Skeleton Krewe 1-26-25 Chapel SF (Sless content)

No Wally?

It will still be worth the effort to attend....



Rob Barraco/Barry Sless/Stephen Inglis/Pete Sears/Jay Lane




Thanks for the heads up, WALSTIB! Skeleton Krewe sounds great! Gonna try to catch 'em in Newton Theatre (NJ). 


I played parts of The Chapel show during my Radio Show last night: Love those Hunter/Barraco Tunes...


I think the band is only billed as a trio back East. A shame. That could be a lot of "waaaaaaaaang" slide sounds between pedal steel and Hawaii guitar.

We will pick up tix anyway when we're at the Hot Tuna show this week at the same venue SK is booked at a couple weeks from now. 

Skeleton Krewe Trio ft. Rob Barraco (Dark Star), Stephen Inglis, and Barry Sless  Capacity around 150, $22.00       Stanley Jordan tonight $25.00

10 shows in 11 days so far...