!! Santa Maria success story right there!!! :)

My"doc" tried to get me on that gabapentin crap about 10 yrs ago. I forget what for. I did my research, and said no thanks.

But I was not in debilitating pain. Sometimes relief is worth the consequences.

I've had restless leg syndrome / periodic limb movement disorders for 30 years.  Parkinsons meds will work for me, Gabapentin ain't worth a crap.  But the Oregon health plan won't pay for the Parkinsons meds since I don't have Parks...   my doc petitioned and they eventually put me on Pramipexole Dihydrochloride.  But the problem is that they only work for several months, then taking them induces the symptoms (augmentation and rebounding).  So I dropped the Prami and they gave me the Gabapentin, like I said, did nothing, but after a few weeks (and kicking from midnight to 8 am, non stop, destroying sheets, etc), I started taking the Prami again, since my system was cleaned out, it worked again!!!  (Back when I had real insurance, i'd rotate between Sinemet and Mirapex and another i'm blanking, a few months each).  

Meanwhile, we just did a trip to the Oregon Coast, and my friend forgot his dog meds.  In the state of Oregon, the law doesn't allow your vet to call in a prescription for your doggy drugs, you need a fresh exam to get anything (w/ humans, you can phone in a prescription anywhere you'd like, apparently not with animals!!!).  After several hours of futility trying to solve the problem, his Vet suggested a human drug substitute, Gabapenton, for his pooch.  Sure enough, I had some in my magic back of big pharma trix!!!  His dog is very old w/ nerve issues, and the Gaba saved the day...  now I feel like a doggy drug pusher, LOL!!!

And now, a meme so I can bookmark where I am in the conversation, LOL.  


^^^^And now, a meme so I can bookmark where I am in the conversation, LOL

now this guy knows how to zone

y'all don't RSO

You mean Cannabis Oil TOD? FECO?   Don't call it rso. Simpson uses petroleum products for extractions.

mark, i'm talking about extraction using grain alcohol, no petro products

highly useful for pain

Mark is saying that's not what RSO is

RSO uses Naptha. Paint thinner.

might as well get started punching your liver now.

TOD, what you are talking about is FECO(Full extract Cannabis oil). Alcohol extractions are the way to go for medicinal use. It grabs all the beneficial substances in the plant and they all work together. And isn't poisonous. Not so with pet products.

Carry on.