Hail to the Chief


Don't mess this up, Joe. We're counting on you.

If you're a single man over 50 living in CA then tonight will be the easiest night to get laid in your entire life. Just walk out to the grocery store with your Biden/ Harris t shirt. Don't fuck it up and good luck.

Why, is Melania gonna be in Cali tonight?

Timpane, I bet you can tape a $ 1,000.00 bill to your forehead tonight, and you will still come up dry. 




Legalize It Yeah! Yeah!

Does president Kamala like being called "Chief" ??

I'm married and don't have to worry about trying to score anymore. The old burnt out viva trolls are still at it, I see. Glad to see your internet hate still consumes you. 

Yea she does!

hey tinpan -  lighten up nancy,  making fun of morons never goes out of style

Note left for Biden:

Trump Note.jpg

Ras- your jokes suck. Happy trolling to you and your cronies in 2021. I'm sure you're all real proud of your false internet personalities

>> I'm married and don't have to worry about trying to score anymore <<

You mighty want to try a little harder. Apathy can kill any "good" relationship, and quickly. Maybe act like you're still courting her.

- Advice from 50+ Zoner

Timpane, no persona here and I would tell my friends the same thing if they spouted off with the same bullshit you stated 


so women are going to be just dropping there pants in Cali, because Biden won?, a lot of respect there for the better gender

act like a dick and expect to be treated like a dick, but

keep playing the victim

Didn't really mean it like that. I don't have to do the whole "dating" thing anymore is all. I do my best to stay good to the wife and give her love but I hear what you're saying, Ned. Thanks for tip

Not really sure what you're talking about, Fabez. You came into the thread with some hate and are still on it for whatever reason. Not sure why. 

No I came in with a pretty funny joke, imo


i apologize if It hurt your feelings 

TImpane, I know you're obsessed with geezers, but I didn't realize that extended to our sex lives too.

I'm sure everybody thinks you're super cool now, guy. 

>>>geezers>>> sex lives>>>>

If you're old and still have a sex life then congrats. Seriously, that's fucking awesome. Not sure 50 year olds are really geezers though.

When I was in my 20-30s, I was amazed at all the tail the 50 n up crowd was getting so I can understand your bitterness towards those of us who have reached our prime.  Now I'm here so can tell ya it's all true... don't be a hater just cuz ya ain't here yet, with a bit of luck perhaps you will too. Just stay in shape 

Like I said, if you're doing well with your sex life at an older age that's great. More power to you. No hate for ya. May many more come your way 

> Not sure 50 year olds are really geezers though.

So what's the threshold of geezerhood in your opinion? I'm 60 if it matters.

If I get over 80 I'm fine with being called a "geezer" by then.  Not sure what the exact requirements would be for geezer hood though

So Biden's not a geezer? He's 78.

I really don't care. What do you think, Mike? Yay or nay?

I'm 60 and I would love to be called an old geezer, but I look too young 

side note -  I hope to go out banging, heart attack mid nut 

already instructed the wife to ride it out, cremate me and throw the ashes in the Nimmislla Creek in Ohio where I was born, so they can make there way to the Gulf of Mexico and the Florida Coastline, where I intend to die. 

Speaking of geezer sex, when's the last time Melania spread her legs for Don? The day she got preggers with Baron?

stop calling me Chief

Actually, it's funny. The time I went w/ Timpane to see NRPS way back when, chicks were hitting on him. So I suppose he is a good-looking guy,  or charismatic or something.

Maybe they were choosing the lesser of two evils 



Or charismatic or "something "

when standing next to you?



are you sure they were "chicks"

I was just going to say when I seen nrps there may of been 4 women at the show and one had a beard 

I'm guessing that it was back when he was partying, and he was the dude with a big bag of blow. Charisma...

That was a cool show, Stu. Back in the days when zoners actually met up at shows instead of having a political jerk off and troll sessions on this site all day.


There's a not so subtle irony about you talking about trolling, Timpy.

Hey, Bk. Fuck off.


What I posted was just my observation,  not a theory or projection.  NRPS show was just fine, and it happened in Philadelphia, where (at the time) Women went out to see Live Music and have fun.

So it's a bit different compared to Northern Manitoba where the Women have beards and Muk-Luks.


It's truth, though, seeing as how all you did for however many years was troll. Own it, kid. You can even use the excuse that you don't remember or that you were in a different mindset due to substance abuse. 

Dating in your 50s (during a pandemic) is quite interesting. I think you'll do OK, Timpy.

That said, I think I found a keeper :)