Phil & Friends @ the Capitol Theatre, Oct 29, 2021


Phil returns for the final 3 days of Rocktober, Philoween is on!!!  

Phil Lesh and Friends  

Featuring Nicki Bluhm, Larry Campbell, Griffin Goldsmith, Taylor Goldsmith, Grahame Lesh, Trevor Menear, Lee Pardini, M.C. Taylor, Teresa Williams
(this is the billing for the weekend, can't remember if some are on specific days, etc, derp)

Friday Oct 29, 2021 @ the Cap in NY

Showtime ~ 8pm ET 


Official Stream ($)

Possible fan stream;



Well what a pisser, flt delays and screwups mean I'll miss the show tonight.  Currently stuck at O'Hare.  At least I was able to miracle someone my ticket.

For any Zoners already in PC, I've got a fire pit in backyard and good spot for post-show hangout... find me at show for address... it's just off Westchester Ave, about 15 May n walk from CAP.

The other guy in the neighboring AirBnB also has crash space if anyone can't drive home. ... he's going to the show, too. 

...oops 15 minute walk

Sounds like maybe you're staying at the same place I did last week LLOLLO. Dead swag everywhere, real comfy beds, nice leather couches? I won't blow up your spot or anything, but if it's the same place it was pretty nice other than the trudge up the front stairs. 



I do have something to share with the group, I held tickets to the makeup date in March of 20 that was cancelled. Was refunded to my CC at the time so no need to worry about compensation, but lo and behold today a pair for GA pit at the Cap tonight appeared in my online wallet. No idea if they'll work or not, but if someone is in town and wants to give it a go I would gladly pass them along. Shoot me an email at my address associated with this account and I'll send you screenshots. 

Ope. I guess they're not listing emails in profile any more, first time stamp to gets them. 

No warranty express or implied, may work, may not but worth a shot IMO. 

Yep Drew sounds like same spot... on Monroe... my email is in profile if anyone needs it!

I'll be in da house..any pregame meetup planned?

Hey Drew, you can add your email address to your profile by clicking on Edit Profile on the left side of this (or any) page.

Just signed up for the stream.


Nice offer Drew.

Email in profile, thanks Judit. Was really hoping someone was going to be able to give these things a run. Could make a fun story. Hope everyone in PC and elsewhere has a great night. 

Set 1

Very sweet offer, Drew. Hope someone can make good use of it.

Busy stage. 8-9 players?

PHIL and Band ! Sounding and Looking Great !yessmileycool !!

if I Was There I Would Be Dancing and Swirling !

Where's Larry Campbell?

I listed off the band members for the weekend, not any particular show (can't remember who's when)

Set 1
Truckin' >

Saw a good Friend of Mine Today - Hooked Up With Fresh Homegrown PURPLE BUD ! i am Beyond Stoked yes

Phil-o-Ween’s stacked roster features Nicki Bluhm, Larry Campbell (October 31), members of Dawes including guitarists Taylor Goldsmith and Trevor Menear, drummer Griffin Goldsmith and keyboardist Lee Pardini, Phil’s son and our dear friend Grahame Lesh, M.C. Taylor of Hiss Golden Messenger (October 29-30), and Teresa Williams (October 31).

Your work around here is spotless Druba!

I thought I read LC on fanslive...



I'm also getting into the eds tonight. 

Tonight's lineup, I think:

From stage right to left:

Lee Pardini, Grahame Lesh, Taylor Goldsmith, Griffin Goldsmith, Niicki Bluhm, Phil, MC Taylor, Trevor Menear

Didn't the Dawes guys play with Phil at one of the recent CO shows?

Set 1
Truckin' >
Friend of the Devil 

Phil with the Dawes at TXR before Covid shutdown in 2020

and Brooklyn Bowl 2 months ago

Ah, the Nashville shows. I knew I saw them play with Phil recently. Thanks, Noodler.

Set 1
Truckin' >
Friend of the Devil 
Brown Eyed Women







Set 1
Truckin' >
Friend of the Devil 
Brown Eyed Women
Easy Wind

So far I think they played all of these songs at the Nashville shows.


Phil is so magnificent 

A phenomal Loser! 
set list is correct 

a very wild day in the planets....

Guess I got here at setbreak /:

My wsp loving man got to the computer first lol d'oh

Hammer I was looking for you and or Blue at the Q

Fantabulous LLO !!!!!

Also super bummed for you, China Rider 

Phil's totally gonna make it up to you

heartWe've listened to Tues Q like 10 times...


                                                     So glad you got to go jlp!heart

Set 2
Help on the Way

Set 2
Help on the Way >
Slipknot! >
Box of Rain >
Wharf Rat

Franklins Tower

Estimated Prophet

Cold Rain and Snow


Phil is super energetic and beaming tonight!



Please exchange hugs for me ! <3<3<3

Phil Lesh and Friends

Friday Oct 29, 2021 @ the Cap in NY

featuring Lee Pardini, Grahame Lesh, Taylor Goldsmith, Griffin Goldsmith, Niicki Bluhm, MC Taylor, Trevor Menear

Set 1
Truckin' >
Friend of the Devil 
Brown Eyed Women
Easy Wind

Set 2
Help on the Way >
Slipknot! >
Box of Rain >
Wharf Rat >
Franklins Tower
Estimated Prophet >
Cold Rain and Snow >

Donor Rap
Casey Jones


def will catch phil tomorrow night

even if hubby is relegated to wsp on his phone


Hot dangs. That was sweet and tasty.

I've always found the Dawes crew to be a bit boring but they sure can play. MC Taylor also adds a nice element. Would love to hear them do a Hiss Golden Messenger tune before the run is done.


hey someone need a miracle tonight? Email me at

Looks like TGutt is gonna grab it

Right On!

Ty Zonnahs It'll be nice to do a fly bye tonight before bringing Mom tomorrow and cant ever get too Full from Phil,right?

At McShane's now, Garcia's 6:30
