Skeleton Krewe 1-26-25 Chapel SF (Sless content)

No Wally?

It will still be worth the effort to attend....



Rob Barraco/Barry Sless/Stephen Inglis/Pete Sears/Jay Lane




Thanks for the heads up, WALSTIB! Skeleton Krewe sounds great! Gonna try to catch 'em in Newton Theatre (NJ). 


I played parts of The Chapel show during my Radio Show last night: Love those Hunter/Barraco Tunes...


I think the band is only billed as a trio back East. A shame. That could be a lot of "waaaaaaaaang" slide sounds between pedal steel and Hawaii guitar.

We will pick up tix anyway when we're at the Hot Tuna show this week at the same venue SK is booked at a couple weeks from now. 

Skeleton Krewe Trio ft. Rob Barraco (Dark Star), Stephen Inglis, and Barry Sless  Capacity around 150, $22.00       Stanley Jordan tonight $25.00

10 shows in 11 days so far...

Saw the trio last night at a small sit down "dinner-club" type venue.

These guys are all superb musicians on their own and gelled quite nicely as a trio (other East coast dates added Barraco's drummer son and the DSO bass player -- west coast will add Sears and Jay Lane). 

This was a hometown show for Sless (Annapolis is just outside Baltimore) and many folks seemed to be there mainly for him.

However, Baracco could have appeared to be the band leader, as he was in the spotlight a little more than the others (especially when he performed several songs he wrote with Robert Hunter) and talked the most.

They played some Hawaiian stuff, some originals and a few Dead tunes. That guy Inglis has a really good voice for the Jerry ballads such as So Many Roads and Days Between? (I forget).

The first ser was slow and almost boring, but it picked up intensity in the second set. It was still a pretty mellow presentation throughout -- no blistering guitars or anything. Just tight musicianship.

All in all a good date night show for boomers who want to sit and listen.

a few quick cell phone shots:






I saw the Quintet Saturday night.  They were great. It was like the Rob Barroco Band.  Nothings wrong with that. 
Love the Brooklyn Bowl when they undersell the venue.  The opposite sucks there. 
Turn Sless up!

>It was like the Rob Barroco Band. <

^ I got that impression too throughout the show and my wandering-aimlessly mind thought, "I wonder if the other guys are cool with that?", as the band is presented as a trio of equals. At some point Rob "admitted" he's been stuck playing Grateful Dead music for 20 years and it was about time he had the opportunity to play his originals. (He also told the story of when he was playing in Phil and Friends, he accidentally knocked over Bob Dylan in a hallway that he wasn't supposed to be in and kept going.)

Thanks for the pics Alan, I can see my inlaws in one of them, it was their 67th wedding anniversary.

The beautiful lady at the middle table with the long grey hair is Kate Bennet who played with Barry in the Cowboy Jazz band

Bill, that's funny because I noticed that woman immediately (my wife has similar hair) as we were also in our seats on the the early side, and I thought to myself "she kinda looks like Donna Jean." (And coincidentally, the guy next to her looked sorta like Joe Russo.) 

I had no idea she was Kate -- wonderful musician and vocalist. We used to be regular patrons of No Fish Today when Cowboy Jazz played. I don't think I've seen her in 30? years.