Trump Struggles Badly...

Yeah he's a real piece of shit, and if he keeps going on the path he's on now, will likely incite civil war in the US.

you heard it hear first

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Snowden: You've heard of the Nuremberg Trials, Trev? They weren't that long ago.

Trevor: Yeah. And we hung the Nazi big shots, didn't we? So?

Snowden: That was the first trial. The next one was guards, lawyers, policemen, judges. People who were just following orders. That's how we got the Nuremberg principles, which the U.N. made into international law ... in case ordinary jobs become criminal again.

>>>>>if he keeps going on the path he's on now, will likely incite civil war in the US.

Or WWIII - take your pick.

He really is not doing so well right out of the gate....act like a president at least.....jeeezzz

He really is not doing so well right out of the gate....act like a president at least.....jeeezzz<<<<

It might sound highly partisan and almost "too simplistic", but I suspect he doesn't have a clue to what's really involved in being POTUS

He will ultimately lose the popularity contest & invariably retreat inward to what he does "know" (running his "interests" like a mobster) & continue to neglect the bigger picture ... fueling a vicious circle.  However, the vicious circle will be like a ratchet ... and it'll keep upping the stakes until he "crosses the line" ... at which point, all bets are off re: what he might do.  Hopefully, there will be a hero(s) on the front lines down the food chain from Trump who will refuse to carry out orders from above.

The sad part of all of this is how my post will be construed as partisan at the current time, and those who do so will only realize the error of their knee jerk partisanship when it's too late and the critical mass being too difficult to contain.

He really is not doing so well right out of the gate....act like a president at least.....jeeezzz<<<<

It might sound highly partisan and almost "too simplistic", but I suspect he doesn't have a clue to what's really involved in being POTUS

He will ultimately lose the popularity contest & invariably retreat inward to what he does "know" (running his "interests" like a mobster) & continue to neglect the bigger picture ... fueling a vicious circle.  However, the vicious circle will be like a ratchet ... and it'll keep upping the stakes until he "crosses the line" ... at which point, all bets are off re: what he might do.  Hopefully, there will be a hero(s) on the front lines down the food chain from Trump who will refuse to carry out orders from above.

The sad part of all of this is how my post will be construed as partisan at the current time, and those who do so will only realize the error of their knee jerk partisanship when it's too late and the critical mass being too difficult to contain.

I honestly think he has no clue what a president is

"Give him a chance..."

We have no choice.....just tighten up his game, no one cares about inauguration attendance and the zillion women march disguised as a We hate trump rally

No, but we do care about him abolishing the EPA, public education, setting the stage for drastic voter restriction disguised as illegal voters, a press secretary and key aide who engage in alternative facts, threaten to restrict the press access. Need I go on?

Reich: Trump's Infrastructure Scam

Don't be fooled; it's nothing more than a huge tax giveaway for the rich.

By Robert Reich /

January 24, 2017

Our country is in dire need of massive investments in infrastructure, but what Donald Trump is proposing is nothing more than a huge tax giveaway for the rich.

1. It’s a giant public subsidy to developers and investors. Rather than taxing the wealthy and then using the money to fix our dangerously outdated roads, bridges, airports and water systems, Trump wants to give rich developers and Wall Street investors tax credits to encourage them to do it. That means that for every dollar they put into a project, they’d actually pay only 18 cents and we would contribute the other 82 cents through our tax dollars. 

2. We’d be turning over public roads and bridges to private corporations who will charge us expensive tolls and earn big profits. These tolls will be set high in order to satisfy the profit margins demanded by elite Wall Street investors. So—essentially—we pay twice—once when we subsidize the developers and investors with our tax dollars, and then secondly when we pay the tolls and user fees that also go into their pockets. 

3. We get the wrong kind of infrastructure. Projects that will be most attractive to Wall Street investors are those whose tolls and fees bring in the biggest bucks—giant mega-projects like major new throughways and new bridges. Not the thousands of smaller bridges, airports, pipes, and water treatment facilities most in need of repair. Not the needs of rural communities and smaller cities and towns too small to generate the tolls and other user fees equity investors want. Not clean energy. 

To really make America great again we need more and better infrastructure that’s for the public—not for big developers and investors. And the only way we get that is if corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.

Save us, El Chapo!

The WH just put out a press release.

The news?

People liked President Littlefinger:


All he's really done is silence the EPA and National Park Service(!) for week,  and piss off a few hundred million Americans.

That press release sounds like something from North Korea to me.